config.router.js 143 KB

  1. 'use strict';
  2. /**
  3. * Config for the router
  4. */
  5. app.config(['$authProvider', '$httpProvider', '$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', '$controllerProvider', '$compileProvider', '$filterProvider', '$provide', '$ocLazyLoadProvider', 'JS_REQUIRES',
  6. function ($authProvider, $httpProvider, $stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $controllerProvider, $compileProvider, $filterProvider, $provide, $ocLazyLoadProvider, jsRequires) {
  7. $httpProvider.interceptors.push([
  8. '$injector',
  9. function ($injector) {
  10. return {
  11. request: function (req) {
  12. $injector.invoke([
  13. '$http',
  14. function ($http) {
  15. // console.log(req);
  16. }
  17. ]);
  18. return req;
  19. },
  20. response: function (resp) {
  21. $injector.invoke([
  22. '$http','$state',
  23. function ($http,$state) {}
  24. ]);
  25. return resp;
  26. },
  27. responseError: function (resp) {
  28. $injector.invoke([
  29. '$http',
  30. '$state',
  31. function ($http,$state) {
  32. if(resp.status == 444 && window.location.hash !== '#/login/signin'){
  33. $state.go('login.signin');
  34. }
  35. }
  36. ]);
  37. return $injector.get('$q').reject(resp);
  38. }
  39. };
  40. }
  41. ]);
  42. //$authProvider,
  43. app.controller = $controllerProvider.register;
  44. app.directive = $compileProvider.directive;
  45. app.filter = $filterProvider.register;
  46. app.factory = $provide.factory;
  47. app.service = $provide.service;
  48. app.constant = $provide.constant;
  49. app.value = $provide.value;
  50. $authProvider.configure({
  51. // apiUrl: '',
  52. // apiUrl: 'http://localhost/service',//本地
  53. // apiUrl: '', //101
  54. apiUrl: 'http://' + + '/service', //139
  55. // tokenValidationPath: '/auth/validate_token',
  56. signOutUrl: '/auth/logout2',
  57. emailSignInPath: '/auth/loginEncrypt',
  58. // confirmationSuccessUrl: window.location.href,
  59. // passwordResetPath: '/auth/password',
  60. // passwordUpdatePath: '/auth/password',
  61. // passwordResetSuccessUrl: window.location.href,
  62. storage: 'cookies',
  63. forceValidateToken: true,
  64. validateOnPageLoad: true,
  65. // authProviderPaths: {
  66. // local: '/auth/login'
  67. // },
  68. // tokenFormat: {
  69. // "access-token": "{{ token }}",
  70. // // client: "{{ clientId }}",
  71. // expiry: "{{ expiry }}"
  72. // // uid: "{{ uid }}"
  73. // },
  74. cookieOps: {
  75. // path: "/",
  76. expires: 9999,
  77. expirationUnit: 'seconds',
  78. // secure: false,
  79. // domain: ''
  80. },
  81. // handleLoginResponse: function(response, authscope) {
  82. // var authData = {
  83. // };
  84. // // console.log(response);
  85. // // console.log(authscope);
  86. // // if(response.sessionId==null){
  87. // // authData.error = 400;
  88. // // }else{
  89. // =;
  90. // authData = {
  91. // auth_token: 123456,
  92. // // client_id: 1,
  93. // expiry:
  94. // // uid:
  95. // };
  96. // angular.extend(authData,;
  97. // return authData;
  98. // // }
  99. // // return authData;
  100. // },
  101. parseExpiry: function (headers) {
  102. // convert from UTC ruby (seconds) to UTC js (milliseconds)
  103. return 1e3 * parseInt(headers['expiry'], 10) || null
  104. },
  105. handleLoginResponse: function (response, authscope) {
  106. // console.log(response);
  107. var authData = {
  108. };
  109. var heads = authscope.retrieveData("auth_headers")
  110. if (response.state == "201") {
  111. if (! {
  112. = {};
  113. }
  114. =;
  115. // authData = {
  116. // auth_token: heads['access-token'],
  117. // expiry: heads['expiry']
  118. // };
  119. // if ( {
  120. // $rootScope.start(;
  121. // }
  122. angular.extend(authData,;
  123. // return authData;
  124. } else if (response.state == "200") {
  125. if (! {
  126. = {};
  127. }
  128. =;
  129. // authData = {
  130. // auth_token: heads['access-token'],
  131. // expiry: heads['expiry']
  132. // };
  133. angular.extend(authData,;
  134. // return authData;
  135. } else if (response.state == "500") {
  136. authData.error = 500;
  137. } else {
  138. authData.error = 400;
  139. }
  140. // }
  141. return authData;
  142. },
  143. handleAccountUpdateResponse: function (response) {
  144. return response;
  145. },
  146. handleTokenValidationResponse: function (response) {
  147. var authData = {
  148. };
  149. if (response.state == 200) {
  150. if (! {
  151. = {};
  152. }
  153.['menu'] =;
  154. // if ( {
  155. // $rootScope.start(;
  156. // }
  157. // sessionStorage.userdata = JSON.stringify(;
  158. angular.extend(authData,;
  159. } else {
  160. authData.error = 501;
  161. }
  162. return authData;
  163. }
  164. });
  165. // LAZY MODULES
  166. $ocLazyLoadProvider.config({
  167. debug: false,
  168. events: true,
  169. modules: jsRequires.modules
  170. });
  172. // -----------------------------------
  173. // if (!$httpProvider.defaults.headers.get) {
  174. // $httpProvider.defaults.headers.get = {};
  175. // }
  176. // $httpProvider.defaults.headers.common["X-Requested-with"] = 'XMLHttpRequest';
  177. // $httpProvider.defaults.headers.get['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache';
  178. // $httpProvider.defaults.headers.get['Pragma'] = 'no-cache';
  179. // For any unmatched url, redirect to /app/dashboard
  180. // $urlRouterProvider.otherwise("/app/knowledge/forum");
  181. $urlRouterProvider.otherwise("/login/signin");
  182. //
  183. // Set up the states
  184. $stateProvider.state('app', {
  185. url: "/app",
  186. templateUrl: "assets/views/app.html",
  187. resolve: loadSequence('modernizr', 'moment', 'angularMoment', 'uiSwitch', 'perfect-scrollbar-plugin', 'toaster', 'ngAside', 'vAccordion', 'sweet-alert', 'chartjs', 'tc.chartjs', 'oitozero.ngSweetAlert', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'chatCtrl'),
  188. abstract: true
  189. // }).state('app.dashboard', {
  190. // url: "/dashboard{userinform}",
  191. // templateUrl: "assets/views/dashboard/newdash.html",
  192. // resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ng-nestable', 'ngTable', 'ckeditor', 'jquery-sparkline', 'sortable', 'ui.mask', 'api-check', 'formly', 'moment', 'mwl.calendar', 'angularFormly', 'customformCtrl', 'newdashCtrl'),
  193. // title: 'dashboard.MAIN',
  194. // ncyBreadcrumb: {
  195. // label: 'Dashboard'
  196. // }
  197. }).state('app.dashboard', {
  198. url: "/dashboard{userinform}",
  199. templateUrl: "assets/views/dashboard/newdash.html",
  200. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ng-nestable', 'ngTable', 'ckeditor', 'jquery-sparkline', 'sortable', 'ui.mask', 'api-check', 'formly', 'moment', 'mwl.calendar', 'calendarCtrl', 'angularFormly', 'customformCtrl', 'newdashCtrl'),
  201. title: 'dashboard.MAIN',
  202. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  203. label: 'Dashboard'
  204. }
  205. })
  206. .state('app.newOrder', {
  207. url: "/newOrder",
  208. templateUrl: "assets/views/newOrder.html",
  209. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'newOrderCtrl'),
  210. title: 'dashboard.MAIN',
  211. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  212. label: 'Dashboard'
  213. }
  214. })
  215. .state('app.D3new', {
  216. url: "/D3new",
  217. templateUrl: "assets/views/means/D3new.html",
  218. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'D3a', 'D3new'),
  219. title: 'dashboard.MAIN',
  220. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  221. label: 'Dashboard'
  222. }
  223. })
  224. .state('childpape', {
  225. url: '/childpape/{starttime}/{endtime}/{model}',
  226. templateUrl: "assets/views/report/childpape.html",
  227. resolve: loadSequence('modernizr', 'moment', 'angularMoment', 'ui.grid', 'uiSwitch', 'perfect-scrollbar-plugin', 'toaster', 'ngAside', 'vAccordion', 'sweet-alert', 'chartjs', 'tc.chartjs', 'oitozero.ngSweetAlert', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'childpapeCtrl'),
  228. title: 'report.LISTDesc',
  229. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  230. label: 'Report View'
  231. }
  232. })
  233. .state('cmdbmap', {
  234. url: "/cmdbmap",
  235. templateUrl: "assets/views/means/D3two.html",
  236. resolve: loadSequence('modernizr', 'moment', 'angularMoment', 'ui.grid', 'uiSwitch', 'perfect-scrollbar-plugin', 'toaster', 'ngAside', 'vAccordion', 'sweet-alert', 'chartjs', 'tc.chartjs', 'oitozero.ngSweetAlert', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'D3a', 'D3new'),
  237. title: 'dashboard.MAIN',
  238. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  239. label: 'Dashboard'
  240. }
  241. }).state('cmdbcontrast', {
  242. url: '/cmdbcontrast/{model}',
  243. templateUrl: "assets/views/means/cmdbcontrast.html",
  244. resolve: loadSequence('modernizr', 'moment', 'angularMoment', 'uiSwitch', 'perfect-scrollbar-plugin', 'toaster', 'ngAside', 'vAccordion', 'sweet-alert', 'chartjs', 'tc.chartjs', 'oitozero.ngSweetAlert', 'jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'Timeline', 'cmdbcontrastCtrl'),
  245. title: 'means.LIST',
  246. pdKey: 'applicationForm',
  247. icon: 'ti-list',
  248. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  249. label: 'means list'
  250. }
  251. }).state('dashlefttop', {
  252. url: "/dashlefttop",
  253. templateUrl: "assets/views/dashboard/tpl/largedashboard/dash-lefttop.html",
  254. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'spin', 'ladda', 'largedashboardCtrl'),
  255. title: 'dashboard.MAIN',
  256. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  257. label: 'Dashboard'
  258. }
  259. })
  260. .state('dashleftbottom', {
  261. url: "/dashleftbottom",
  262. templateUrl: "assets/views/dashboard/tpl/largedashboard/dash-leftbottom.html",
  263. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.mask', 'largedashboardCtrl'),
  264. title: 'dashboard.MAIN',
  265. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  266. label: 'Dashboard'
  267. }
  268. }).state('dashrighttop', {
  269. url: "/dashrighttop",
  270. templateUrl: "assets/views/dashboard/tpl/largedashboard/dash-righttop.html",
  271. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'moment', 'ladda', 'charts', 'nodatachart', 'chartthree', 'largedashboardCtrl'),
  272. title: 'dashboard.MAIN',
  273. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  274. label: 'Dashboard'
  275. }
  276. }).state('dashrightbottom', {
  277. url: "/dashrightbottom",
  278. templateUrl: "assets/views/dashboard/tpl/largedashboard/dash-rightbottom.html",
  279. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'spin', 'moment', 'ladda', 'charts', 'chartthree', 'largedashboardCtrl'),
  280. title: 'dashboard.MAIN',
  281. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  282. label: 'Dashboard'
  283. }
  284. }).state('app.desk', {
  285. url: '/desk',
  286. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  287. title: 'desk',
  288. // pdKey: 'bpm_incident',
  289. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  290. label: 'desk'
  291. }
  292. // 告警转工单列表
  293. }).state('app.desk.jry_emergency', {
  294. url: '/jry_emergency',
  295. templateUrl: "assets/views/desk/jry_emergency.html",
  296. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'jry_emergencyCtrl'),
  297. title: 'chart.LIST',
  298. // pdKey: 'bpm_incident',
  299. icon: 'ti-list',
  300. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  301. label: 'chart'
  302. }
  303. }).state('app.desk.chart', {
  304. url: '/chart/:tab',
  305. templateUrl: "assets/views/desk/chart.html",
  306. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'chartCtrl'),
  307. // resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'moment', 'mwl.calendar', 'ui.grid', 'chartCtrl'),
  308. title: 'chart.LIST',
  309. // pdKey: 'bpm_incident',
  310. icon: 'ti-list',
  311. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  312. label: 'chart'
  313. }
  314. }).state('app.desk.record', {
  315. url: '/record',
  316. templateUrl: "assets/views/desk/record.html",
  317. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'recordCtrl'),
  318. title: 'record.LIST',
  319. // pdKey: 'bpm_incident',
  320. icon: 'fa-tint',
  321. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  322. label: 'new watch'
  323. }
  324. }).state('app.desk.calllog', {
  325. url: '/calllog',
  326. templateUrl: "assets/views/desk/calllog.html",
  327. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'calllogCtrl'),
  328. title: 'record.LIST',
  329. // pdKey: 'bpm_incident',
  330. icon: 'fa-tint',
  331. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  332. label: 'new watch'
  333. }
  334. }).state('app.desk.detail', {
  335. url: '/detail/{model}',
  336. templateUrl: "assets/views/desk/jry_wxDetail.html",
  337. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'jry_wxDetailCtrl'),
  338. title: 'record.LIST',
  339. // pdKey: 'bpm_incident',
  340. icon: 'fa-tint',
  341. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  342. label: 'new watch'
  343. }
  344. }).state('app.desk.form_editor', {
  345. url: '/form_editor/{formKey}/{service}/{model}',
  346. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/tpl/detail.html",
  347. title: 'ui-form',
  348. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'chartCtrl', 'customformCtrl', 'sysformCtrl'),
  349. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  350. label: 'ui-form'
  351. }
  352. }).state('app.file', {
  353. url: '/file',
  354. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  355. title: 'file',
  356. pdKey: 'bpm_file',
  357. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  358. label: 'File'
  359. }
  360. // 文档管理
  361. }).state('app.file.manage', {
  362. url: '/list',
  363. templateUrl: "assets/views/file/list.html",
  364. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'jry_fileCtrl'),
  365. // resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'jry_fileCtrl'),
  366. title: 'incident.LIST',
  367. pdKey: 'bpm_file',
  368. icon: 'ti-list',
  369. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  370. label: 'file list'
  371. }
  372. // 索引管理
  373. }).state('app.file.indexes', {
  374. url: '/indexes',
  375. templateUrl: "assets/views/file/indexes.html",
  376. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'jry_indexesCtrl'),
  377. title: 'incident.LIST',
  378. pdKey: 'bpm_file',
  379. icon: 'ti-list',
  380. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  381. label: 'file list'
  382. }
  383. // 引入文件
  384. }).state('app.file.open_indexes', {
  385. url: '/indexes/{fileMessage}',
  386. templateUrl: "assets/views/file/open_indexes.html",
  387. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'jry_open_indexesCtrl'),
  388. title: 'incident.LIST',
  389. pdKey: 'bpm_file',
  390. icon: 'ti-list',
  391. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  392. label: 'file list'
  393. }
  394. //任务管理--jry
  395. }).state('app.task', {
  396. url: '/task',
  397. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  398. title: 'task',
  399. pdKey: 'bpm_task',
  400. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  401. label: 'Task'
  402. }
  403. // 新建任务
  404. }).state('app.task.newTask', {
  405. url: '/newTask',
  406. templateUrl: "assets/views/task/taskForm.html",
  407. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'customformCtrl', 'taskFormCtr'),
  408. title: 'knowledge.NEW',
  409. icon: 'fa-tint',
  410. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  411. label: 'new knowledge'
  412. }
  413. //上下班管理
  414. }).state('app.working', {
  415. url: '/working',
  416. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  417. title: 'working',
  418. pdKey: 'bpm_working',
  419. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  420. label: 'working'
  421. }
  422. // 上下班管理
  423. }).state('app.working.manage', {
  424. url: '/manage',
  425. templateUrl: "assets/views/working/manage.html",
  426. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'angularTree', 'customformCtrl', 'workingFormCtr'),
  427. title: 'working.manage',
  428. icon: 'fa-tint',
  429. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  430. label: 'working.manage'
  431. }
  432. //任务表单
  433. }).state('app.task.editTask', {
  434. url: '/editTask/{formKey}/{model}',
  435. templateUrl: "assets/views/task/taskForm.html",
  436. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'customformCtrl', 'taskFormCtr'),
  437. title: 'knowledge.NEW',
  438. icon: 'fa-tint',
  439. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  440. label: 'new knowledge'
  441. }
  442. // 任务清单
  443. }).state('app.task.taskDetailed', {
  444. url: '/detailed',
  445. templateUrl: "assets/views/task/taskDetailed.html",
  446. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'customformCtrl', 'taskDetailedCtr'),
  447. title: 'knowledge.NEW',
  448. icon: 'fa-tint',
  449. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  450. label: 'new knowledge'
  451. }
  452. // 月度任务
  453. }).state('app.task.moonTask', {
  454. url: '/moonTask',
  455. templateUrl: "assets/views/task/moonTask.html",
  456. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'moonTaskCtrl'),
  457. title: 'knowledge.List',
  458. icon: 'fa-tint',
  459. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  460. label: 'list knowledge'
  461. }
  462. // 任务列表
  463. }).state('app.task.taskList', {
  464. url: '/taskList',
  465. templateUrl: "assets/views/task/taskList.html",
  466. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'taskListCtrl'),
  467. title: 'knowledge.List',
  468. icon: 'fa-tint',
  469. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  470. label: 'list knowledge'
  471. }
  472. }).state('app.incident', {
  473. url: '/incident',
  474. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  475. title: 'incident',
  476. pdKey: 'bpm_incident',
  477. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  478. label: 'Incident'
  479. }
  480. }).state('app.incident.list', {
  481. url: '/list/{model}/:tab/:state/:date',
  482. templateUrl: "assets/views/incident/list.html",
  483. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'incidentCtrl'),
  484. title: 'incident.LIST',
  485. pdKey: 'bpm_incident',
  486. icon: 'ti-list',
  487. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  488. label: 'incident list'
  489. }
  490. }).state('app.working.history', {
  491. url: '/history/:tab/:state',
  492. templateUrl: "assets/views/working/list.html",
  493. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'workingHistoryFormCtr'),
  494. title: 'incident.LIST',
  495. pdKey: 'bpm_incident',
  496. icon: 'ti-list',
  497. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  498. label: 'incident list'
  499. }
  500. }).state('app.incident.editor', {
  501. url: '/editor/{taskId}/{processInstanceId}/{dataId}',
  502. templateUrl: "assets/views/customform/index.html",
  503. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'spin', 'ng-nestable', 'monospaced.elastic', 'touchspin-plugin', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'jquery-sparkline', 'ngTable', 'ui.mask', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'd3', 'customformCtrl'),
  504. title: 'incident.NEW',
  505. pdKey: 'bpm_incident',
  506. icon: 'fa-tint',
  507. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  508. label: 'new incident'
  509. }
  510. }).state('', {
  511. url: '/watch/{model}',
  512. templateUrl: "assets/views/customform/index.html",
  513. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'ui.mask', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl'),
  514. title: 'incident.NEW',
  515. pdKey: 'bpm_incident',
  516. icon: 'fa-tint',
  517. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  518. label: 'new incident'
  519. }
  520. }).state('app.incident.detail', {
  521. url: '/detail/:formKey/:pdKey/:dataId/:taskId/:processInstanceId/:isChart/:isRecord',
  522. templateUrl: "assets/views/customform/detail.html",
  523. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl', 'customformDetailCtrl', 'sanitize'),
  524. title: 'form detail',
  525. icon: 'ti-list',
  526. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  527. label: 'detail'
  528. }
  529. }).state('app.incident.incidentDetail', {
  530. // 事件详情
  531. url: '/incidentDetail/:id/:type',
  532. templateUrl: "assets/views/incident/incidentDetail.html",
  533. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl', 'sanitize', 'incidentDetailCtrl'),
  534. title: 'form detail',
  535. icon: 'ti-list',
  536. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  537. label: 'detail'
  538. }
  539. }).state('app.incident.follow', {
  540. url: '/follow/{processInstanceId}',
  541. templateUrl: "assets/views/customform/indexfollow.html",
  542. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'ui.mask', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl', 'incidentCtrl'),
  543. // title: 'incident.LIST',
  544. pdKey: 'bpm_incident',
  545. icon: 'fa-tint',
  546. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  547. label: 'new incident'
  548. }
  549. }).state('app.incident.title', {
  550. url: '/editor/{model}/{myData}',
  551. templateUrl: "assets/views/customform/index.html",
  552. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ng-nestable', 'monospaced.elastic', 'touchspin-plugin', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'jquery-sparkline', 'ui.mask', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'd3', 'customformCtrl'),
  553. title: 'incident.NEW',
  554. pdKey: 'bpm_incident',
  555. icon: 'fa-tint',
  556. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  557. label: 'new incident'
  558. }
  559. })
  560. .state('app.incident.chart', {
  561. url: '/chart/{model}',
  562. templateUrl: "assets/views/customform/index.html",
  563. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ng-nestable', 'monospaced.elastic', 'touchspin-plugin', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'jquery-sparkline', 'ngTable', 'ui.mask', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'd3', 'customformCtrl'),
  564. title: 'incident.NEW',
  565. pdKey: 'bpm_incident',
  566. icon: 'fa-tint',
  567. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  568. label: 'new incident'
  569. }
  570. })
  571. //服务请求页面路由
  572. .state('app.reService', {
  573. url: '/reService',
  574. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  575. title: 'reService',
  576. pdKey: 'bpm_reService',
  577. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  578. label: 'reService'
  579. }
  580. })
  581. //服务请求>服务列表
  582. .state('app.reService.manager', {
  583. url: '/manager',
  584. templateUrl: "assets/views/reService/manager.html",
  585. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', '', 'monospaced.elastic', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'reServiceCtrl'),
  586. title: 'reService.VIEW',
  587. icon: 'ti-list',
  588. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  589. label: 'reService list'
  590. }
  591. })
  592. //服务请求>新建服务事件
  593. .state('app.reService.newService', {
  594. url: '/newService/{pdKey}/{formUiStart}/{formUiEdit}/{formUiName}/{userId}',
  595. templateUrl: "assets/views/customform/index.html",
  596. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ng-nestable', 'monospaced.elastic', 'touchspin-plugin', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'jquery-sparkline', 'ui.mask', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'd3', 'customformCtrl'),
  597. title: 'reService.NEW',
  598. // pdKey: 'bpm_reService',
  599. icon: 'fa-tint',
  600. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  601. label: 'new reService'
  602. }
  603. })
  604. //服务请求>服务请求编辑
  605. .state('app.reService.editor', {
  606. url: '/editor/{taskId}/{processInstanceId}/{pdKey}/{formUiEdit}',
  607. templateUrl: "assets/views/customform/index.html",
  608. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ng-nestable', 'monospaced.elastic', 'touchspin-plugin', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'jquery-sparkline', 'ui.mask', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'd3', 'customformCtrl'),
  609. title: 'reService.NEW',
  610. pdKey: 'bpm_reService',
  611. icon: 'fa-tint',
  612. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  613. label: 'new reService'
  614. }
  615. })
  616. //服务请求>服务请求查看
  617. .state('app.reService.detail', {
  618. url: '/detail/{formKey}/{dataId}/{taskId}/{processInstanceId}/{pdKey}',
  619. templateUrl: "assets/views/customform/detail.html",
  620. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl', 'customformDetailCtrl'),
  621. title: 'form detail',
  622. icon: 'ti-list',
  623. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  624. label: 'detail'
  625. }
  626. })
  627. .state('', {
  628. url: '/watch',
  629. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  630. title: 'watch',
  631. pdKey: 'bpm_watch',
  632. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  633. label: 'watch'
  634. }
  635. }).state('', {
  636. url: '/list',
  637. templateUrl: "assets/views/watch/watch.html",
  638. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'ui.grid', 'watchCtrl'),
  639. title: 'watch.LIST',
  640. pdKey: 'bpm_watch',
  641. icon: 'ti-list',
  642. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  643. label: 'watch list'
  644. }
  645. })
  646. .state('app.problem', {
  647. url: '/problem',
  648. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  649. title: 'problem',
  650. pdKey: 'bpm_problem',
  651. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  652. label: 'Problem'
  653. }
  654. }).state('app.problem.list', {
  655. url: '/list',
  656. templateUrl: "assets/views/problem/list.html",
  657. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'problemCtrl'),
  658. title: 'problem.LIST',
  659. pdKey: 'bpm_problem',
  660. icon: 'ti-list',
  661. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  662. label: 'problem list'
  663. }
  664. }).state('app.problem.editor', {
  665. url: '/editor/{taskId}/{processInstanceId}/{dataId}',
  666. templateUrl: "assets/views/customform/index.html",
  667. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'd3', 'customformCtrl'),
  668. title: 'problem.NEW',
  669. pdKey: 'bpm_problem',
  670. icon: 'fa-tint',
  671. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  672. label: 'new problem'
  673. }
  674. }).state('app.problem.incident', {
  675. url: '/incident/{model}',
  676. templateUrl: "assets/views/customform/index.html",
  677. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl'),
  678. title: 'problem.NEW',
  679. pdKey: 'bpm_problem',
  680. icon: 'fa-tint',
  681. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  682. label: 'new problem'
  683. }
  684. }).state('app.change.problem', {
  685. url: '/change/{model}',
  686. templateUrl: "assets/views/customform/index.html",
  687. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl'),
  688. title: 'change.NEW',
  689. pdKey: 'bpm_change',
  690. icon: 'fa-tint',
  691. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  692. label: 'new change'
  693. }
  694. })
  695. .state('app.change', {
  696. url: '/change',
  697. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  698. title: 'change',
  699. pdKey: 'bpm_change',
  700. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  701. label: 'Change'
  702. }
  703. }).state('app.change.list', {
  704. url: '/list',
  705. templateUrl: "assets/views/change/list.html",
  706. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'changeCtrl'),
  707. title: 'change.LIST',
  708. pdKey: 'bpm_change',
  709. icon: 'ti-list',
  710. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  711. label: 'rfc list'
  712. } //incident
  713. }).state('app.change.editor', {
  714. url: '/editor/{taskId}/{processInstanceId}/{dataId}',
  715. templateUrl: "assets/views/customform/index.html",
  716. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'd3', 'customformCtrl'),
  717. title: 'change.NEW',
  718. pdKey: 'bpm_change',
  719. icon: 'fa-tint',
  720. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  721. label: 'new rfc'
  722. }
  723. }).state('app.change.incident', {
  724. url: '/incident/{model}',
  725. templateUrl: "assets/views/customform/index.html",
  726. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl'),
  727. title: 'change.NEW',
  728. pdKey: 'bpm_change',
  729. icon: 'fa-tint',
  730. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  731. label: 'new rfc'
  732. }
  733. })
  734. .state('app.change.release', {
  735. url: '/release/{model}',
  736. templateUrl: "assets/views/customform/index.html",
  737. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl'),
  738. title: 'change.NEW',
  739. pdKey: 'bpm_release',
  740. icon: 'fa-tint',
  741. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  742. label: 'new rfc'
  743. }
  744. }).state('', {
  745. url: '/report',
  746. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  747. title: 'Report Elements',
  748. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  749. label: 'Report Elements'
  750. }
  751. }).state('', {
  752. url: '/elements',
  753. templateUrl: "assets/views/report/report.html",
  754. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'moment', 'reportCtrl'),
  755. title: 'report.LISTDesc',
  756. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  757. label: 'Report View'
  758. }
  759. }).state('', {
  760. url: '/charging',
  761. templateUrl: "assets/views/report/charging.html",
  762. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'moment', 'chargingCtrl'),
  763. title: 'report.LISTDesc',
  764. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  765. label: 'Report View'
  766. }
  767. }).state('', {
  768. url: '/realTime',
  769. templateUrl: "assets/views/report/realTime.html",
  770. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'ui.grid', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'moment', 'realTimeCtrl'),
  771. title: 'report.LISTDesc',
  772. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  773. label: 'Report View'
  774. }
  775. }).state('', {
  776. url: '/analysis',
  777. templateUrl: "assets/views/report/analysis.html",
  778. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'moment', 'reportanalysisCtrl'),
  779. title: 'report.LISTDesc',
  780. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  781. label: 'Report View'
  782. }
  783. }).state('', {
  784. url: '/handlepeople',
  785. templateUrl: "assets/views/report/handlepeople.html",
  786. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'moment', 'reporthandlepeopleCtrl'),
  787. title: 'report.LISTDesc',
  788. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  789. label: 'Report View'
  790. }
  791. }).state('', {
  792. url: '/handlegroup',
  793. templateUrl: "assets/views/report/handlegroup.html",
  794. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'moment', 'reporthandlegroupCtrl'),
  795. title: 'report.LISTDesc',
  796. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  797. label: 'Report View'
  798. }
  799. }).state('', {
  800. url: '/suorce',
  801. templateUrl: "assets/views/report/suorce.html",
  802. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'moment', 'reportsuorceCtrl'),
  803. title: 'report.LISTDesc',
  804. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  805. label: 'Report View'
  806. }
  807. }).state('', {
  808. url: '/catergry',
  809. templateUrl: "assets/views/report/catergry.html",
  810. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'moment', 'reportcatergryCtrl'),
  811. title: 'report.LISTDesc',
  812. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  813. label: 'Report View'
  814. }
  815. }).state('', {
  816. url: '/efficiency',
  817. templateUrl: "assets/views/report/efficiency.html",
  818. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'moment', 'reportefficiencyCtrl'),
  819. title: 'report.LISTDesc',
  820. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  821. label: 'Report View'
  822. }
  823. }).state('', {
  824. url: '/nxreport',
  825. templateUrl: "assets/views/report/nxreport.html",
  826. // resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'moment', 'nxreportCtrl'),
  827. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'moment', 'nxreportCtrl'),
  828. title: 'report.LISTDesc',
  829. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  830. label: 'Report View'
  831. }
  832. }).state('', {
  833. url: '/deck_report',
  834. templateUrl: "assets/views/report/deck_report.html",
  835. // resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'moment', 'nxreportCtrl'),
  836. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'moment', 'deck_reportCtrl'),
  837. title: 'report.LISTDesc',
  838. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  839. label: 'Report View'
  840. }
  841. }).state('', {
  842. url: '/incident_report',
  843. templateUrl: "assets/views/report/incident_report.html",
  844. // resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'moment', 'nxreportCtrl'),
  845. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'moment', 'incident_reportCtrl'),
  846. title: 'report.LISTDesc',
  847. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  848. label: 'Report View'
  849. }
  850. }).state('', {//服务台报表-seimin
  851. url: '/service_form',
  852. templateUrl: "assets/views/report/service_form.html",
  853. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'moment', 'service_formCtrl'),
  854. title: 'report.LISTDesc',
  855. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  856. label: 'Report View'
  857. }
  858. }).state('', {//事件报表-seimin
  859. url: '/event_form',
  860. templateUrl: "assets/views/report/event_form.html",
  861. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'ui.grid', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'moment', 'event_formCtrl'),
  862. title: 'report.LISTDesc',
  863. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  864. label: 'Report View'
  865. }
  866. }).state('app.release', {
  867. url: '/release',
  868. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  869. title: 'release',
  870. pdKey: 'bpm_release',
  871. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  872. label: 'release'
  873. }
  874. }).state('app.release.list', {
  875. url: '/list',
  876. templateUrl: "assets/views/release/list.html",
  877. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'releaseCtrl'),
  878. title: 'release.LIST',
  879. pdKey: 'bpm_release',
  880. icon: 'ti-list',
  881. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  882. label: 'release list'
  883. }
  884. }).state('app.release.editor', {
  885. url: '/editor/{taskId}/{processInstanceId}/{dataId}',
  886. templateUrl: "assets/views/customform/index.html",
  887. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'd3', 'customformCtrl'),
  888. title: 'release.NEW',
  889. pdKey: 'bpm_release',
  890. icon: 'fa-tint',
  891. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  892. label: 'new release'
  893. }
  894. })
  895. .state('app.process', {
  896. url: '/process',
  897. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  898. title: 'Process',
  899. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  900. label: 'Process'
  901. }
  902. }).state('app.process.list', {
  903. url: '/list',
  904. templateUrl: "assets/views/process/list.html",
  905. title: 'process.LIST',
  906. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'processCtrl'),
  907. icon: 'ti-list',
  908. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  909. label: 'Process list'
  910. }
  911. }).state('app.process.modeler', {
  912. url: '/modeler/{modelId}',
  913. templateUrl: "assets/views/process/modeler.html",
  914. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'bpmn-js-properties', 'processCtrl'),
  915. title: 'process.MODELER',
  916. icon: 'fa-tint',
  917. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  918. label: 'modeler'
  919. }
  920. })
  921. .state('app.cmdb', {
  922. url: '/cmdb',
  923. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  924. title: 'CMDB',
  925. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  926. label: 'CMDB'
  927. }
  928. }).state('app.cmdb.plist', {
  929. url: '/plist',
  930. templateUrl: "assets/views/cmdb/plist.html",
  931. title: 'configuremanagerdb.PLIST',
  932. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'cmdbCtrl'),
  933. pdKey: 'bpm_configure',
  934. icon: 'ti-list',
  935. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  936. label: 'cmdbList'
  937. }
  938. }).state('app.cmdb.modeler', {
  939. url: '/editor/{taskId}/{processInstanceId}',
  940. templateUrl: "assets/views/customform/index.html",
  941. title: 'configuremanagerdb.MODELER',
  942. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'd3', 'customformCtrl'),
  943. pdKey: 'bpm_configure',
  944. icon: 'ti-list',
  945. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  946. label: 'modeler'
  947. }
  948. })
  949. .state('app.cmdb.list', {
  950. url: '/list',
  951. templateUrl: "assets/views/cmdb/list.html",
  952. title: 'configuremanagerdb.LIST',
  953. resolve: loadSequence('spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'ui.grid', 'customformCtrl', 'cmdbListCtrl'),
  954. icon: 'ti-list',
  955. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  956. label: 'cmdbList'
  957. }
  958. }).state('app.cmdb.viewer', {
  959. url: '/view/{modelId}',
  960. templateUrl: "assets/views/cmdb/view.html",
  961. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'd3', 'cmdbViewCtrl'),
  962. title: 'configuremanagerdb.VIEW',
  963. icon: 'fa-tint',
  964. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  965. label: 'cmdb viewer'
  966. }
  967. }).state('app.cmdb.change', {
  968. url: '/change/{model}',
  969. templateUrl: "assets/views/customform/index.html",
  970. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl'),
  971. title: 'configuremanagerdb.MODELER',
  972. pdKey: 'bpm_configure',
  973. icon: 'fa-tint',
  974. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  975. label: 'new rfc'
  976. }
  977. })
  978. .state('app.knowledge', {
  979. url: '/knowledge',
  980. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  981. title: 'knowledge',
  982. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  983. label: 'knowledge'
  984. }
  985. }).state('app.knowledge.manager', {
  986. url: '/manager/{model}',
  987. templateUrl: "assets/views/knowledge/manager.html",
  988. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ng-nestable', 'monospaced.elastic', 'touchspin-plugin', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', 'ui.grid', 'knowledgeCtrl'),
  989. title: 'knowledgebase.VIEW',
  990. // params: { "fromstate": null },
  991. cache: false,
  992. icon: 'ti-list',
  993. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  994. label: 'knowledge list'
  995. }
  996. }).state('app.knowledge.examine', {
  997. url: '/examine',
  998. templateUrl: "assets/views/knowledge/examine.html",
  999. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', '', 'monospaced.elastic', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'knowledgeExamineCtrl'),
  1000. title: 'knowledgebase.VIEW',
  1001. icon: 'ti-list',
  1002. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1003. label: 'knowledge list'
  1004. }
  1005. }).state('app.knowledge.create', {
  1006. url: '/create/{formKey}/{service}/{model}',
  1007. templateUrl: "assets/views/knowledgeform.html",
  1008. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'customformCtrl', 'knowledgeformCtrl'),
  1009. title: 'knowledge.NEW',
  1010. icon: 'fa-tint',
  1011. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1012. label: 'new knowledge'
  1013. }
  1014. }).state('app.knowledge.leve', {
  1015. url: '/create/{formKey}/{service}/{model}/{history}',
  1016. templateUrl: "assets/views/knowledgeform.html",
  1017. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'customformCtrl', 'knowledgeformCtrl'),
  1018. title: 'knowledge.NEW',
  1019. icon: 'fa-tint',
  1020. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1021. label: 'new knowledge'
  1022. }
  1023. }).state('app.knowledge.jry_lishi', {
  1024. url: '/jry_lishi/{formKey}/{service}/{model}/{history}',
  1025. templateUrl: "assets/views/knowledgelishi.html",
  1026. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'customformCtrl', 'knowledgeformCtrl'),
  1027. title: 'knowledge.NEW',
  1028. // pdKey: 'knowledge',
  1029. icon: 'fa-tint',
  1030. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1031. label: 'new knowledge'
  1032. }
  1033. }).state('app.knowledge.jry_save_history_data', {
  1034. url: '/jry_save_history_data/{model}',
  1035. templateUrl: "assets/views/jry_save_history_data.html",
  1036. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'jry_save_history_dataCtrl'),
  1037. }).state('app.knowledge.editor', {
  1038. url: '/editor/{formKey}/{service}/{model}/{history}',
  1039. templateUrl: "assets/views/knowledgeform.html",
  1040. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'customformCtrl', 'knowledgeformCtrl'),
  1041. title: 'knowledge.NEW',
  1042. icon: 'fa-tint',
  1043. params: {
  1044. "fromstate": null
  1045. },
  1046. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1047. label: 'new knowledge'
  1048. }
  1049. }).state('app.knowledge.jry_shenhe', {
  1050. url: '/jry_shenhe/{formKey}/{service}/{model}/{history}',
  1051. templateUrl: "assets/views/knowledgeshenhe.html",
  1052. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'customformCtrl', 'knowledgeformCtrl'),
  1053. title: 'knowledge.NEW',
  1054. icon: 'fa-tint',
  1055. params: {
  1056. "fromstate": null
  1057. },
  1058. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1059. label: 'new knowledge'
  1060. }
  1061. }).state('app.knowledge.detail', {
  1062. url: '/detail/{formKey}/{service}/{model}/{history}',
  1063. templateUrl: "assets/views/knowledgedetail.html",
  1064. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'customformCtrl', 'knowledgeformCtrl'),
  1065. title: 'knowledge.NEW',
  1066. // pdKey: 'knowledge',
  1067. icon: 'fa-tint',
  1068. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1069. label: 'new knowledge'
  1070. }
  1071. })
  1072. .state('app.scheduling', {
  1073. url: '/scheduling',
  1074. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  1075. title: 'scheduling',
  1076. pdKey: 'bpm_scheduling',
  1077. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1078. label: 'knowledge'
  1079. }
  1080. }).state('app.scheduling.myscheduling', {
  1081. url: '/myscheduling',
  1082. templateUrl: "assets/views/scheduling/mine.html",
  1083. resolve: loadSequence('moment', 'mwl.calendar', '', 'calendarCtrl', 'schedulingCtrl'),
  1084. title: 'scheduling.MINE',
  1085. icon: 'fa-tint',
  1086. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1087. label: 'scheduling'
  1088. }
  1089. })
  1090. .state('app.scheduling.schedulecalendar', {
  1091. url: '/schedule',
  1092. templateUrl: "assets/views/scheduling/calendar.html",
  1093. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'moment', 'mwl.calendar', '', 'calendarCtrl', 'angularFileUpload', 'schedulingCtrl'),
  1094. title: 'scheduling.CALENDAR',
  1095. icon: 'fa-tint',
  1096. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1097. label: 'scheduling'
  1098. }
  1099. })
  1100. // .state('app.scheduling.schedulecalendar',{
  1101. // url: '/schedule',
  1102. // templateUrl: "assets/views/scheduling/matrialcalendar.html",
  1103. // resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin','ladda', 'angular-ladda','moment', 'material-calendar', '', 'schedulingCtrl'),
  1104. // title: 'scheduling.CALENDAR',
  1105. // icon: 'fa-tint',
  1106. // ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1107. // label: 'scheduling'
  1108. // }
  1109. // })
  1110. .state('app.scheduling.list', {
  1111. url: '/list',
  1112. templateUrl: "assets/views/scheduling/list.html",
  1113. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'angularFileUpload', 'schedulingCtrl'),
  1114. title: 'scheduling.LIST',
  1115. pdKey: 'bpm_schedule',
  1116. icon: 'fa-tint',
  1117. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1118. label: 'scheduling'
  1119. }
  1120. }).state('app.scheduling.editor', {
  1121. url: '/editor/{taskId}/{processInstanceId}/{id}',
  1122. templateUrl: "assets/views/customform/index.html",
  1123. title: 'scheduling.MODELER',
  1124. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'schedulingCtrl', 'customformCtrl'),
  1125. pdKey: 'bpm_schedule',
  1126. icon: 'ti-list',
  1127. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1128. label: 'modeler'
  1129. }
  1130. }).state('app.scheduling.shift', {
  1131. url: '/shift',
  1132. templateUrl: "assets/views/scheduling/shift.html",
  1133. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'schedulingCtrl'),
  1134. title: 'scheduling.SHIFT',
  1135. icon: 'fa-tint',
  1136. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1137. label: 'scheduling shift'
  1138. }
  1139. }).state('app.scheduling.shiftrecord', {
  1140. url: '/shiftrecord',
  1141. templateUrl: "assets/views/scheduling/shiftrecord.html",
  1142. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'schedulingCtrl'),
  1143. title: 'scheduling.SHIFTRECORD',
  1144. icon: 'fa-tint',
  1145. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1146. label: 'scheduling record'
  1147. }
  1148. }).state('app.means', {
  1149. url: '/means',
  1150. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  1151. title: 'means',
  1152. // pdKey: 'bpm_means',
  1153. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1154. label: 'means'
  1155. }
  1156. }).state('app.means.list', {
  1157. url: '/list',
  1158. templateUrl: "assets/views/means/means.html",
  1159. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'xeditable', 'checklist-model', 'ng-nestable', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'angularPrint', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'qrcideCtrl', 'meansCtrl'),
  1160. title: 'means.LIST',
  1161. // pdKey: 'bpm_means',
  1162. icon: 'ti-list',
  1163. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1164. label: 'means list'
  1165. }
  1166. }).state('app.means.applylist', {
  1167. url: '/applylist',
  1168. templateUrl: "assets/views/means/meansapplylist.html",
  1169. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'meansapplyListCtrl'),
  1170. title: 'means.LIST',
  1171. pdKey: 'applicationForm',
  1172. icon: 'ti-list',
  1173. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1174. label: 'means list'
  1175. }
  1176. }).state('app.means.applyediter', {
  1177. url: '/applyediter/{taskId}/{processInstanceId}/{id}',
  1178. templateUrl: "assets/views/means/cmdbform.html",
  1179. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'moment', 'customformCtrl', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularTree', 'ngTable', 'customformCtrl', 'cmdbformCtrl'),
  1180. title: 'means.NEW',
  1181. pdKey: 'bpm_applicationForm',
  1182. icon: 'fa-tint',
  1183. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1184. label: 'new means'
  1185. }
  1186. }).state('app.means.outediter', {
  1187. url: '/outediter/{taskId}/{processInstanceId}/{id}',
  1188. templateUrl: "assets/views/means/cmdbform.html",
  1189. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'ui.grid', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularTree', 'ngTable', 'customformCtrl', 'cmdbformCtrl'),
  1190. title: 'means.NEW',
  1191. pdKey: 'bpm_applicationForm_subtract',
  1192. icon: 'fa-tint',
  1193. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1194. label: 'new means'
  1195. }
  1196. }).state('app.means.meansmap', {
  1197. url: '/meansmap',
  1198. templateUrl: "assets/views/means/meansMap.html",
  1199. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'echarttwo', 'ngTable', '', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'ui.grid', 'd3', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'customformCtrl', 'meansformCtrl', 'meanshistoryCtrl', 'meansMapCtrl'),
  1200. title: 'means.NEW',
  1201. // pdKey: 'bpm_applicationForm_subtract',
  1202. icon: 'fa-tint',
  1203. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1204. label: 'new means'
  1205. }
  1206. }).state('app.means.auditlist', {
  1207. url: '/auditlist',
  1208. templateUrl: "assets/views/means/cmdbauditlist.html",
  1209. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'cmdbauditlistCtrl'),
  1210. title: 'means.LIST',
  1211. pdKey: 'applicationForm',
  1212. icon: 'ti-list',
  1213. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1214. label: 'means list'
  1215. }
  1216. }).state('app.means.newaudit', {
  1217. url: '/newaudit',
  1218. templateUrl: "assets/views/means/cmdbauditdetail.html",
  1219. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'cmdbauditdetailCtrl'),
  1220. title: 'means.LIST',
  1221. pdKey: 'applicationForm',
  1222. icon: 'ti-list',
  1223. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1224. label: 'means list'
  1225. }
  1226. }).state('app.means.auditeditor', {
  1227. url: '/auditeditor/{model}',
  1228. templateUrl: "assets/views/means/cmdbauditeditor.html",
  1229. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'cmdbauditeditorCtrl'),
  1230. title: 'means.LIST',
  1231. pdKey: 'applicationForm',
  1232. icon: 'ti-list',
  1233. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1234. label: 'means list'
  1235. }
  1236. // })
  1237. // .state('cmdbcontrast', {
  1238. // url: '/cmdbcontrast/{model}',
  1239. // templateUrl: "assets/views/means/cmdbcontrast.html",
  1240. // resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'Timeline', 'cmdbcontrastCtrl'),
  1241. // title: 'means.LIST',
  1242. // pdKey: 'applicationForm',
  1243. // icon: 'ti-list',
  1244. // ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1245. // label: 'means list'
  1246. // }
  1247. }).state('app.means.bill', {
  1248. url: '/bill/{formKey}/{service}/{model}',
  1249. templateUrl: "assets/views/means/meansBill.html",
  1250. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'ngTable', '', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'ui.grid', 'd3', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'customformCtrl', 'meansviewCtrl', 'meansformCtrl', 'meanshistoryCtrl'),
  1251. title: 'means.NEW',
  1252. // pdKey: 'bpm_means',
  1253. icon: 'fa-tint',
  1254. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1255. label: 'new means'
  1256. }
  1257. }).state('app.means.view', {
  1258. url: '/bill/{formKey}/{service}/{model}',
  1259. templateUrl: "assets/views/means/meansview.html",
  1260. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'ngTable', '', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'ui.grid', 'd3', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'customformCtrl', 'meansviewCtrl', 'meansformCtrl', 'meanshistoryCtrl'),
  1261. title: 'means.NEW',
  1262. // pdKey: 'bpm_means',
  1263. icon: 'fa-tint',
  1264. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1265. label: 'new means'
  1266. }
  1267. }).state('app.means.editor', {
  1268. url: '/editor/{formKey}/{service}',
  1269. templateUrl: "assets/views/means/tpl/meansform.html",
  1270. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'customformCtrl', 'meansformCtrl'),
  1271. title: 'means.NEW',
  1272. // pdKey: 'bpm_means',
  1273. icon: 'fa-tint',
  1274. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1275. label: 'new means'
  1276. }
  1277. }).state('app.means.detail', {
  1278. // url: '/detail/{formKey}/{service}',
  1279. url: '/detail/:formKey/:pdKey/:dataId/:taskId/:processInstanceId/:id',
  1280. templateUrl: "assets/views/means/tpl/meansdetailform.html",
  1281. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'ngTable', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'customformCtrl', 'meansdetailCtrl'),
  1282. title: 'means.NEW',
  1283. // pdKey: 'bpm_means',
  1284. icon: 'fa-tint',
  1285. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1286. label: 'new means'
  1287. }
  1288. }) // 固定资产列表
  1289. .state('app.means.listd', {
  1290. url: '/fixed_list',
  1291. templateUrl: "assets/views/fixed/list.html",
  1292. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'fixedCtrl'),
  1293. })
  1294. // 固定查看
  1295. .state('app.means.fixed_see', {
  1296. url: '/fixed_see/{gdzc_label}/{gdzc_item}/{idd}',
  1297. templateUrl: "assets/views/fixed/see.html",
  1298. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'gdzc_seeCtrl'),
  1299. })
  1300. // 固定资产属性
  1301. .state('app.means.fixed_see.attribute', {
  1302. url: '/attribute/{gdzc_label1}/{gdzc_item1}',
  1303. templateUrl: "assets/views/fixed/attribute.html",
  1304. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'gdzc_attributeCtrl'),
  1305. })
  1306. // 固定操作历史
  1307. .state('app.means.fixed_see.history', {
  1308. url: '/history/{idd}',
  1309. templateUrl: "assets/views/fixed/history.html",
  1310. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'gdzc_historyCtrl'),
  1311. })
  1312. // 固定关联流程
  1313. .state('app.means.fixed_see.relation', {
  1314. url: '/relation/{idd}',
  1315. templateUrl: "assets/views/fixed/relation.html",
  1316. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'gdzc_relationCtrl'),
  1317. })
  1318. // 固定编辑
  1319. .state('app.means.fixed_edit', {
  1320. url: '/fixed_edit/{formKey}/{service}/{model}',
  1321. templateUrl: "assets/views/fixed/gdzc_edit.html",
  1322. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'ngTable', '', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'ui.grid', 'd3', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'customformCtrl', 'meansviewCtrl', 'gdzc_meansformCtrl', 'meanshistoryCtrl'),
  1323. title: 'means.NEW',
  1324. // pdKey: 'bpm_means',
  1325. icon: 'fa-tint',
  1326. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1327. label: 'new means'
  1328. }
  1329. })
  1330. // 业务系统列表
  1331. .state('app.means.business_list', {
  1332. url: '/business_list',
  1333. templateUrl: "assets/views/business/list.html",
  1334. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'businessCtrl'),
  1335. })
  1336. // 耗材列表
  1337. .state('app.means.consumables_list', {
  1338. url: '/consumables_list',
  1339. templateUrl: "assets/views/consumables/list.html",
  1340. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'hc_consumablesCtrl'),
  1341. })
  1342. // 耗材查看
  1343. .state('app.means.consumables_see', {
  1344. url: '/consumables_see/{idd}',
  1345. templateUrl: "assets/views/consumables/see.html",
  1346. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'hc_seeCtrl'),
  1347. })
  1348. // 耗材操作历史
  1349. .state('app.means.consumables_see.operation_history', {
  1350. url: '/operation_history/{idd}',
  1351. templateUrl: "assets/views/consumables/operation_history.html",
  1352. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'hc_historyCtrl'),
  1353. }) // 耗材关联流程
  1354. // 耗材关联流程
  1355. .state('app.means.consumables_see.relation', {
  1356. url: '/relation/{idd}',
  1357. templateUrl: "assets/views/consumables/relation.html",
  1358. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'hc_relationCtrl'),
  1359. }).state('app.inspection', {
  1360. url: '/inspection',
  1361. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  1362. title: 'inspection',
  1363. // pdKey: 'bpm_means',
  1364. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1365. label: 'inspection'
  1366. }
  1367. })
  1368. //计划任务
  1369. .state('app.plan', {
  1370. url: '/plan',
  1371. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  1372. title: 'plan Elements',
  1373. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1374. label: 'plan Elements'
  1375. }
  1376. })
  1377. //计划任务>定时报告
  1378. .state('app.plan.timingMessageSending', {
  1379. url: '/timingMessageSending',
  1380. templateUrl: "assets/views/plan/timingMessageSending.html",
  1381. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'timingMessageSendingCtrl'),
  1382. title: 'inspection.LIST',
  1383. icon: 'ti-list',
  1384. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1385. label: 'inspection list'
  1386. }
  1387. })
  1388. //巡检管理>巡检计划
  1389. .state('app.inspection.inspectPlan', {
  1390. url: '/inspectPlan',
  1391. templateUrl: "assets/views/inspect/inspectPlan.html",
  1392. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'inspectPlanCtrl'),
  1393. title: 'inspection.LIST',
  1394. icon: 'ti-list',
  1395. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1396. label: 'inspection list'
  1397. }
  1398. })
  1399. //管理事件>维修汇总单
  1400. .state('app.incident.summary', {
  1401. url: '/summary',
  1402. templateUrl: "assets/views/inspect/summary.html",
  1403. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'summaryCtrl'),
  1404. title: 'inspection.LIST',
  1405. icon: 'ti-list',
  1406. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1407. label: 'inspection list'
  1408. }
  1409. })
  1410. //管理事件>维修汇总单
  1411. .state('app.incident.summaryDetail', {
  1412. url: '/summaryDetail/{type}/{id}/{incidentId}/{dutyId}/{categoryId}',
  1413. templateUrl: "assets/views/inspect/summaryDetail.html",
  1414. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'summaryDetailCtrl'),
  1415. title: 'inspection.LIST',
  1416. icon: 'ti-list',
  1417. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1418. label: 'inspection list'
  1419. }
  1420. })
  1421. //管理事件>积分管理
  1422. .state('app.incident.integral', {
  1423. url: '/integral',
  1424. templateUrl: "assets/views/inspect/integral.html",
  1425. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'integralCtrl'),
  1426. title: 'integral.LIST',
  1427. icon: 'ti-list',
  1428. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1429. label: 'integral list'
  1430. }
  1431. })
  1432. //巡检管理>巡检报告
  1433. .state('app.inspection.inspectReport', {
  1434. url: '/inspectReport',
  1435. templateUrl: "assets/views/inspect/inspectReport.html",
  1436. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'inspectReportCtrl'),
  1437. title: 'inspection.LIST',
  1438. icon: 'ti-list',
  1439. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1440. label: 'inspection list'
  1441. }
  1442. })
  1443. //巡检管理>巡检列表
  1444. .state('app.inspection.inspectList', {
  1445. url: '/inspectList',
  1446. templateUrl: "assets/views/inspect/inspectList.html",
  1447. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'inspectListCtrl'),
  1448. title: 'inspection.LIST',
  1449. icon: 'ti-list',
  1450. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1451. label: 'inspection list'
  1452. }
  1453. })
  1454. //巡检管理>巡检计划编辑
  1455. .state('app.inspection.editor', {
  1456. url: '/editor/{formKey}/{service}/{model}/{labelTree}',
  1457. templateUrl: "assets/views/form.html",
  1458. title: 'ui-form',
  1459. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'moment', 'customformCtrl', 'inspectForm'),
  1460. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1461. label: 'ui-form'
  1462. }
  1463. })
  1464. //巡检管理>巡检计划查看
  1465. .state('app.inspection.form', {
  1466. url: '/form/{formKey}/{service}/{model}',
  1467. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/tpl/detail.html",
  1468. title: 'ui-form',
  1469. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'ui.grid', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl', 'inspectForm'),
  1470. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1471. label: 'ui-form'
  1472. }
  1473. })
  1474. //巡检列表>巡检列表编辑
  1475. .state('app.inspection.inspectListEditor', {
  1476. url: '/inspectListEditor/{pdKey}/{taskId}/{processInstanceId}/{formUiEdit}/{model}/{dataId}',
  1477. // url: '/editor',
  1478. templateUrl: "assets/views/customform/index.html",
  1479. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ng-nestable', 'monospaced.elastic', 'touchspin-plugin', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'jquery-sparkline', 'ui.mask', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'd3', 'customformCtrl'),
  1480. title: 'form editor',
  1481. // pdKey: 'inspectionListForm',
  1482. icon: 'fa-tint',
  1483. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1484. label: 'editor'
  1485. }
  1486. })
  1487. //巡检列表>巡检列表查看
  1488. .state('app.inspection.inspectListdetail', {
  1489. url: '/inspectListdetail/{pdKey}/{taskId}/{processInstanceId}/{formKey}/{model}/{dataId}',
  1490. // url: '/inspectListdetail/:formUiName/:taskId/:processInstanceId',
  1491. templateUrl: "assets/views/customform/detail.html",
  1492. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl', 'customformDetailCtrl'),
  1493. title: 'form detail',
  1494. icon: 'ti-list',
  1495. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1496. label: 'detail'
  1497. }
  1498. })
  1499. //系统列表
  1500. .state('app.system', {
  1501. url: '/system',
  1502. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  1503. title: 'System Elements',
  1504. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1505. label: 'System Elements'
  1506. }
  1507. //故障现象设置--jry
  1508. }).state('app.system.jry_incidentSet', {
  1509. url: '/jry_incidentSet',
  1510. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/jry_incidentSet.html",
  1511. // resolve: loadSequence( 'jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda','', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree','jry_incidentSetCt'),
  1512. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'jry_incidentSetCt'),
  1513. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1514. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1515. label: 'User Manager'
  1516. }
  1517. // title: 'incident.LIST',
  1518. // pdKey: 'bpm_incident',
  1519. // icon: 'ti-list',
  1520. // ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1521. // label: 'incident list'
  1522. // }
  1523. }).state('app.system.easyform', {
  1524. url: '/easyform',
  1525. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/easyform/easyform.html",
  1526. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'nya-bs-select', 'mwl.calendar', 'customformCtrl', 'easyformCtrl'),
  1527. title: 'easy form',
  1528. icon: 'ti-list',
  1529. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1530. label: 'easyform'
  1531. }
  1532. }).state('app.system.pzxgl', {
  1533. url: '/pzxgl',
  1534. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/pzxgl_wt.html",
  1535. resolve: loadSequence('', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'nya-bs-select', 'mwl.calendar', 'ngDraggable', 'pzxgl_wt'),
  1536. title: 'pzxgl',
  1537. icon: 'ti-list',
  1538. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1539. label: 'pzxgl'
  1540. }
  1541. }).state('app.system.qxgl', {
  1542. url: '/qxgl',
  1543. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/qxgl_wt.html",
  1544. resolve: loadSequence('', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'nya-bs-select', 'mwl.calendar', 'ngDraggable', 'angularTree', 'qxgl_wt'),
  1545. title: 'pzxgl',
  1546. icon: 'ti-list',
  1547. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1548. label: 'qxgl'
  1549. }
  1550. // 服务指南
  1551. }).state('app.system.information', {
  1552. url: '/information',
  1553. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  1554. title: 'Process Plan',
  1555. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1556. label: 'Process Plan'
  1557. }
  1558. // 服务指南分类
  1559. }).state('app.system.information.category', {
  1560. url: '/category',
  1561. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/informationCate.html",
  1562. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', '', 'monospaced.elastic', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'informationCateCtrl'),
  1563. title: 'knowledge.VIEW',
  1564. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1565. label: 'knowledge list'
  1566. }
  1567. }).state('app.system.information.list', {
  1568. url: '/list',
  1569. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/information.html",
  1570. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', '', 'moment', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ui.grid', 'informationCtrl'),
  1571. title: 'information',
  1572. icon: 'ti-list',
  1573. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1574. label: 'information'
  1575. }
  1576. // 流程节点
  1577. }).state('app.system.processNode', {
  1578. url: '/processNode',
  1579. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  1580. title: 'processNode Plan',
  1581. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1582. label: 'processNode Plan'
  1583. }
  1584. }).state('app.system.processNode.list', {
  1585. url: '/list',
  1586. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/processNode.html",
  1587. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', '', 'moment', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ui.grid', 'processNodeCtrl'),
  1588. title: 'processNode',
  1589. icon: 'ti-list',
  1590. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1591. label: 'processNode'
  1592. }
  1593. }).state('app.system.notification', {//消息通知管理
  1594. url: '/notification',
  1595. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  1596. title: 'notification Plan',
  1597. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1598. label: 'notification Plan'
  1599. }
  1600. }).state('app.system.notification.list', {
  1601. url: '/list',
  1602. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/notification.html",
  1603. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', '', 'moment', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ui.grid', 'notificationCtrl'),
  1604. title: 'notification',
  1605. icon: 'ti-list',
  1606. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1607. label: 'notification'
  1608. }
  1609. }).state('app.system.organization', {
  1610. url: '/organization',
  1611. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  1612. title: 'System Elements',
  1613. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1614. label: 'System Elements'
  1615. }
  1616. }).state('', {
  1617. url: '/place',
  1618. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/organization/place.html",
  1619. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ui.grid', 'xeditable', '', '', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularTree', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'checklist-model', 'placeCtrl'),
  1620. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1621. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1622. label: 'User Manager'
  1623. }
  1624. // 查号管理
  1625. }).state('app.system.phoneList', {
  1626. url: '/phoneList',
  1627. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/phoneList.html",
  1628. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ui.grid', 'xeditable', '', '', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularTree', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'checklist-model', 'phoneListCtrl'),
  1629. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1630. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1631. label: 'User Manager'
  1632. }
  1633. // 耗材分类维护
  1634. }).state('app.system.organization.hc_flwh', {
  1635. url: '/hc_flwh',
  1636. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/organization/hc_flwh.html",
  1637. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ui.grid', 'xeditable', 'checklist-model', 'hc_flwhCtrl'),
  1638. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1639. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1640. label: 'User Manager'
  1641. }
  1642. //管理单位维护
  1643. }).state('app.system.organization.ywxt_gldw', {
  1644. url: '/ywxt_gldw',
  1645. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/organization/ywxt_gldw.html",
  1646. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', '', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'ywxt_gldwCtrl'),
  1647. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1648. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1649. label: 'User Manager'
  1650. }
  1651. }).state('app.system.organization.worktime', {
  1652. url: '/worktime',
  1653. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/organization/worktime.html",
  1654. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ui.grid', 'xeditable', 'checklist-model', 'xeditableCtrl', 'worktimeCtrl'),
  1655. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1656. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1657. label: 'User Manager'
  1658. }
  1659. }).state('app.baseInfo.dept', {
  1660. url: '/dept',
  1661. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/organization/dept.html",
  1662. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', '', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'jquery-nestable-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ui.grid', 'xeditable', '', '', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularTree', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'checklist-model', 'deptCtrl'),
  1663. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1664. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1665. label: 'User Manager'
  1666. }
  1667. }).state('app.businessConfiguration.responsibilityDept', {
  1668. url: '/responsibilityDept',
  1669. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/organization/responsibilityDept.html",
  1670. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', '', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'jquery-nestable-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ui.grid', 'xeditable', '', '', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularTree', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'checklist-model', 'responsibilityDeptCtrl'),
  1671. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1672. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1673. label: 'User Manager'
  1674. }
  1675. }).state('app.businessConfiguration', {
  1676. url: '/businessConfiguration',
  1677. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  1678. title: 'System Elements',
  1679. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1680. label: 'System Elements'
  1681. }
  1682. }).state('app.businessConfiguration.commonFaultSymptoms', {
  1683. url: '/commonFaultSymptoms',
  1684. templateUrl: "assets/views/businessConfiguration/commonFaultSymptoms.html",
  1685. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', '', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'jquery-nestable-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ui.grid', 'xeditable', '', '', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularTree', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'checklist-model', 'commonFaultSymptomsCtrl'),
  1686. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1687. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1688. label: 'User Manager'
  1689. }
  1690. }).state('app.businessConfiguration.faultConsumables', {
  1691. url: '/faultConsumables',
  1692. templateUrl: "assets/views/businessConfiguration/faultConsumables.html",
  1693. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', '', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'jquery-nestable-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ui.grid', 'xeditable', '', '', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularTree', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'checklist-model', 'faultConsumablesCtrl'),
  1694. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1695. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1696. label: 'User Manager'
  1697. }
  1698. }).state('app.businessConfiguration.faultSymptoms', {
  1699. url: '/faultSymptoms',
  1700. templateUrl: "assets/views/businessConfiguration/faultSymptoms.html",
  1701. resolve: loadSequence('', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'faultSymptomsCtrl'),
  1702. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1703. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1704. label: 'User Manager'
  1705. }
  1706. }).state('app.businessConfiguration.workHourManagement', {
  1707. url: '/workHourManagement',
  1708. templateUrl: "assets/views/businessConfiguration/workHourManagement.html",
  1709. resolve: loadSequence('', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'workHourManagementCtrl'),
  1710. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1711. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1712. label: 'User Manager'
  1713. }
  1714. }).state('app.businessConfiguration.deptBindUser', {
  1715. url: '/deptBindUser',
  1716. templateUrl: "assets/views/businessConfiguration/deptBindUser.html",
  1717. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', '', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'jquery-nestable-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ui.grid', 'xeditable', '', '', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularTree', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'checklist-model', 'deptBindUserCtrl'),
  1718. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1719. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1720. label: 'User Manager'
  1721. }
  1722. }).state('app.baseInfo', {
  1723. url: '/baseInfo',
  1724. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  1725. title: 'System Elements',
  1726. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1727. label: 'System Elements'
  1728. }
  1729. }).state('', {
  1730. url: '/hospital',
  1731. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/hospital.html",
  1732. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', '', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'jquery-nestable-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ui.grid', 'xeditable', '', '', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularTree', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'checklist-model', 'hospitalCtrl'),
  1733. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1734. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1735. label: 'User Manager'
  1736. }
  1737. }).state('app.system.organization.serverslevel', {
  1738. url: '/serverslevel',
  1739. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/organization/serverslevel.html",
  1740. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'serverslevelCtrl'),
  1741. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1742. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1743. label: 'User Manager'
  1744. }
  1745. }).state('app.system.userdesign', {
  1746. url: '/userdesign',
  1747. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  1748. title: 'System Elements',
  1749. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1750. label: 'System Elements'
  1751. }
  1752. }).state('app.system.userdesign.schedulecalendar', {
  1753. url: '/schedule',
  1754. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/user/matrialcalendar.html",
  1755. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'moment', 'material-calendar', '', 'schedulingplanCtrl'),
  1756. title: 'scheduling.CALENDAR',
  1757. icon: 'fa-tint',
  1758. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1759. label: 'scheduling'
  1760. }
  1761. }).state('', {
  1762. url: '/group',
  1763. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/user/group.html",
  1764. title: 'scheduling.CALENDAR',
  1765. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'xeditable', 'angular-ladda', '', '', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularTree', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'groupCtrl'),
  1766. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1767. label: 'User List Manager'
  1768. }
  1769. // }).state('', {
  1770. // url: '/group',
  1771. // templateUrl: "assets/views/system/user/group.html",
  1772. // resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', '', 'ui.grid', 'groupCtrl'),
  1773. // title: 'scheduling.CALENDAR',
  1774. // icon: 'fa-tint',
  1775. // ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1776. // label: 'scheduling'
  1777. // }
  1778. }).state('app.system.userdesign.scheduletime', {
  1779. url: '/scheduletime',
  1780. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/user/scheduletime.html",
  1781. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'scheduletimeCtrl'),
  1782. title: 'scheduling.CALENDAR',
  1783. icon: 'fa-tint',
  1784. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1785. label: 'scheduling'
  1786. }
  1787. }).state('app.system.processdesign', {
  1788. url: '/processdesign',
  1789. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  1790. title: 'Process Plan',
  1791. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1792. label: 'Process Plan'
  1793. }
  1794. }).state('app.system.processdesign.incidentplan', {
  1795. url: '/incidentplan',
  1796. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  1797. title: 'Process Plan',
  1798. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1799. label: 'Process Plan'
  1800. }
  1801. }).state('app.system.processdesign.incidentplan.category', {
  1802. url: '/category',
  1803. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/processdesign/incidentplan/incidentcategory.html",
  1804. resolve: loadSequence('', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'incidentcateCtrl'),
  1805. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1806. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1807. label: 'User Manager'
  1808. }
  1809. // 事件设置
  1810. }).state('app.system.processdesign.incidentplan.incidentSetUp', {
  1811. url: '/incidentSetUp',
  1812. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/processdesign/incidentplan/incidentSetUp.html",
  1813. resolve: loadSequence('', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'incidentSetUpCtrl'),
  1814. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1815. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1816. label: 'User Manager'
  1817. }
  1818. }).state('app.system.processdesign.incidentplan.servicetype', {
  1819. url: '/servicetype',
  1820. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/processdesign/incidentplan/servicetype.html",
  1821. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', '', 'monospaced.elastic', '', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'servicetypeCtrl'),
  1822. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1823. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1824. label: 'User Manager'
  1825. }
  1826. }).state('app.system.processdesign.incidentplan.source', {
  1827. url: '/source',
  1828. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/processdesign/incidentplan/incidentsource.html",
  1829. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', '', 'monospaced.elastic', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'incidentsourceCtrl'),
  1830. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1831. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1832. label: 'User Manager'
  1833. }
  1834. }).state('app.system.processdesign.incidentplan.closecode', {
  1835. url: '/closecode',
  1836. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/processdesign/incidentplan/closecode.html",
  1837. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'closecodeCtrl'),
  1838. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1839. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1840. label: 'User Manager'
  1841. }
  1842. }).state('app.system.processdesign.incidentplan.influence', {
  1843. url: '/influence',
  1844. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/processdesign/incidentplan/influence.html",
  1845. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ui.grid', 'xeditable', 'checklist-model', 'xeditableCtrl', 'influenceCtrl'),
  1846. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1847. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1848. label: 'User Manager'
  1849. }
  1850. }).state('app.system.processdesign.incidentplan.emergency', {
  1851. url: '/emergency',
  1852. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/processdesign/incidentplan/emergency.html",
  1853. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ui.grid', 'xeditable', 'checklist-model', 'xeditableCtrl', 'emergencyCtrl'),
  1854. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1855. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1856. label: 'User Manager'
  1857. }
  1858. }).state('app.system.processdesign.incidentplan.priority', {
  1859. url: '/priority',
  1860. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/processdesign/incidentplan/priority.html",
  1861. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'spin', 'ui.grid', 'xeditable', 'checklist-model', 'xeditableCtrl', 'priorityCtrl'),
  1862. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1863. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1864. label: 'User Manager'
  1865. }
  1866. }).state('app.system.processdesign.incidentplan.prioritymatrix', {
  1867. url: '/prioritymatrix',
  1868. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/processdesign/incidentplan/prioritymatrix.html",
  1869. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'spin', 'ui.grid', 'xeditable', 'checklist-model', 'xeditableCtrl', 'prioritymatrixCtrl'),
  1870. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1871. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1872. label: 'User Manager'
  1873. }
  1874. }).state('app.system.navmanager', {
  1875. url: '/navmanager',
  1876. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/navmanager.html",
  1877. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'xeditable', 'angular-ladda', '', '', 'angularTree', 'navmanagerCtrl'),
  1878. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1879. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1880. label: 'User Manager'
  1881. }
  1882. }).state('app.system.navmanager.aa', {
  1883. url: '/aa',
  1884. // templateUrl: "测试123",
  1885. template: "测试123"
  1886. }).state('app.system.navmanager.form', {
  1887. url: '/forms/{formKey}/{service}/{model}',
  1888. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/tpl/form.html",
  1889. title: 'ui-form',
  1890. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl', 'sysformCtrl'),
  1891. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1892. label: 'ui-form'
  1893. }
  1894. })
  1895. .state('app.system.systemmanager', {
  1896. url: '/systemmanager',
  1897. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/systemmanager.html",
  1898. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'systemmanagerCtrl'),
  1899. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1900. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1901. label: 'User Manager'
  1902. }
  1903. })
  1904. //系统配置seimin
  1905. .state('app.system.sysconfig', {
  1906. url: '/sysconfig',
  1907. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/sysconfig.html",
  1908. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', '', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'sysconfigCtrl'),
  1909. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1910. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1911. label: 'User Manager'
  1912. }
  1913. })
  1914. //微信配置seimin
  1915. .state('app.system.wxconfig', {
  1916. url: '/wxconfig',
  1917. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/wxconfig.html",
  1918. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'wxconfigCtrl'),
  1919. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1920. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1921. label: 'User Manager'
  1922. }
  1923. })
  1924. //事件配置seimin
  1925. .state('app.businessConfiguration.incidentConfig', {
  1926. url: '/incidentConfig',
  1927. templateUrl: "assets/views/businessConfiguration/incidentConfig.html",
  1928. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'incidentConfigCtrl'),
  1929. title: 'Nav Manager',
  1930. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1931. label: 'User Manager'
  1932. }
  1933. })
  1934. //system user
  1935. .state('app.system.user', {
  1936. url: '/user',
  1937. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  1938. title: 'User Manager',
  1939. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1940. label: 'User Manager'
  1941. }
  1942. })
  1943. .state('app.baseInfo.requester', {
  1944. url: '/requester',
  1945. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/user/requester.html",
  1946. title: 'User List Manager',
  1947. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'angularFileUpload', 'requestermgrCtrl'),
  1948. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1949. label: 'User List Manager'
  1950. }
  1951. }).state('app.system.user.user', {
  1952. url: '/users',
  1953. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/user/users.html",
  1954. title: 'User List Manager',
  1955. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ui.grid', 'usermgrCtrl'),
  1956. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1957. label: 'User List Manager'
  1958. }
  1959. }).state('app.baseInfo.thirdPartyCompany', {
  1960. url: '/thirdPartyCompany',
  1961. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/thirdPartyCompany.html",
  1962. title: 'User List Manager',
  1963. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ui.grid', 'thirdPartyCompanyCtrl'),
  1964. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1965. label: 'User List Manager'
  1966. }
  1967. }).state('app.system.user.role', {
  1968. url: '/roles',
  1969. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/user/role.html",
  1970. title: 'User List Manager',
  1971. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'ui.grid', 'rolemgrCtrl'),
  1972. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1973. label: 'User List Manager'
  1974. }
  1975. }).state('app.system.user.power', {
  1976. url: '/power',
  1977. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/user/power.html",
  1978. title: 'User List Manager',
  1979. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'xeditable', 'angular-ladda', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularTree', 'powerCtrl'),
  1980. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1981. label: 'User List Manager'
  1982. }
  1983. }).state('app.system.dashboard', {
  1984. url: '/dashboard',
  1985. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  1986. title: 'User Manager',
  1987. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1988. label: 'User Manager'
  1989. }
  1990. }).state('app.system.dashboard.editor', {
  1991. url: '/editor',
  1992. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/dashboard/dashboardeditor.html",
  1993. title: 'User List Manager',
  1994. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ng-nestable', 'ngTable', 'ckeditor', 'jquery-sparkline', 'sortable', '',
  1995. 'ui.mask', 'api-check', 'formly', 'moment', 'mwl.calendar', 'angularFormly', 'customformCtrl', 'dashboardnewCtrl'),
  1996. // resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'xeditable', 'angular-ladda', '', '', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularTree', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'dashboardnewCtrl'),
  1997. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  1998. label: 'User List Manager'
  1999. }
  2000. }).state('app.system.dashboard.create', {
  2001. url: '/create',
  2002. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/dashboard/dashboardAdd.html",
  2003. title: 'User List Manager',
  2004. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', '', 'dashboardAddCtrl'),
  2005. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2006. label: 'User List Manager'
  2007. }
  2008. }).state('app.system.form', {
  2009. url: '/forms/{formKey}/{service}/{model}/{isNoticeEdit}/{isServiceGuideEdit}',
  2010. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/tpl/form.html",
  2011. title: 'ui-form',
  2012. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'customformCtrl', 'sysformCtrl'),
  2013. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2014. label: 'ui-form'
  2015. }
  2016. }).state('app.system.form_editor', {
  2017. url: '/form_editor/{formKey}/{service}/{model}',
  2018. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/tpl/detail.html",
  2019. title: 'ui-form',
  2020. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl', 'sysformCtrl'),
  2021. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2022. label: 'ui-form'
  2023. }
  2024. }).state('app.system.form_role', {
  2025. url: '/form_role/{formKey}/{service}/{model}',
  2026. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/tpl/form.html",
  2027. title: 'ui-form',
  2028. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl', 'sysformCtrl'),
  2029. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2030. label: 'ui-form'
  2031. }
  2032. }).state('app.system.user.requester', {
  2033. url: '/requester/{formKey}/{service}/{model}',
  2034. // url: '/forms/{model}/{service}/{fields}/{url}/{cancelUrl}/{extjson}',
  2035. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/tpl/form.html",
  2036. title: 'ui-form',
  2037. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl', 'sysformCtrl'),
  2038. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2039. label: 'ui-form'
  2040. }
  2041. }).state('app.system.selfDefinedReport', {
  2042. // 自定义报表
  2043. url: '/selfDefinedReport',
  2044. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/selfDefinedReport/selfDefinedReport.html",
  2045. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'spin', 'ui.grid', 'xeditable', 'checklist-model', 'echarts', 'selfDefinedReportCtrl'),
  2046. title: 'Nav Manager',
  2047. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2048. label: 'User Manager'
  2049. }
  2050. }).state('app.system.knowledge', {
  2051. url: '/knowledge',
  2052. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  2053. title: 'Process Plan',
  2054. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2055. label: 'Process Plan'
  2056. }
  2057. }).state('app.system.knowledge.knowledgebase', {
  2058. url: '/knowledgebase',
  2059. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/knowledge.html",
  2060. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', '', 'monospaced.elastic', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'knowledgebaseCtrl'),
  2061. title: 'knowledge.VIEW',
  2062. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2063. label: 'knowledge list'
  2064. }
  2065. }).state('app.system.knowledge.category', {
  2066. url: '/category',
  2067. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/processdesign/knowledgedesign/knowledgecategore.html",
  2068. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', '', 'monospaced.elastic', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'knowkedgecateCtrl'),
  2069. title: 'knowledge.VIEW',
  2070. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2071. label: 'knowledge list'
  2072. }
  2073. // 公告管理
  2074. }).state('app.system.notice', {
  2075. url: '/notice',
  2076. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  2077. title: 'Process Plan',
  2078. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2079. label: 'Process Plan'
  2080. }
  2081. }).state('app.system.notice.list', {
  2082. url: '/list',
  2083. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/notice/notice.html",
  2084. title: 'User List Manager',
  2085. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', '', 'moment', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ui.grid', 'noticeCtrl'),
  2086. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2087. label: 'User List Manager'
  2088. }
  2089. }) //end system
  2090. .state('app.externalservice', {
  2091. url: '/externalservice',
  2092. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  2093. title: 'externalservice',
  2094. // pdKey: 'bpm_means',
  2095. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2096. label: 'externalservice'
  2097. }
  2098. }).state('app.externalservice.dnsmanagelist', {
  2099. url: '/dnsmanagelist',
  2100. templateUrl: "assets/views/externalservice/dnsmanage.html",
  2101. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', '', 'monospaced.elastic', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'dnsmanageCtrl'),
  2102. title: 'dnsmanage.VIEW',
  2103. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2104. label: 'dnsmanage list'
  2105. }
  2106. }).state('app.externalservice.dnsmanageedit', {
  2107. url: '/dnsmanageedit/{formKey}/{service}/{model}',
  2108. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/tpl/form.html",
  2109. title: 'ui-form',
  2110. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl', 'sysformCtrl'),
  2111. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2112. label: 'ui-form'
  2113. }
  2114. }).state('app.externalservice.emailhandlelist', {
  2115. url: '/emailhandlelist',
  2116. templateUrl: "assets/views/externalservice/emailhandle.html",
  2117. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', '', 'monospaced.elastic', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'emailhandleCtrl'),
  2118. title: 'dnsmanage.VIEW',
  2119. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2120. label: 'dnsmanage list'
  2121. }
  2122. }).state('app.externalservice.emailhandleedit', {
  2123. url: '/emailhandleedit/{formKey}/{service}/{model}',
  2124. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/tpl/form.html",
  2125. title: 'ui-form',
  2126. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl', 'sysformCtrl'),
  2127. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2128. label: 'ui-form'
  2129. }
  2130. }).state('app.externalservice.networkapply', {
  2131. url: '/networkapply',
  2132. templateUrl: "assets/views/externalservice/network/networkapply.html",
  2133. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', '', 'monospaced.elastic', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'networkapplyCtrl'),
  2134. title: 'dnsmanage.VIEW',
  2135. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2136. label: 'dnsmanage list'
  2137. }
  2138. }).state('app.externalservice.networkapplyedit', {
  2139. url: '/networkapplyedit/{formKey}/{service}/{model}',
  2140. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/tpl/form.html",
  2141. title: 'ui-form',
  2142. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl', 'sysformCtrl'),
  2143. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2144. label: 'ui-form'
  2145. }
  2146. }).state('app.externalservice.ipapply', {
  2147. url: '/ipapply',
  2148. templateUrl: "assets/views/externalservice/network/ipapply.html",
  2149. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', '', 'monospaced.elastic', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'ipapplyCtrl'),
  2150. title: 'dnsmanage.VIEW',
  2151. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2152. label: 'dnsmanage list'
  2153. }
  2154. }).state('app.externalservice.ipapplyedit', {
  2155. url: '/ipapplyedit/{formKey}/{service}/{model}',
  2156. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/tpl/form.html",
  2157. title: 'ui-form',
  2158. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl'),
  2159. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2160. label: 'ui-form'
  2161. }
  2162. }).state('app.externalservice.roommanage', {
  2163. url: '/roommanage',
  2164. templateUrl: "assets/views/externalservice/roommanage.html",
  2165. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', '', 'monospaced.elastic', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'roommanageCtrl'),
  2166. title: 'dnsmanage.VIEW',
  2167. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2168. label: 'dnsmanage list'
  2169. }
  2170. }).state('app.externalservice.roommanageedit', {
  2171. url: '/roommanageedit/{formKey}/{service}/{model}',
  2172. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/tpl/form.html",
  2173. title: 'ui-form',
  2174. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl', 'sysformCtrl'),
  2175. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2176. label: 'ui-form'
  2177. }
  2178. }).state('app.externalservice.faultrepair', {
  2179. url: '/faultrepair',
  2180. templateUrl: "assets/views/externalservice/faultrepair.html",
  2181. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', '', 'monospaced.elastic', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'faultrepairCtrl'),
  2182. title: 'dnsmanage.VIEW',
  2183. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2184. label: 'dnsmanage list'
  2185. }
  2186. }).state('app.externalservice.faultrepairedit', {
  2187. url: '/faultrepairedit/{formKey}/{service}/{model}',
  2188. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/tpl/form.html",
  2189. title: 'ui-form',
  2190. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl'),
  2191. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2192. label: 'ui-form'
  2193. }
  2194. }).state('app.externalservice.automaticlogin', {
  2195. url: '/automaticlogin',
  2196. templateUrl: "assets/views/externalservice/automaticlogin.html",
  2197. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', '', 'monospaced.elastic', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'automaticloginCtrl'),
  2198. title: 'dnsmanage.VIEW',
  2199. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2200. label: 'dnsmanage list'
  2201. }
  2202. }).state('app.externalservice.automaticloginedit', {
  2203. url: '/automaticloginedit/{formKey}/{service}/{model}',
  2204. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/tpl/form.html",
  2205. title: 'ui-form',
  2206. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl'),
  2207. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2208. label: 'ui-form'
  2209. }
  2210. }).state('app.externalservice.nsm', {
  2211. url: '/nsm',
  2212. templateUrl: "assets/views/externalservice/nsm.html",
  2213. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', '', 'monospaced.elastic', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', '', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'nsmCtrl'),
  2214. title: 'dnsmanage.VIEW',
  2215. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2216. label: 'dnsmanage list'
  2217. }
  2218. }).state('app.externalservice.nsmedit', {
  2219. url: '/nsmedit/{formKey}/{service}/{model}',
  2220. templateUrl: "assets/views/system/tpl/form.html",
  2221. title: 'ui-form',
  2222. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl'),
  2223. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2224. label: 'ui-form'
  2225. }
  2226. })
  2227. .state('app.ui', {
  2228. url: '/ui',
  2229. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  2230. title: 'UI Elements',
  2231. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2232. label: 'UI Elements'
  2233. }
  2234. }).state('app.ui.elements', {
  2235. url: '/elements',
  2236. templateUrl: "assets/views/ui_elements.html",
  2237. title: 'Elements',
  2238. icon: 'ti-layout-media-left-alt',
  2239. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2240. label: 'Elements'
  2241. }
  2242. }).state('app.ui.buttons', {
  2243. url: '/buttons',
  2244. templateUrl: "assets/views/ui_buttons.html",
  2245. title: 'Buttons',
  2246. resolve: loadSequence('spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'laddaCtrl'),
  2247. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2248. label: 'Buttons'
  2249. }
  2250. }).state('app.ui.links', {
  2251. url: '/links',
  2252. templateUrl: "assets/views/ui_links.html",
  2253. title: 'Link Effects',
  2254. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2255. label: 'Link Effects'
  2256. }
  2257. }).state('app.ui.icons', {
  2258. url: '/icons',
  2259. templateUrl: "assets/views/ui_icons.html",
  2260. title: 'Font Awesome Icons',
  2261. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2262. label: 'Font Awesome Icons'
  2263. },
  2264. resolve: loadSequence('iconsCtrl')
  2265. }).state('app.ui.lineicons', {
  2266. url: '/line-icons',
  2267. templateUrl: "assets/views/ui_line_icons.html",
  2268. title: 'Linear Icons',
  2269. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2270. label: 'Linear Icons'
  2271. },
  2272. resolve: loadSequence('iconsCtrl')
  2273. }).state('app.ui.modals', {
  2274. url: '/modals',
  2275. templateUrl: "assets/views/ui_modals.html",
  2276. title: 'Modals',
  2277. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2278. label: 'Modals'
  2279. },
  2280. resolve: loadSequence('asideCtrl')
  2281. }).state('app.ui.toggle', {
  2282. url: '/toggle',
  2283. templateUrl: "assets/views/ui_toggle.html",
  2284. title: 'Toggle',
  2285. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2286. label: 'Toggle'
  2287. }
  2288. }).state('app.ui.tabs_accordions', {
  2289. url: '/accordions',
  2290. templateUrl: "assets/views/ui_tabs_accordions.html",
  2291. title: "Tabs & Accordions",
  2292. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2293. label: 'Tabs & Accordions'
  2294. },
  2295. resolve: loadSequence('vAccordionCtrl')
  2296. }).state('app.ui.panels', {
  2297. url: '/panels',
  2298. templateUrl: "assets/views/ui_panels.html",
  2299. title: 'Panels',
  2300. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2301. label: 'Panels'
  2302. }
  2303. }).state('app.ui.notifications', {
  2304. url: '/notifications',
  2305. templateUrl: "assets/views/ui_notifications.html",
  2306. title: 'Notifications',
  2307. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2308. label: 'Notifications'
  2309. },
  2310. resolve: loadSequence('toasterCtrl', 'sweetAlertCtrl')
  2311. }).state('app.ui.treeview', {
  2312. url: '/treeview',
  2313. templateUrl: "assets/views/ui_tree.html",
  2314. title: 'TreeView',
  2315. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2316. label: 'Treeview'
  2317. },
  2318. resolve: loadSequence('angularBootstrapNavTree', 'treeCtrl')
  2319. }).state('', {
  2320. url: '/media',
  2321. templateUrl: "assets/views/ui_media.html",
  2322. title: 'Media',
  2323. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2324. label: 'Media'
  2325. }
  2326. }).state('app.ui.nestable', {
  2327. url: '/nestable2',
  2328. templateUrl: "assets/views/ui_nestable.html",
  2329. title: 'Nestable List',
  2330. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2331. label: 'Nestable List'
  2332. },
  2333. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-nestable-plugin', 'ng-nestable', 'nestableCtrl')
  2334. }).state('app.ui.typography', {
  2335. url: '/typography',
  2336. templateUrl: "assets/views/ui_typography.html",
  2337. title: 'Typography',
  2338. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2339. label: 'Typography'
  2340. }
  2341. }).state('app.table', {
  2342. url: '/table',
  2343. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  2344. title: 'Tables',
  2345. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2346. label: 'Tables'
  2347. }
  2348. }).state('app.table.basic', {
  2349. url: '/basic',
  2350. templateUrl: "assets/views/table_basic.html",
  2351. title: 'Basic Tables',
  2352. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2353. label: 'Basic'
  2354. }
  2355. }).state('app.table.responsive', {
  2356. url: '/responsive',
  2357. templateUrl: "assets/views/table_responsive.html",
  2358. title: 'Responsive Tables',
  2359. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2360. label: 'Responsive'
  2361. }
  2362. }).state('', {
  2363. url: '/data',
  2364. templateUrl: "assets/views/table_data.html",
  2365. title: 'ngTable',
  2366. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2367. label: 'ngTable'
  2368. },
  2369. resolve: loadSequence('ngTable', 'ngTableCtrl')
  2370. }).state('app.table.export', {
  2371. url: '/export',
  2372. templateUrl: "assets/views/table_export.html",
  2373. title: 'Table'
  2374. }).state('app.form', {
  2375. url: '/form',
  2376. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  2377. title: 'Forms',
  2378. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2379. label: 'Forms'
  2380. }
  2381. }).state('app.form.elements', {
  2382. url: '/elements',
  2383. templateUrl: "assets/views/form_elements.html",
  2384. title: 'Forms Elements',
  2385. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2386. label: 'Elements'
  2387. },
  2388. resolve: loadSequence('', 'monospaced.elastic', 'ui.mask', 'touchspin-plugin', 'selectCtrl')
  2389. }).state('app.form.xeditable', {
  2390. url: '/xeditable',
  2391. templateUrl: "assets/views/form_xeditable.html",
  2392. title: 'Angular X-Editable',
  2393. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2394. label: 'X-Editable'
  2395. },
  2396. resolve: loadSequence('xeditable', 'checklist-model', 'xeditableCtrl')
  2397. }).state('app.form.texteditor', {
  2398. url: '/editor',
  2399. templateUrl: "assets/views/form_text_editor.html",
  2400. title: 'Text Editor',
  2401. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2402. label: 'Text Editor'
  2403. },
  2404. resolve: loadSequence('ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'ckeditorCtrl')
  2405. }).state('app.form.wizard', {
  2406. url: '/wizard',
  2407. templateUrl: "assets/views/form_wizard.html",
  2408. title: 'Form Wizard',
  2409. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2410. label: 'Wizard'
  2411. },
  2412. resolve: loadSequence('wizardCtrl')
  2413. }).state('app.form.validation', {
  2414. url: '/validation',
  2415. templateUrl: "assets/views/form_validation.html",
  2416. title: 'Form Validation',
  2417. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2418. label: 'Validation'
  2419. },
  2420. resolve: loadSequence('validationCtrl')
  2421. }).state('app.form.cropping', {
  2422. url: '/image-cropping',
  2423. templateUrl: "assets/views/form_image_cropping.html",
  2424. title: 'Image Cropping',
  2425. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2426. label: 'Image Cropping'
  2427. },
  2428. resolve: loadSequence('ngImgCrop', 'cropCtrl')
  2429. }).state('app.form.upload', {
  2430. url: '/file-upload',
  2431. templateUrl: "assets/views/form_file_upload.html",
  2432. title: 'Multiple File Upload',
  2433. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2434. label: 'File Upload'
  2435. },
  2436. resolve: loadSequence('angularFileUpload', 'uploadCtrl')
  2437. }).state('app.pages', {
  2438. url: '/pages',
  2439. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  2440. title: 'Pages',
  2441. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2442. label: 'Pages'
  2443. }
  2444. }).state('app.pages.user', {
  2445. url: '/user',
  2446. templateUrl: "assets/views/pages_user_profile.html",
  2447. title: 'User Profile',
  2448. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2449. label: 'User Profile'
  2450. },
  2451. resolve: loadSequence('flow', 'userCtrl')
  2452. }).state('app.pages.invoice', {
  2453. url: '/invoice',
  2454. templateUrl: "assets/views/pages_invoice.html",
  2455. title: 'Invoice',
  2456. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2457. label: 'Invoice'
  2458. }
  2459. }).state('app.pages.timeline', {
  2460. url: '/timeline',
  2461. templateUrl: "assets/views/pages_timeline.html",
  2462. title: 'Timeline',
  2463. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2464. label: 'Timeline'
  2465. },
  2466. resolve: loadSequence('ngMap')
  2467. }).state('app.pages.calendar', {
  2468. url: '/calendar',
  2469. templateUrl: "assets/views/pages_calendar.html",
  2470. title: 'Calendar',
  2471. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2472. label: 'Calendar'
  2473. },
  2474. resolve: loadSequence('moment', 'mwl.calendar', 'calendarCtrl')
  2475. }).state('app.pages.messages', {
  2476. url: '/messages',
  2477. templateUrl: "assets/views/pages_messages.html",
  2478. resolve: loadSequence('truncate', 'htmlToPlaintext', 'inboxCtrl')
  2479. }).state('app.pages.messages.inbox', {
  2480. url: '/inbox/:inboxID',
  2481. templateUrl: "assets/views/pages_inbox.html",
  2482. controller: 'ViewMessageCrtl'
  2483. }).state('app.pages.blank', {
  2484. url: '/blank',
  2485. templateUrl: "assets/views/pages_blank_page.html",
  2486. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2487. label: 'Starter Page'
  2488. }
  2489. }).state('app.utilities', {
  2490. url: '/utilities',
  2491. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  2492. title: 'Utilities',
  2493. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2494. label: 'Utilities'
  2495. }
  2496. }).state('', {
  2497. url: '/search',
  2498. templateUrl: "assets/views/utility_search_result.html",
  2499. title: 'Search Results',
  2500. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2501. label: 'Search Results'
  2502. }
  2503. }).state('app.utilities.pricing', {
  2504. url: '/pricing',
  2505. templateUrl: "assets/views/utility_pricing_table.html",
  2506. title: 'Pricing Table',
  2507. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2508. label: 'Pricing Table'
  2509. }
  2510. }).state('app.maps', {
  2511. url: "/maps",
  2512. templateUrl: "assets/views/maps.html",
  2513. resolve: loadSequence('ngMap', 'mapsCtrl'),
  2514. title: "Maps",
  2515. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2516. label: 'Maps'
  2517. }
  2518. }).state('app.charts', {
  2519. url: "/charts",
  2520. templateUrl: "assets/views/charts.html",
  2521. resolve: loadSequence('chartjs', 'tc.chartjs', 'chartsCtrl'),
  2522. title: "Charts",
  2523. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2524. label: 'Charts'
  2525. }
  2526. }).state('app.documentation', {
  2527. url: "/documentation",
  2528. templateUrl: "assets/views/documentation.html",
  2529. title: "Documentation",
  2530. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2531. label: 'Documentation'
  2532. }
  2533. }).state('error', {
  2534. url: '/error',
  2535. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>'
  2536. }).state('error.404', {
  2537. url: '/404',
  2538. templateUrl: "assets/views/utility_404.html"
  2539. }).state('error.500', {
  2540. url: '/500',
  2541. templateUrl: "assets/views/utility_500.html"
  2542. })
  2543. //custom form
  2544. .state('app.customform', {
  2545. url: '/customform',
  2546. templateUrl: 'assets/views/customform/index.html',
  2547. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'ckeditor-plugin', 'ckeditor', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl'),
  2548. title: 'Customform',
  2549. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2550. label: 'Customform'
  2551. }
  2552. })
  2553. .state('app.detail', {
  2554. url: '/detail/:formKey/:pdKey/:dataId/:taskId/:processInstanceId',
  2555. templateUrl: "assets/views/customform/detail.html",
  2556. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'api-check', 'formly', 'angularFormly', 'angularFileUpload', '', 'customformCtrl', 'customformDetailCtrl'),
  2557. title: 'form detail',
  2558. icon: 'ti-list',
  2559. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2560. label: 'detail'
  2561. }
  2562. })
  2563. // 事件实时播报
  2564. .state('bigScreen', {
  2565. url: '/bigScreen',
  2566. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-right-big smooth"></div>',
  2567. abstract: true
  2568. }).state('bigScreen.realtimeBroadcast', {
  2569. url: '/realtimeBroadcast',
  2570. templateUrl: "assets/views/bigScreen/realtimeBroadcast.html",
  2571. resolve: loadSequence('sweet-alert', 'oitozero.ngSweetAlert','jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'moment', 'angularPrint', 'angularFileUpload', '', '', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'realtimeBroadcastCtrl'),
  2572. })
  2573. // Login routes
  2574. .state('login', {
  2575. url: '/login',
  2576. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-right-big smooth"></div>',
  2577. abstract: true
  2578. }).state('login.signin', {
  2579. url: '/signin',
  2580. templateUrl: "assets/views/login_login.html",
  2581. resolve: loadSequence('sweet-alert', 'oitozero.ngSweetAlert', 'morph', 'loginCtrl')
  2582. }).state('login.license', {
  2583. url: '/license',
  2584. templateUrl: "assets/views/license.html",
  2585. resolve: loadSequence('sweet-alert', 'oitozero.ngSweetAlert', 'morph', 'licenseCtrl')
  2586. }).state('login.forgot', {
  2587. url: '/forgot',
  2588. templateUrl: "assets/views/login_forgot.html"
  2589. })
  2590. /*.state('login.registration', {
  2591. url: '/registration',
  2592. templateUrl: "assets/views/login_registration.html"
  2593. })*/
  2594. .state('login.lockscreen', {
  2595. url: '/lock',
  2596. templateUrl: "assets/views/login_lock_screen.html"
  2597. })
  2598. // 合同
  2599. .state('app.contractManagement', {
  2600. url: '/contractManagement',
  2601. template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>',
  2602. title: 'System Elements',
  2603. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2604. label: 'System Elements'
  2605. }
  2606. }).state('app.contractManagement.maintenanceManagement', {
  2607. url: '/maintenanceManagement',
  2608. templateUrl: "assets/views/contractManagement/maintenanceManagement.html",
  2609. resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', '', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'jquery-nestable-plugin', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'angularFileUpload', 'spin', 'ui.grid', 'xeditable', '', '', 'touchspin-plugin', 'angularTree', 'angularBootstrapNavTree', 'checklist-model', 'maintenanceManagementCtrl'),
  2610. title: 'Nav Manager',
  2611. ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2612. label: 'User Manager'
  2613. }
  2614. })
  2615. // .state('login.changepassword', {
  2616. // url: '/changepassword',
  2617. // templateUrl: "assets/views/changepassword.html",
  2618. // resolve: loadSequence('jquery-sparkline', 'spin', 'ladda', 'angular-ladda', 'ui.grid', 'passwordCtrl'),
  2619. // title: 'changepassword',
  2620. // icon: 'ti-list',
  2621. // ncyBreadcrumb: {
  2622. // label: 'changepassword'
  2623. // }
  2624. // });
  2625. // Generates a resolve object previously configured in constant.JS_REQUIRES (config.constant.js)
  2626. function loadSequence() {
  2627. var _args = arguments;
  2628. return {
  2629. deps: ['$ocLazyLoad', '$q',
  2630. function ($ocLL, $q) {
  2631. var promise = $q.when(1);
  2632. for (var i = 0, len = _args.length; i < len; i++) {
  2633. promise = promiseThen(_args[i]);
  2634. }
  2635. return promise;
  2636. function promiseThen(_arg) {
  2637. if (typeof _arg == 'function')
  2638. return promise.then(_arg);
  2639. else
  2640. return promise.then(function () {
  2641. var nowLoad = requiredData(_arg);
  2642. if (!nowLoad)
  2643. return $.error('Route resolve: Bad resource name [' + _arg + ']');
  2644. return $ocLL.load(nowLoad);
  2645. });
  2646. }
  2647. function requiredData(name) {
  2648. if (jsRequires.modules)
  2649. for (var m in jsRequires.modules)
  2650. if (jsRequires.modules[m].name && jsRequires.modules[m].name === name)
  2651. return jsRequires.modules[m];
  2652. return jsRequires.scripts && jsRequires.scripts[name];
  2653. }
  2654. }
  2655. ]
  2656. };
  2657. }
  2658. }
  2659. ]);