/*jshint -W030*/ /** * @ngdoc directive * @name custom-control * @requires Attr2Options * @requires $compile * @description * Build custom control and set to the map with position * * Requires: map directive * * Restrict To: Element * * @param {String} position position of this control * i.e. TOP_RIGHT * @param {Number} index index of the control * @example * * Example: * * *
* Home *
* */ /*jshint -W089*/ ngMap.directive('customControl', ['Attr2Options', '$compile', function(Attr2Options, $compile) { var parser = Attr2Options; return { restrict: 'E', require: '^map', link: function(scope, element, attrs, mapController) { element.css('display','none'); var orgAttrs = parser.orgAttributes(element); var filtered = parser.filter(attrs); var options = parser.getOptions(filtered, scope); var events = parser.getEvents(scope, filtered); console.log("custom-control options", options, "events", events); /** * build a custom control element */ var compiled = $compile(element.html().trim())(scope); var customControlEl = compiled[0]; /** * set events */ for (var eventName in events) { google.maps.event.addDomListener(customControlEl, eventName, events[eventName]); } mapController.addObject('customControls', customControlEl); scope.$on('mapInitialized', function(evt, map) { var position = options.position; map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition[position]].push(customControlEl); }); } //link }; // return }]);// function