/*! * ui-grid - v3.0.6 - 2015-09-08 * Copyright (c) 2015 ; License: MIT */ (function() { 'use strict'; angular.module('ui.grid.i18n', []); angular.module('ui.grid', ['ui.grid.i18n']); })(); (function() { 'use strict'; angular.module('ui.grid').constant('uiGridConstants', { LOG_DEBUG_MESSAGES: true, LOG_WARN_MESSAGES: true, LOG_ERROR_MESSAGES: true, CUSTOM_FILTERS: /CUSTOM_FILTERS/g, COL_FIELD: /COL_FIELD/g, MODEL_COL_FIELD: /MODEL_COL_FIELD/g, TOOLTIP: /title=\"TOOLTIP\"/g, DISPLAY_CELL_TEMPLATE: /DISPLAY_CELL_TEMPLATE/g, TEMPLATE_REGEXP: /<.+>/, FUNC_REGEXP: /(\([^)]*\))?$/, DOT_REGEXP: /\./g, APOS_REGEXP: /'/g, BRACKET_REGEXP: /^(.*)((?:\s*\[\s*\d+\s*\]\s*)|(?:\s*\[\s*"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"\s*\]\s*)|(?:\s*\[\s*'(?:[^'\\]|\\.)*'\s*\]\s*))(.*)$/, COL_CLASS_PREFIX: 'ui-grid-col', events: { GRID_SCROLL: 'uiGridScroll', COLUMN_MENU_SHOWN: 'uiGridColMenuShown', ITEM_DRAGGING: 'uiGridItemDragStart', // For any item being dragged COLUMN_HEADER_CLICK: 'uiGridColumnHeaderClick' }, // copied from http://www.lsauer.com/2011/08/javascript-keymap-keycodes-in-json.html keymap: { TAB: 9, STRG: 17, CAPSLOCK: 20, CTRL: 17, CTRLRIGHT: 18, CTRLR: 18, SHIFT: 16, RETURN: 13, ENTER: 13, BACKSPACE: 8, BCKSP: 8, ALT: 18, ALTR: 17, ALTRIGHT: 17, SPACE: 32, WIN: 91, MAC: 91, FN: null, PG_UP: 33, PG_DOWN: 34, UP: 38, DOWN: 40, LEFT: 37, RIGHT: 39, ESC: 27, DEL: 46, F1: 112, F2: 113, F3: 114, F4: 115, F5: 116, F6: 117, F7: 118, F8: 119, F9: 120, F10: 121, F11: 122, F12: 123 }, ASC: 'asc', DESC: 'desc', filter: { STARTS_WITH: 2, ENDS_WITH: 4, EXACT: 8, CONTAINS: 16, GREATER_THAN: 32, GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL: 64, LESS_THAN: 128, LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL: 256, NOT_EQUAL: 512, SELECT: 'select', INPUT: 'input' }, aggregationTypes: { sum: 2, count: 4, avg: 8, min: 16, max: 32 }, // TODO(c0bra): Create full list of these somehow. NOTE: do any allow a space before or after them? CURRENCY_SYMBOLS: ['ƒ', '$', '£', '$', '¤', '¥', '៛', '₩', '₱', '฿', '₫'], scrollDirection: { UP: 'up', DOWN: 'down', LEFT: 'left', RIGHT: 'right', NONE: 'none' }, dataChange: { ALL: 'all', EDIT: 'edit', ROW: 'row', COLUMN: 'column', OPTIONS: 'options' }, scrollbars: { NEVER: 0, ALWAYS: 1 //WHEN_NEEDED: 2 } }); })(); angular.module('ui.grid').directive('uiGridCell', ['$compile', '$parse', 'gridUtil', 'uiGridConstants', function($compile, $parse, gridUtil, uiGridConstants) { var uiGridCell = { priority: 0, scope: false, require: '?^uiGrid', compile: function() { return { pre: function($scope, $elm, $attrs, uiGridCtrl) { function compileTemplate() { var compiledElementFn = $scope.col.compiledElementFn; compiledElementFn($scope, function(clonedElement, scope) { $elm.append(clonedElement); }); } // If the grid controller is present, use it to get the compiled cell template function if (uiGridCtrl && $scope.col.compiledElementFn) { compileTemplate(); } // No controller, compile the element manually (for unit tests) else { if (uiGridCtrl && !$scope.col.compiledElementFn) { // gridUtil.logError('Render has been called before precompile. Please log a ui-grid issue'); $scope.col.getCompiledElementFn() .then(function(compiledElementFn) { compiledElementFn($scope, function(clonedElement, scope) { $elm.append(clonedElement); }); }); } else { var html = $scope.col.cellTemplate .replace(uiGridConstants.MODEL_COL_FIELD, 'row.entity.' + gridUtil.preEval($scope.col.field)) .replace(uiGridConstants.COL_FIELD, 'grid.getCellValue(row, col)'); var cellElement = $compile(html)($scope); $elm.append(cellElement); } } }, post: function($scope, $elm, $attrs, uiGridCtrl) { var initColClass = $scope.col.getColClass(false); $elm.addClass(initColClass); var classAdded; var updateClass = function(grid) { var contents = $elm; if (classAdded) { contents.removeClass(classAdded); classAdded = null; } if (angular.isFunction($scope.col.cellClass)) { classAdded = $scope.col.cellClass($scope.grid, $scope.row, $scope.col, $scope.rowRenderIndex, $scope.colRenderIndex); } else { classAdded = $scope.col.cellClass; } contents.addClass(classAdded); }; if ($scope.col.cellClass) { updateClass(); } // Register a data change watch that would get triggered whenever someone edits a cell or modifies column defs var dataChangeDereg = $scope.grid.registerDataChangeCallback(updateClass, [uiGridConstants.dataChange.COLUMN, uiGridConstants.dataChange.EDIT]); // watch the col and row to see if they change - which would indicate that we've scrolled or sorted or otherwise // changed the row/col that this cell relates to, and we need to re-evaluate cell classes and maybe other things var cellChangeFunction = function(n, o) { if (n !== o) { if (classAdded || $scope.col.cellClass) { updateClass(); } // See if the column's internal class has changed var newColClass = $scope.col.getColClass(false); if (newColClass !== initColClass) { $elm.removeClass(initColClass); $elm.addClass(newColClass); initColClass = newColClass; } } }; // TODO(c0bra): Turn this into a deep array watch /* shouldn't be needed any more given track by col.name var colWatchDereg = $scope.$watch( 'col', cellChangeFunction ); */ var rowWatchDereg = $scope.$watch('row', cellChangeFunction); var deregisterFunction = function() { dataChangeDereg(); // colWatchDereg(); rowWatchDereg(); }; $scope.$on('$destroy', deregisterFunction); $elm.on('$destroy', deregisterFunction); } }; } }; return uiGridCell; }]); (function() { angular.module('ui.grid') .service('uiGridColumnMenuService', ['i18nService', 'uiGridConstants', 'gridUtil', function(i18nService, uiGridConstants, gridUtil) { /** * @ngdoc service * @name ui.grid.service:uiGridColumnMenuService * * @description Services for working with column menus, factored out * to make the code easier to understand */ var service = { /** * @ngdoc method * @methodOf ui.grid.service:uiGridColumnMenuService * @name initialize * @description Sets defaults, puts a reference to the $scope on * the uiGridController * @param {$scope} $scope the $scope from the uiGridColumnMenu * @param {controller} uiGridCtrl the uiGridController for the grid * we're on * */ initialize: function($scope, uiGridCtrl) { $scope.grid = uiGridCtrl.grid; // Store a reference to this link/controller in the main uiGrid controller // to allow showMenu later uiGridCtrl.columnMenuScope = $scope; // Save whether we're shown or not so the columns can check $scope.menuShown = false; }, /** * @ngdoc method * @methodOf ui.grid.service:uiGridColumnMenuService * @name setColMenuItemWatch * @description Setup a watch on $scope.col.menuItems, and update * menuItems based on this. $scope.col needs to be set by the column * before calling the menu. * @param {$scope} $scope the $scope from the uiGridColumnMenu * @param {controller} uiGridCtrl the uiGridController for the grid * we're on * */ setColMenuItemWatch: function($scope) { var deregFunction = $scope.$watch('col.menuItems', function(n, o) { if (typeof(n) !== 'undefined' && n && angular.isArray(n)) { n.forEach(function(item) { if (typeof(item.context) === 'undefined' || !item.context) { item.context = {}; } item.context.col = $scope.col; }); $scope.menuItems = $scope.defaultMenuItems.concat(n); } else { $scope.menuItems = $scope.defaultMenuItems; } }); $scope.$on('$destroy', deregFunction); }, /** * @ngdoc boolean * @name enableSorting * @propertyOf ui.grid.class:GridOptions.columnDef * @description (optional) True by default. When enabled, this setting adds sort * widgets to the column header, allowing sorting of the data in the individual column. */ /** * @ngdoc method * @methodOf ui.grid.service:uiGridColumnMenuService * @name sortable * @description determines whether this column is sortable * @param {$scope} $scope the $scope from the uiGridColumnMenu * */ sortable: function($scope) { if ($scope.grid.options.enableSorting && typeof($scope.col) !== 'undefined' && $scope.col && $scope.col.enableSorting) { return true; } else { return false; } }, /** * @ngdoc method * @methodOf ui.grid.service:uiGridColumnMenuService * @name isActiveSort * @description determines whether the requested sort direction is current active, to * allow highlighting in the menu * @param {$scope} $scope the $scope from the uiGridColumnMenu * @param {string} direction the direction that we'd have selected for us to be active * */ isActiveSort: function($scope, direction) { return (typeof($scope.col) !== 'undefined' && typeof($scope.col.sort) !== 'undefined' && typeof($scope.col.sort.direction) !== 'undefined' && $scope.col.sort.direction === direction); }, /** * @ngdoc method * @methodOf ui.grid.service:uiGridColumnMenuService * @name suppressRemoveSort * @description determines whether we should suppress the removeSort option * @param {$scope} $scope the $scope from the uiGridColumnMenu * */ suppressRemoveSort: function($scope) { if ($scope.col && $scope.col.suppressRemoveSort) { return true; } else { return false; } }, /** * @ngdoc boolean * @name enableHiding * @propertyOf ui.grid.class:GridOptions.columnDef * @description (optional) True by default. When set to false, this setting prevents a user from hiding the column * using the column menu or the grid menu. */ /** * @ngdoc method * @methodOf ui.grid.service:uiGridColumnMenuService * @name hideable * @description determines whether a column can be hidden, by checking the enableHiding columnDef option * @param {$scope} $scope the $scope from the uiGridColumnMenu * */ hideable: function($scope) { if (typeof($scope.col) !== 'undefined' && $scope.col && $scope.col.colDef && $scope.col.colDef.enableHiding === false) { return false; } else { return true; } }, /** * @ngdoc method * @methodOf ui.grid.service:uiGridColumnMenuService * @name getDefaultMenuItems * @description returns the default menu items for a column menu * @param {$scope} $scope the $scope from the uiGridColumnMenu * */ getDefaultMenuItems: function($scope) { return [{ title: i18nService.getSafeText('sort.ascending'), icon: 'ui-grid-icon-sort-alt-up', action: function($event) { $event.stopPropagation(); $scope.sortColumn($event, uiGridConstants.ASC); }, shown: function() { return service.sortable($scope); }, active: function() { return service.isActiveSort($scope, uiGridConstants.ASC); } }, { title: i18nService.getSafeText('sort.descending'), icon: 'ui-grid-icon-sort-alt-down', action: function($event) { $event.stopPropagation(); $scope.sortColumn($event, uiGridConstants.DESC); }, shown: function() { return service.sortable($scope); }, active: function() { return service.isActiveSort($scope, uiGridConstants.DESC); } }, { title: i18nService.getSafeText('sort.remove'), icon: 'ui-grid-icon-cancel', action: function($event) { $event.stopPropagation(); $scope.unsortColumn(); }, shown: function() { return service.sortable($scope) && typeof($scope.col) !== 'undefined' && (typeof($scope.col.sort) !== 'undefined' && typeof($scope.col.sort.direction) !== 'undefined') && $scope.col.sort.direction !== null && !service.suppressRemoveSort($scope); } }, { title: i18nService.getSafeText('column.hide'), icon: 'ui-grid-icon-cancel', shown: function() { return service.hideable($scope); }, action: function($event) { $event.stopPropagation(); $scope.hideColumn(); } }, { title: i18nService.getSafeText('columnMenu.close'), screenReaderOnly: true, shown: function() { return true; }, action: function($event) { $event.stopPropagation(); } } ]; }, /** * @ngdoc method * @methodOf ui.grid.service:uiGridColumnMenuService * @name getColumnElementPosition * @description gets the position information needed to place the column * menu below the column header * @param {$scope} $scope the $scope from the uiGridColumnMenu * @param {GridCol} column the column we want to position below * @param {element} $columnElement the column element we want to position below * @returns {hash} containing left, top, offset, height, width * */ getColumnElementPosition: function($scope, column, $columnElement) { var positionData = {}; positionData.left = $columnElement[0].offsetLeft; positionData.top = $columnElement[0].offsetTop; positionData.parentLeft = $columnElement[0].offsetParent.offsetLeft; // Get the grid scrollLeft positionData.offset = 0; if (column.grid.options.offsetLeft) { positionData.offset = column.grid.options.offsetLeft; } positionData.height = gridUtil.elementHeight($columnElement, true); positionData.width = gridUtil.elementWidth($columnElement, true); return positionData; }, /** * @ngdoc method * @methodOf ui.grid.service:uiGridColumnMenuService * @name repositionMenu * @description Reposition the menu below the new column. If the menu has no child nodes * (i.e. it's not currently visible) then we guess it's width at 100, we'll be called again * later to fix it * @param {$scope} $scope the $scope from the uiGridColumnMenu * @param {GridCol} column the column we want to position below * @param {hash} positionData a hash containing left, top, offset, height, width * @param {element} $elm the column menu element that we want to reposition * @param {element} $columnElement the column element that we want to reposition underneath * */ repositionMenu: function($scope, column, positionData, $elm, $columnElement) { var menu = $elm[0].querySelectorAll('.ui-grid-menu'); var containerId = column.renderContainer ? column.renderContainer : 'body'; var renderContainer = column.grid.renderContainers[containerId]; // It's possible that the render container of the column we're attaching to is // offset from the grid (i.e. pinned containers), we need to get the difference in the offsetLeft // between the render container and the grid var renderContainerElm = gridUtil.closestElm($columnElement, '.ui-grid-render-container'); var renderContainerOffset = renderContainerElm.getBoundingClientRect().left - $scope.grid.element[0].getBoundingClientRect().left; var containerScrollLeft = renderContainerElm.querySelectorAll('.ui-grid-viewport')[0].scrollLeft; // default value the last width for _this_ column, otherwise last width for _any_ column, otherwise default to 170 var myWidth = column.lastMenuWidth ? column.lastMenuWidth : ($scope.lastMenuWidth ? $scope.lastMenuWidth : 170); var paddingRight = column.lastMenuPaddingRight ? column.lastMenuPaddingRight : ($scope.lastMenuPaddingRight ? $scope.lastMenuPaddingRight : 10); if (menu.length !== 0) { var mid = menu[0].querySelectorAll('.ui-grid-menu-mid'); if (mid.length !== 0 && !angular.element(mid).hasClass('ng-hide')) { myWidth = gridUtil.elementWidth(menu, true); $scope.lastMenuWidth = myWidth; column.lastMenuWidth = myWidth; // TODO(c0bra): use padding-left/padding-right based on document direction (ltr/rtl), place menu on proper side // Get the column menu right padding paddingRight = parseInt(gridUtil.getStyles(angular.element(menu)[0])['paddingRight'], 10); $scope.lastMenuPaddingRight = paddingRight; column.lastMenuPaddingRight = paddingRight; } } var left = positionData.left + renderContainerOffset - containerScrollLeft + positionData.parentLeft + positionData.width - myWidth + paddingRight; if (left < positionData.offset) { left = positionData.offset; } $elm.css('left', left + 'px'); $elm.css('top', (positionData.top + positionData.height) + 'px'); } }; return service; } ]) .directive('uiGridColumnMenu', ['$timeout', 'gridUtil', 'uiGridConstants', 'uiGridColumnMenuService', '$document', function($timeout, gridUtil, uiGridConstants, uiGridColumnMenuService, $document) { /** * @ngdoc directive * @name ui.grid.directive:uiGridColumnMenu * @description Provides the column menu framework, leverages uiGridMenu underneath * */ var uiGridColumnMenu = { priority: 0, scope: true, require: '^uiGrid', templateUrl: 'ui-grid/uiGridColumnMenu', replace: true, link: function($scope, $elm, $attrs, uiGridCtrl) { var self = this; uiGridColumnMenuService.initialize($scope, uiGridCtrl); $scope.defaultMenuItems = uiGridColumnMenuService.getDefaultMenuItems($scope); // Set the menu items for use with the column menu. The user can later add additional items via the watch $scope.menuItems = $scope.defaultMenuItems; uiGridColumnMenuService.setColMenuItemWatch($scope); /** * @ngdoc method * @methodOf ui.grid.directive:uiGridColumnMenu * @name showMenu * @description Shows the column menu. If the menu is already displayed it * calls the menu to ask it to hide (it will animate), then it repositions the menu * to the right place whilst hidden (it will make an assumption on menu width), * then it asks the menu to show (it will animate), then it repositions the menu again * once we can calculate it's size. * @param {GridCol} column the column we want to position below * @param {element} $columnElement the column element we want to position below */ $scope.showMenu = function(column, $columnElement, event) { // Swap to this column $scope.col = column; // Get the position information for the column element var colElementPosition = uiGridColumnMenuService.getColumnElementPosition($scope, column, $columnElement); if ($scope.menuShown) { // we want to hide, then reposition, then show, but we want to wait for animations // we set a variable, and then rely on the menu-hidden event to call the reposition and show $scope.colElement = $columnElement; $scope.colElementPosition = colElementPosition; $scope.hideThenShow = true; $scope.$broadcast('hide-menu', { originalEvent: event }); } else { self.shown = $scope.menuShown = true; uiGridColumnMenuService.repositionMenu($scope, column, colElementPosition, $elm, $columnElement); $scope.colElement = $columnElement; $scope.colElementPosition = colElementPosition; $scope.$broadcast('show-menu', { originalEvent: event }); } }; /** * @ngdoc method * @methodOf ui.grid.directive:uiGridColumnMenu * @name hideMenu * @description Hides the column menu. * @param {boolean} broadcastTrigger true if we were triggered by a broadcast * from the menu itself - in which case don't broadcast again as we'll get * an infinite loop */ $scope.hideMenu = function(broadcastTrigger) { $scope.menuShown = false; if (!broadcastTrigger) { $scope.$broadcast('hide-menu'); } }; $scope.$on('menu-hidden', function() { if ($scope.hideThenShow) { delete $scope.hideThenShow; uiGridColumnMenuService.repositionMenu($scope, $scope.col, $scope.colElementPosition, $elm, $scope.colElement); $scope.$broadcast('show-menu'); $scope.menuShown = true; } else { $scope.hideMenu(true); if ($scope.col) { //Focus on the menu button gridUtil.focus.bySelector($document, '.ui-grid-header-cell.' + $scope.col.getColClass() + ' .ui-grid-column-menu-button', $scope.col.grid, false); } } }); $scope.$on('menu-shown', function() { $timeout(function() { uiGridColumnMenuService.repositionMenu($scope, $scope.col, $scope.colElementPosition, $elm, $scope.colElement); delete $scope.colElementPosition; delete $scope.columnElement; }, 200); }); /* Column methods */ $scope.sortColumn = function(event, dir) { event.stopPropagation(); $scope.grid.sortColumn($scope.col, dir, true) .then(function() { $scope.grid.refresh(); $scope.hideMenu(); }); }; $scope.unsortColumn = function() { $scope.col.unsort(); $scope.grid.refresh(); $scope.hideMenu(); }; //Since we are hiding this column the default hide action will fail so we need to focus somewhere else. var setFocusOnHideColumn = function() { $timeout(function() { // Get the UID of the first var focusToGridMenu = function() { return gridUtil.focus.byId('grid-menu', $scope.grid); }; var thisIndex; $scope.grid.columns.some(function(element, index) { if (angular.equals(element, $scope.col)) { thisIndex = index; return true; } }); var previousVisibleCol; // Try and find the next lower or nearest column to focus on $scope.grid.columns.some(function(element, index) { if (!element.visible) { return false; } // This columns index is below the current column index else if (index < thisIndex) { previousVisibleCol = element; } // This elements index is above this column index and we haven't found one that is lower else if (index > thisIndex && !previousVisibleCol) { // This is the next best thing previousVisibleCol = element; // We've found one so use it. return true; } // We've reached an element with an index above this column and the previousVisibleCol variable has been set else if (index > thisIndex && previousVisibleCol) { // We are done. return true; } }); // If found then focus on it if (previousVisibleCol) { var colClass = previousVisibleCol.getColClass(); gridUtil.focus.bySelector($document, '.ui-grid-header-cell.' + colClass + ' .ui-grid-header-cell-primary-focus', true).then(angular.noop, function(reason) { if (reason !== 'canceled') { // If this is canceled then don't perform the action //The fallback action is to focus on the grid menu return focusToGridMenu(); } }); } else { // Fallback action to focus on the grid menu focusToGridMenu(); } }); }; $scope.hideColumn = function() { $scope.col.colDef.visible = false; $scope.col.visible = false; $scope.grid.queueGridRefresh(); $scope.hideMenu(); $scope.grid.api.core.notifyDataChange(uiGridConstants.dataChange.COLUMN); $scope.grid.api.core.raise.columnVisibilityChanged($scope.col); // We are hiding so the default action of focusing on the button that opened this menu will fail. setFocusOnHideColumn(); }; }, controller: ['$scope', function($scope) { var self = this; $scope.$watch('menuItems', function(n, o) { self.menuItems = n; }); }] }; return uiGridColumnMenu; } ]); })(); (function() { 'use strict'; angular.module('ui.grid').directive('uiGridFilter', ['$compile', '$templateCache', 'i18nService', 'gridUtil', function($compile, $templateCache, i18nService, gridUtil) { return { compile: function() { return { pre: function($scope, $elm, $attrs, controllers) { $scope.col.updateFilters = function(filterable) { $elm.children().remove(); if (filterable) { var template = $scope.col.filterHeaderTemplate; $elm.append($compile(template)($scope)); } }; $scope.$on('$destroy', function() { delete $scope.col.updateFilters; }); }, post: function($scope, $elm, $attrs, controllers) { $scope.aria = i18nService.getSafeText('headerCell.aria'); $scope.removeFilter = function(colFilter, index) { colFilter.term = null; //Set the focus to the filter input after the action disables the button gridUtil.focus.bySelector($elm, '.ui-grid-filter-input-' + index); }; } }; } }; }]); })(); (function() { 'use strict'; angular.module('ui.grid').directive('uiGridFooterCell', ['$timeout', 'gridUtil', 'uiGridConstants', '$compile', function($timeout, gridUtil, uiGridConstants, $compile) { var uiGridFooterCell = { priority: 0, scope: { col: '=', row: '=', renderIndex: '=' }, replace: true, require: '^uiGrid', compile: function compile(tElement, tAttrs, transclude) { return { pre: function($scope, $elm, $attrs, uiGridCtrl) { var cellFooter = $compile($scope.col.footerCellTemplate)($scope); $elm.append(cellFooter); }, post: function($scope, $elm, $attrs, uiGridCtrl) { //$elm.addClass($scope.col.getColClass(false)); $scope.grid = uiGridCtrl.grid; var initColClass = $scope.col.getColClass(false); $elm.addClass(initColClass); // apply any footerCellClass var classAdded; var updateClass = function(grid) { var contents = $elm; if (classAdded) { contents.removeClass(classAdded); classAdded = null; } if (angular.isFunction($scope.col.footerCellClass)) { classAdded = $scope.col.footerCellClass($scope.grid, $scope.row, $scope.col, $scope.rowRenderIndex, $scope.colRenderIndex); } else { classAdded = $scope.col.footerCellClass; } contents.addClass(classAdded); }; if ($scope.col.footerCellClass) { updateClass(); } $scope.col.updateAggregationValue(); // Watch for column changes so we can alter the col cell class properly /* shouldn't be needed any more, given track by col.name $scope.$watch('col', function (n, o) { if (n !== o) { // See if the column's internal class has changed var newColClass = $scope.col.getColClass(false); if (newColClass !== initColClass) { $elm.removeClass(initColClass); $elm.addClass(newColClass); initColClass = newColClass; } } }); */ // Register a data change watch that would get triggered whenever someone edits a cell or modifies column defs var dataChangeDereg = $scope.grid.registerDataChangeCallback(updateClass, [uiGridConstants.dataChange.COLUMN]); // listen for visible rows change and update aggregation values $scope.grid.api.core.on.rowsRendered($scope, $scope.col.updateAggregationValue); $scope.grid.api.core.on.rowsRendered($scope, updateClass); $scope.$on('$destroy', dataChangeDereg); } }; } }; return uiGridFooterCell; } ]); })(); (function() { 'use strict'; angular.module('ui.grid').directive('uiGridFooter', ['$templateCache', '$compile', 'uiGridConstants', 'gridUtil', '$timeout', function($templateCache, $compile, uiGridConstants, gridUtil, $timeout) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, // priority: 1000, require: ['^uiGrid', '^uiGridRenderContainer'], scope: true, compile: function($elm, $attrs) { return { pre: function($scope, $elm, $attrs, controllers) { var uiGridCtrl = controllers[0]; var containerCtrl = controllers[1]; $scope.grid = uiGridCtrl.grid; $scope.colContainer = containerCtrl.colContainer; containerCtrl.footer = $elm; var footerTemplate = $scope.grid.options.footerTemplate; gridUtil.getTemplate(footerTemplate) .then(function(contents) { var template = angular.element(contents); var newElm = $compile(template)($scope); $elm.append(newElm); if (containerCtrl) { // Inject a reference to the footer viewport (if it exists) into the grid controller for use in the horizontal scroll handler below var footerViewport = $elm[0].getElementsByClassName('ui-grid-footer-viewport')[0]; if (footerViewport) { containerCtrl.footerViewport = footerViewport; } } }); }, post: function($scope, $elm, $attrs, controllers) { var uiGridCtrl = controllers[0]; var containerCtrl = controllers[1]; // gridUtil.logDebug('ui-grid-footer link'); var grid = uiGridCtrl.grid; // Don't animate footer cells gridUtil.disableAnimations($elm); containerCtrl.footer = $elm; var footerViewport = $elm[0].getElementsByClassName('ui-grid-footer-viewport')[0]; if (footerViewport) { containerCtrl.footerViewport = footerViewport; } } }; } }; }]); })(); (function() { 'use strict'; angular.module('ui.grid').directive('uiGridGridFooter', ['$templateCache', '$compile', 'uiGridConstants', 'gridUtil', '$timeout', function($templateCache, $compile, uiGridConstants, gridUtil, $timeout) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, // priority: 1000, require: '^uiGrid', scope: true, compile: function($elm, $attrs) { return { pre: function($scope, $elm, $attrs, uiGridCtrl) { $scope.grid = uiGridCtrl.grid; var footerTemplate = $scope.grid.options.gridFooterTemplate; gridUtil.getTemplate(footerTemplate) .then(function(contents) { var template = angular.element(contents); var newElm = $compile(template)($scope); $elm.append(newElm); }); }, post: function($scope, $elm, $attrs, controllers) { } }; } }; }]); })(); (function() { 'use strict'; angular.module('ui.grid').directive('uiGridGroupPanel', ["$compile", "uiGridConstants", "gridUtil", function($compile, uiGridConstants, gridUtil) { var defaultTemplate = 'ui-grid/ui-grid-group-panel'; return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, require: '?^uiGrid', scope: false, compile: function($elm, $attrs) { return { pre: function($scope, $elm, $attrs, uiGridCtrl) { var groupPanelTemplate = $scope.grid.options.groupPanelTemplate || defaultTemplate; gridUtil.getTemplate(groupPanelTemplate) .then(function(contents) { var template = angular.element(contents); var newElm = $compile(template)($scope); $elm.append(newElm); }); }, post: function($scope, $elm, $attrs, uiGridCtrl) { $elm.bind('$destroy', function() { // scrollUnbinder(); }); } }; } }; }]); })(); (function() { 'use strict'; angular.module('ui.grid').directive('uiGridHeaderCell', ['$compile', '$timeout', '$window', '$document', 'gridUtil', 'uiGridConstants', 'ScrollEvent', 'i18nService', 'uiGridGridMenuService', function($compile, $timeout, $window, $document, gridUtil, uiGridConstants, ScrollEvent, i18nService, uiGridGridMenuService) { // Do stuff after mouse has been down this many ms on the header cell var mousedownTimeout = 500; var changeModeTimeout = 500; // length of time between a touch event and a mouse event being recognised again, and vice versa var uiGridHeaderCell = { priority: 0, scope: { col: '=', row: '=', renderIndex: '=' }, require: ['^uiGrid', '^uiGridRenderContainer'], replace: true, compile: function() { return { pre: function($scope, $elm, $attrs) { var cellHeader = $compile($scope.col.headerCellTemplate)($scope); $elm.append(cellHeader); }, post: function($scope, $elm, $attrs, controllers) { var uiGridCtrl = controllers[0]; var renderContainerCtrl = controllers[1]; $scope.i18n = { headerCell: i18nService.getSafeText('headerCell'), sort: i18nService.getSafeText('sort') }; $scope.getSortDirectionAriaLabel = function() { var col = $scope.col; //Trying to recreate this sort of thing but it was getting messy having it in the template. //Sort direction {{col.sort.direction == asc ? 'ascending' : ( col.sort.direction == desc ? 'descending':'none')}}. {{col.sort.priority ? {{columnPriorityText}} {{col.sort.priority}} : ''} var sortDirectionText = col.sort.direction === uiGridConstants.ASC ? $scope.i18n.sort.ascending : (col.sort.direction === uiGridConstants.DESC ? $scope.i18n.sort.descending : $scope.i18n.sort.none); var label = sortDirectionText; //Append the priority if it exists if (col.sort.priority) { label = label + '. ' + $scope.i18n.headerCell.priority + ' ' + col.sort.priority; } return label; }; $scope.grid = uiGridCtrl.grid; $scope.renderContainer = uiGridCtrl.grid.renderContainers[renderContainerCtrl.containerId]; var initColClass = $scope.col.getColClass(false); $elm.addClass(initColClass); // Hide the menu by default $scope.menuShown = false; // Put asc and desc sort directions in scope $scope.asc = uiGridConstants.ASC; $scope.desc = uiGridConstants.DESC; // Store a reference to menu element var $colMenu = angular.element($elm[0].querySelectorAll('.ui-grid-header-cell-menu')); var $contentsElm = angular.element($elm[0].querySelectorAll('.ui-grid-cell-contents')); // apply any headerCellClass var classAdded; var previousMouseX; // filter watchers var filterDeregisters = []; /* * Our basic approach here for event handlers is that we listen for a down event (mousedown or touchstart). * Once we have a down event, we need to work out whether we have a click, a drag, or a * hold. A click would sort the grid (if sortable). A drag would be used by moveable, so * we ignore it. A hold would open the menu. * * So, on down event, we put in place handlers for move and up events, and a timer. If the * timer expires before we see a move or up, then we have a long press and hence a column menu open. * If the up happens before the timer, then we have a click, and we sort if the column is sortable. * If a move happens before the timer, then we are doing column move, so we do nothing, the moveable feature * will handle it. * * To deal with touch enabled devices that also have mice, we only create our handlers when * we get the down event, and we create the corresponding handlers - if we're touchstart then * we get touchmove and touchend, if we're mousedown then we get mousemove and mouseup. * * We also suppress the click action whilst this is happening - otherwise after the mouseup there * will be a click event and that can cause the column menu to close * */ $scope.downFn = function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); if (typeof(event.originalEvent) !== 'undefined' && event.originalEvent !== undefined) { event = event.originalEvent; } // Don't show the menu if it's not the left button if (event.button && event.button !== 0) { return; } previousMouseX = event.pageX; $scope.mousedownStartTime = (new Date()).getTime(); $scope.mousedownTimeout = $timeout(function() {}, mousedownTimeout); $scope.mousedownTimeout.then(function() { if ($scope.colMenu) { uiGridCtrl.columnMenuScope.showMenu($scope.col, $elm, event); } }); uiGridCtrl.fireEvent(uiGridConstants.events.COLUMN_HEADER_CLICK, { event: event, columnName: $scope.col.colDef.name }); $scope.offAllEvents(); if (event.type === 'touchstart') { $document.on('touchend', $scope.upFn); $document.on('touchmove', $scope.moveFn); } else if (event.type === 'mousedown') { $document.on('mouseup', $scope.upFn); $document.on('mousemove', $scope.moveFn); } }; $scope.upFn = function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); $timeout.cancel($scope.mousedownTimeout); $scope.offAllEvents(); $scope.onDownEvents(event.type); var mousedownEndTime = (new Date()).getTime(); var mousedownTime = mousedownEndTime - $scope.mousedownStartTime; if (mousedownTime > mousedownTimeout) { // long click, handled above with mousedown } else { // short click if ($scope.sortable) { $scope.handleClick(event); } } }; $scope.moveFn = function(event) { // Chrome is known to fire some bogus move events. var changeValue = event.pageX - previousMouseX; if (changeValue === 0) { return; } // we're a move, so do nothing and leave for column move (if enabled) to take over $timeout.cancel($scope.mousedownTimeout); $scope.offAllEvents(); $scope.onDownEvents(event.type); }; $scope.clickFn = function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); $contentsElm.off('click', $scope.clickFn); }; $scope.offAllEvents = function() { $contentsElm.off('touchstart', $scope.downFn); $contentsElm.off('mousedown', $scope.downFn); $document.off('touchend', $scope.upFn); $document.off('mouseup', $scope.upFn); $document.off('touchmove', $scope.moveFn); $document.off('mousemove', $scope.moveFn); $contentsElm.off('click', $scope.clickFn); }; $scope.onDownEvents = function(type) { // If there is a previous event, then wait a while before // activating the other mode - i.e. if the last event was a touch event then // don't enable mouse events for a wee while (500ms or so) // Avoids problems with devices that emulate mouse events when you have touch events switch (type) { case 'touchmove': case 'touchend': $contentsElm.on('click', $scope.clickFn); $contentsElm.on('touchstart', $scope.downFn); $timeout(function() { $contentsElm.on('mousedown', $scope.downFn); }, changeModeTimeout); break; case 'mousemove': case 'mouseup': $contentsElm.on('click', $scope.clickFn); $contentsElm.on('mousedown', $scope.downFn); $timeout(function() { $contentsElm.on('touchstart', $scope.downFn); }, changeModeTimeout); break; default: $contentsElm.on('click', $scope.clickFn); $contentsElm.on('touchstart', $scope.downFn); $contentsElm.on('mousedown', $scope.downFn); } }; var updateHeaderOptions = function(grid) { var contents = $elm; if (classAdded) { contents.removeClass(classAdded); classAdded = null; } if (angular.isFunction($scope.col.headerCellClass)) { classAdded = $scope.col.headerCellClass($scope.grid, $scope.row, $scope.col, $scope.rowRenderIndex, $scope.colRenderIndex); } else { classAdded = $scope.col.headerCellClass; } contents.addClass(classAdded); var rightMostContainer = $scope.grid.renderContainers['right'] ? $scope.grid.renderContainers['right'] : $scope.grid.renderContainers['body']; $scope.isLastCol = ($scope.col === rightMostContainer.visibleColumnCache[rightMostContainer.visibleColumnCache.length - 1]); // Figure out whether this column is sortable or not if (uiGridCtrl.grid.options.enableSorting && $scope.col.enableSorting) { $scope.sortable = true; } else { $scope.sortable = false; } // Figure out whether this column is filterable or not var oldFilterable = $scope.filterable; if (uiGridCtrl.grid.options.enableFiltering && $scope.col.enableFiltering) { $scope.filterable = true; } else { $scope.filterable = false; } if (oldFilterable !== $scope.filterable) { if (typeof($scope.col.updateFilters) !== 'undefined') { $scope.col.updateFilters($scope.filterable); } // if column is filterable add a filter watcher if ($scope.filterable) { $scope.col.filters.forEach(function(filter, i) { filterDeregisters.push($scope.$watch('col.filters[' + i + '].term', function(n, o) { if (n !== o) { uiGridCtrl.grid.api.core.raise.filterChanged(); uiGridCtrl.grid.api.core.notifyDataChange(uiGridConstants.dataChange.COLUMN); uiGridCtrl.grid.queueGridRefresh(); } })); }); $scope.$on('$destroy', function() { filterDeregisters.forEach(function(filterDeregister) { filterDeregister(); }); }); } else { filterDeregisters.forEach(function(filterDeregister) { filterDeregister(); }); } } // figure out whether we support column menus if ($scope.col.grid.options && $scope.col.grid.options.enableColumnMenus !== false && $scope.col.colDef && $scope.col.colDef.enableColumnMenu !== false) { $scope.colMenu = true; } else { $scope.colMenu = false; } /** * @ngdoc property * @name enableColumnMenu * @propertyOf ui.grid.class:GridOptions.columnDef * @description if column menus are enabled, controls the column menus for this specific * column (i.e. if gridOptions.enableColumnMenus, then you can control column menus * using this option. If gridOptions.enableColumnMenus === false then you get no column * menus irrespective of the value of this option ). Defaults to true. * */ /** * @ngdoc property * @name enableColumnMenus * @propertyOf ui.grid.class:GridOptions.columnDef * @description Override for column menus everywhere - if set to false then you get no * column menus. Defaults to true. * */ $scope.offAllEvents(); if ($scope.sortable || $scope.colMenu) { $scope.onDownEvents(); $scope.$on('$destroy', function() { $scope.offAllEvents(); }); } }; /* $scope.$watch('col', function (n, o) { if (n !== o) { // See if the column's internal class has changed var newColClass = $scope.col.getColClass(false); if (newColClass !== initColClass) { $elm.removeClass(initColClass); $elm.addClass(newColClass); initColClass = newColClass; } } }); */ updateHeaderOptions(); // Register a data change watch that would get triggered whenever someone edits a cell or modifies column defs var dataChangeDereg = $scope.grid.registerDataChangeCallback(updateHeaderOptions, [uiGridConstants.dataChange.COLUMN]); $scope.$on('$destroy', dataChangeDereg); $scope.handleClick = function(event) { // If the shift key is being held down, add this column to the sort var add = false; if (event.shiftKey) { add = true; } // Sort this column then rebuild the grid's rows uiGridCtrl.grid.sortColumn($scope.col, add) .then(function() { if (uiGridCtrl.columnMenuScope) { uiGridCtrl.columnMenuScope.hideMenu(); } uiGridCtrl.grid.refresh(); }); }; $scope.decrement = function() { if ($scope.shown) { $scope.$broadcast('hide-menu'); $scope.shown = false; } else { console.log($scope.menuItems) $scope.menuItems = uiGridGridMenuService.getMenuItems($scope); $scope.$broadcast('show-menu'); $scope.shown = true; } }; $scope.toggleMenu = function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); // If the menu is already showing... if (uiGridCtrl.columnMenuScope.menuShown) { // ... and we're the column the menu is on... if (uiGridCtrl.columnMenuScope.col === $scope.col) { // ... hide it uiGridCtrl.columnMenuScope.hideMenu(); } // ... and we're NOT the column the menu is on else { // ... move the menu to our column uiGridCtrl.columnMenuScope.showMenu($scope.col, $elm); } } // If the menu is NOT showing else { // ... show it on our column uiGridCtrl.columnMenuScope.showMenu($scope.col, $elm); } }; } }; } }; return uiGridHeaderCell; } ]); })(); (function() { 'use strict'; angular.module('ui.grid').directive('uiGridHeader', ['$templateCache', '$compile', 'uiGridConstants', 'gridUtil', '$timeout', 'ScrollEvent', function($templateCache, $compile, uiGridConstants, gridUtil, $timeout, ScrollEvent) { var defaultTemplate = 'ui-grid/ui-grid-header'; var emptyTemplate = 'ui-grid/ui-grid-no-header'; return { restrict: 'EA', // templateUrl: 'ui-grid/ui-grid-header', replace: true, // priority: 1000, require: ['^uiGrid', '^uiGridRenderContainer'], scope: true, compile: function($elm, $attrs) { return { pre: function($scope, $elm, $attrs, controllers) { var uiGridCtrl = controllers[0]; var containerCtrl = controllers[1]; $scope.grid = uiGridCtrl.grid; $scope.colContainer = containerCtrl.colContainer; updateHeaderReferences(); var headerTemplate; if (!$scope.grid.options.showHeader) { headerTemplate = emptyTemplate; } else { headerTemplate = ($scope.grid.options.headerTemplate) ? $scope.grid.options.headerTemplate : defaultTemplate; } gridUtil.getTemplate(headerTemplate) .then(function(contents) { var template = angular.element(contents); var newElm = $compile(template)($scope); $elm.replaceWith(newElm); // And update $elm to be the new element $elm = newElm; updateHeaderReferences(); if (containerCtrl) { // Inject a reference to the header viewport (if it exists) into the grid controller for use in the horizontal scroll handler below var headerViewport = $elm[0].getElementsByClassName('ui-grid-header-viewport')[0]; if (headerViewport) { containerCtrl.headerViewport = headerViewport; angular.element(headerViewport).on('scroll', scrollHandler); $scope.$on('$destroy', function() { angular.element(headerViewport).off('scroll', scrollHandler); }); } } $scope.grid.queueRefresh(); }); function updateHeaderReferences() { containerCtrl.header = containerCtrl.colContainer.header = $elm; var headerCanvases = $elm[0].getElementsByClassName('ui-grid-header-canvas'); if (headerCanvases.length > 0) { containerCtrl.headerCanvas = containerCtrl.colContainer.headerCanvas = headerCanvases[0]; } else { containerCtrl.headerCanvas = null; } } function scrollHandler(evt) { if (uiGridCtrl.grid.isScrollingHorizontally) { return; } var newScrollLeft = gridUtil.normalizeScrollLeft(containerCtrl.headerViewport, uiGridCtrl.grid); var horizScrollPercentage = containerCtrl.colContainer.scrollHorizontal(newScrollLeft); var scrollEvent = new ScrollEvent(uiGridCtrl.grid, null, containerCtrl.colContainer, ScrollEvent.Sources.ViewPortScroll); scrollEvent.newScrollLeft = newScrollLeft; if (horizScrollPercentage > -1) { scrollEvent.x = { percentage: horizScrollPercentage }; } uiGridCtrl.grid.scrollContainers(null, scrollEvent); } }, post: function($scope, $elm, $attrs, controllers) { var uiGridCtrl = controllers[0]; var containerCtrl = controllers[1]; // gridUtil.logDebug('ui-grid-header link'); var grid = uiGridCtrl.grid; // Don't animate header cells gridUtil.disableAnimations($elm); function updateColumnWidths() { // this styleBuilder always runs after the renderContainer, so we can rely on the column widths // already being populated correctly var columnCache = containerCtrl.colContainer.visibleColumnCache; // Build the CSS // uiGridCtrl.grid.columns.forEach(function (column) { var ret = ''; var canvasWidth = 0; columnCache.forEach(function(column) { ret = ret + column.getColClassDefinition(); canvasWidth += column.drawnWidth; }); containerCtrl.colContainer.canvasWidth = canvasWidth; // Return the styles back to buildStyles which pops them into the `customStyles` scope variable return ret; } containerCtrl.header = $elm; var headerViewport = $elm[0].getElementsByClassName('ui-grid-header-viewport')[0]; if (headerViewport) { containerCtrl.headerViewport = headerViewport; } //todo: remove this if by injecting gridCtrl into unit tests if (uiGridCtrl) { uiGridCtrl.grid.registerStyleComputation({ priority: 15, func: updateColumnWidths }); } } }; } }; } ]); })(); (function() { angular.module('ui.grid') .service('uiGridGridMenuService', ['gridUtil', 'i18nService', 'uiGridConstants', function(gridUtil, i18nService, uiGridConstants) { /** * @ngdoc service * @name ui.grid.gridMenuService * * @description Methods for working with the grid menu */ var service = { /** * @ngdoc method * @methodOf ui.grid.gridMenuService * @name initialize * @description Sets up the gridMenu. Most importantly, sets our * scope onto the grid object as grid.gridMenuScope, allowing us * to operate when passed only the grid. Second most importantly, * we register the 'addToGridMenu' and 'removeFromGridMenu' methods * on the core api. * @param {$scope} $scope the scope of this gridMenu * @param {Grid} grid the grid to which this gridMenu is associated */ initialize: function($scope, grid) { grid.gridMenuScope = $scope; $scope.grid = grid; $scope.registeredMenuItems = []; // not certain this is needed, but would be bad to create a memory leak $scope.$on('$destroy', function() { if ($scope.grid && $scope.grid.gridMenuScope) { $scope.grid.gridMenuScope = null; } if ($scope.grid) { $scope.grid = null; } if ($scope.registeredMenuItems) { $scope.registeredMenuItems = null; } }); $scope.registeredMenuItems = []; /** * @ngdoc function * @name addToGridMenu * @methodOf ui.grid.core.api:PublicApi * @description add items to the grid menu. Used by features * to add their menu items if they are enabled, can also be used by * end users to add menu items. This method has the advantage of allowing * remove again, which can simplify management of which items are included * in the menu when. (Noting that in most cases the shown and active functions * provide a better way to handle visibility of menu items) * @param {Grid} grid the grid on which we are acting * @param {array} items menu items in the format as described in the tutorial, with * the added note that if you want to use remove you must also specify an `id` field, * which is provided when you want to remove an item. The id should be unique. * */ grid.api.registerMethod('core', 'addToGridMenu', service.addToGridMenu); /** * @ngdoc function * @name removeFromGridMenu * @methodOf ui.grid.core.api:PublicApi * @description Remove an item from the grid menu based on a provided id. Assumes * that the id is unique, removes only the last instance of that id. Does nothing if * the specified id is not found * @param {Grid} grid the grid on which we are acting * @param {string} id the id we'd like to remove from the menu * */ grid.api.registerMethod('core', 'removeFromGridMenu', service.removeFromGridMenu); }, /** * @ngdoc function * @name addToGridMenu * @propertyOf ui.grid.gridMenuService * @description add items to the grid menu. Used by features * to add their menu items if they are enabled, can also be used by * end users to add menu items. This method has the advantage of allowing * remove again, which can simplify management of which items are included * in the menu when. (Noting that in most cases the shown and active functions * provide a better way to handle visibility of menu items) * @param {Grid} grid the grid on which we are acting * @param {array} items menu items in the format as described in the tutorial, with * the added note that if you want to use remove you must also specify an `id` field, * which is provided when you want to remove an item. The id should be unique. * */ addToGridMenu: function(grid, menuItems) { if (!angular.isArray(menuItems)) { gridUtil.logError('addToGridMenu: menuItems must be an array, and is not, not adding any items'); } else { if (grid.gridMenuScope) { grid.gridMenuScope.registeredMenuItems = grid.gridMenuScope.registeredMenuItems ? grid.gridMenuScope.registeredMenuItems : []; grid.gridMenuScope.registeredMenuItems = grid.gridMenuScope.registeredMenuItems.concat(menuItems); } else { gridUtil.logError('Asked to addToGridMenu, but gridMenuScope not present. Timing issue? Please log issue with ui-grid'); } } }, /** * @ngdoc function * @name removeFromGridMenu * @methodOf ui.grid.gridMenuService * @description Remove an item from the grid menu based on a provided id. Assumes * that the id is unique, removes only the last instance of that id. Does nothing if * the specified id is not found. If there is no gridMenuScope or registeredMenuItems * then do nothing silently - the desired result is those menu items not be present and they * aren't. * @param {Grid} grid the grid on which we are acting * @param {string} id the id we'd like to remove from the menu * */ removeFromGridMenu: function(grid, id) { var foundIndex = -1; if (grid && grid.gridMenuScope) { grid.gridMenuScope.registeredMenuItems.forEach(function(value, index) { if (value.id === id) { if (foundIndex > -1) { gridUtil.logError('removeFromGridMenu: found multiple items with the same id, removing only the last'); } else { foundIndex = index; } } }); } if (foundIndex > -1) { grid.gridMenuScope.registeredMenuItems.splice(foundIndex, 1); } }, /** * @ngdoc array * @name gridMenuCustomItems * @propertyOf ui.grid.class:GridOptions * @description (optional) An array of menu items that should be added to * the gridMenu. Follow the format documented in the tutorial for column * menu customisation. The context provided to the action function will * include context.grid. An alternative if working with dynamic menus is to use the * provided api - core.addToGridMenu and core.removeFromGridMenu, which handles * some of the management of items for you. * */ /** * @ngdoc boolean * @name gridMenuShowHideColumns * @propertyOf ui.grid.class:GridOptions * @description true by default, whether the grid menu should allow hide/show * of columns * */ /** * @ngdoc method * @methodOf ui.grid.gridMenuService * @name getMenuItems * @description Decides the menu items to show in the menu. This is a * combination of: * * - the default menu items that are always included, * - any menu items that have been provided through the addMenuItem api. These * are typically added by features within the grid * - any menu items included in grid.options.gridMenuCustomItems. These can be * changed dynamically, as they're always recalculated whenever we show the * menu * @param {$scope} $scope the scope of this gridMenu, from which we can find all * the information that we need * @returns {array} an array of menu items that can be shown */ getMenuItems: function($scope) { var menuItems = [ // this is where we add any menu items we want to always include ]; if ($scope.grid.options.gridMenuCustomItems) { if (!angular.isArray($scope.grid.options.gridMenuCustomItems)) { gridUtil.logError('gridOptions.gridMenuCustomItems must be an array, and is not'); } else { menuItems = menuItems.concat($scope.grid.options.gridMenuCustomItems); } } var clearFilters = [{ title: i18nService.getSafeText('gridMenu.clearAllFilters'), action: function($event) { $scope.grid.clearAllFilters(undefined, true, undefined); }, shown: function() { return $scope.grid.options.enableFiltering; }, order: 100 }]; menuItems = menuItems.concat(clearFilters); menuItems = menuItems.concat($scope.registeredMenuItems); if ($scope.grid.options.gridMenuShowHideColumns !== false) { menuItems = menuItems.concat(service.showHideColumns($scope)); } menuItems.sort(function(a, b) { return a.order - b.order; }); return menuItems; }, /** * @ngdoc array * @name gridMenuTitleFilter * @propertyOf ui.grid.class:GridOptions * @description (optional) A function that takes a title string * (usually the col.displayName), and converts it into a display value. The function * must return either a string or a promise. * * Used for internationalization of the grid menu column names - for angular-translate * you can pass $translate as the function, for i18nService you can pass getSafeText as the * function * @example *
                 *   gridOptions = {
                 *     gridMenuTitleFilter: $translate
                 *   }
*/ /** * @ngdoc method * @methodOf ui.grid.gridMenuService * @name showHideColumns * @description Adds two menu items for each of the columns in columnDefs. One * menu item for hide, one menu item for show. Each is visible when appropriate * (show when column is not visible, hide when column is visible). Each toggles * the visible property on the columnDef using toggleColumnVisibility * @param {$scope} $scope of a gridMenu, which contains a reference to the grid */ showHideColumns: function($scope) { var showHideColumns = []; if (!$scope.grid.options.columnDefs || $scope.grid.options.columnDefs.length === 0 || $scope.grid.columns.length === 0) { return showHideColumns; } // add header for columns showHideColumns.push({ title: i18nService.getSafeText('gridMenu.columns'), order: 300 }); $scope.grid.options.gridMenuTitleFilter = $scope.grid.options.gridMenuTitleFilter ? $scope.grid.options.gridMenuTitleFilter : function(title) { return title; }; $scope.grid.options.columnDefs.forEach(function(colDef, index) { if (colDef.enableHiding !== false) { // add hide menu item - shows an OK icon as we only show when column is already visible var menuItem = { icon: 'ui-grid-icon-ok', action: function($event) { $event.stopPropagation(); service.toggleColumnVisibility(this.context.gridCol); }, shown: function() { return this.context.gridCol.colDef.visible === true || this.context.gridCol.colDef.visible === undefined; }, context: { gridCol: $scope.grid.getColumn(colDef.name || colDef.field) }, leaveOpen: true, order: 301 + index * 2 }; service.setMenuItemTitle(menuItem, colDef, $scope.grid); showHideColumns.push(menuItem); // add show menu item - shows no icon as we only show when column is invisible menuItem = { icon: 'ui-grid-icon-cancel', action: function($event) { $event.stopPropagation(); service.toggleColumnVisibility(this.context.gridCol); }, shown: function() { return !(this.context.gridCol.colDef.visible === true || this.context.gridCol.colDef.visible === undefined); }, context: { gridCol: $scope.grid.getColumn(colDef.name || colDef.field) }, leaveOpen: true, order: 301 + index * 2 + 1 }; service.setMenuItemTitle(menuItem, colDef, $scope.grid); showHideColumns.push(menuItem); } }); return showHideColumns; }, /** * @ngdoc method * @methodOf ui.grid.gridMenuService * @name setMenuItemTitle * @description Handles the response from gridMenuTitleFilter, adding it directly to the menu * item if it returns a string, otherwise waiting for the promise to resolve or reject then * putting the result into the title * @param {object} menuItem the menuItem we want to put the title on * @param {object} colDef the colDef from which we can get displayName, name or field * @param {Grid} grid the grid, from which we can get the options.gridMenuTitleFilter * */ setMenuItemTitle: function(menuItem, colDef, grid) { var title = grid.options.gridMenuTitleFilter(colDef.displayName || gridUtil.readableColumnName(colDef.name) || colDef.field); if (typeof(title) === 'string') { menuItem.title = title; } else if (title.then) { // must be a promise menuItem.title = ""; title.then(function(successValue) { menuItem.title = successValue; }, function(errorValue) { menuItem.title = errorValue; }); } else { gridUtil.logError('Expected gridMenuTitleFilter to return a string or a promise, it has returned neither, bad config'); menuItem.title = 'badconfig'; } }, /** * @ngdoc method * @methodOf ui.grid.gridMenuService * @name toggleColumnVisibility * @description Toggles the visibility of an individual column. Expects to be * provided a context that has on it a gridColumn, which is the column that * we'll operate upon. We change the visibility, and refresh the grid as appropriate * @param {GridCol} gridCol the column that we want to toggle * */ toggleColumnVisibility: function(gridCol) { gridCol.colDef.visible = !(gridCol.colDef.visible === true || gridCol.colDef.visible === undefined); gridCol.grid.refresh(); gridCol.grid.api.core.notifyDataChange(uiGridConstants.dataChange.COLUMN); gridCol.grid.api.core.raise.columnVisibilityChanged(gridCol); } }; return service; }]) .directive('uiGridMenuButton', ['gridUtil', 'uiGridConstants', 'uiGridGridMenuService', 'i18nService', function(gridUtil, uiGridConstants, uiGridGridMenuService, i18nService) { return { priority: 0, scope: true, require: ['^uiGrid'], templateUrl: 'ui-grid/ui-grid-menu-button', replace: true, link: function($scope, $elm, $attrs, controllers) { var uiGridCtrl = controllers[0]; // For the aria label $scope.i18n = { aria: i18nService.getSafeText('gridMenu.aria') }; uiGridGridMenuService.initialize($scope, uiGridCtrl.grid); $scope.shown = false; // $scope.decrement = function () { // if ( $scope.shown ){ // $scope.$broadcast('hide-menu'); // $scope.shown = false; // } else { // console.log($scope.menuItems) // // $scope.menuItems = uiGridGridMenuService.getMenuItems( $scope ); // $scope.$broadcast('show-menu'); // $scope.shown = true; // } // }; $scope.toggleMenu = function() { if ($scope.shown) { $scope.$broadcast('hide-menu'); $scope.shown = false; } else { $scope.menuItems = uiGridGridMenuService.getMenuItems($scope); $scope.$broadcast('show-menu'); $scope.shown = true; } }; $scope.$on('menu-hidden', function() { $scope.shown = false; gridUtil.focus.bySelector($elm, '.ui-grid-icon-container'); }); } }; } ]); })(); (function() { /** * @ngdoc directive * @name ui.grid.directive:uiGridMenu * @element style * @restrict A * * @description * Allows us to interpolate expressions in ` I am in a box. it('should apply the right class to the element', function () { element(by.css('.blah')).getCssValue('border-top-width') .then(function(c) { expect(c).toContain('1px'); }); }); */ angular.module('ui.grid').directive('uiGridStyle', ['gridUtil', '$interpolate', function(gridUtil, $interpolate) { return { // restrict: 'A', // priority: 1000, // require: '?^uiGrid', link: function($scope, $elm, $attrs, uiGridCtrl) { // gridUtil.logDebug('ui-grid-style link'); // if (uiGridCtrl === undefined) { // gridUtil.logWarn('[ui-grid-style link] uiGridCtrl is undefined!'); // } var interpolateFn = $interpolate($elm.text(), true); if (interpolateFn) { $scope.$watch(interpolateFn, function(value) { $elm.text(value); }); } // uiGridCtrl.recalcRowStyles = function() { // var offset = (scope.options.offsetTop || 0) - (scope.options.excessRows * scope.options.rowHeight); // var rowHeight = scope.options.rowHeight; // var ret = ''; // var rowStyleCount = uiGridCtrl.minRowsToRender() + (scope.options.excessRows * 2); // for (var i = 1; i <= rowStyleCount; i++) { // ret = ret + ' .grid' + scope.gridId + ' .ui-grid-row:nth-child(' + i + ') { top: ' + offset + 'px; }'; // offset = offset + rowHeight; // } // scope.rowStyles = ret; // }; // uiGridCtrl.styleComputions.push(uiGridCtrl.recalcRowStyles); } }; }]); })(); (function() { 'use strict'; angular.module('ui.grid').directive('uiGridViewport', ['gridUtil', 'ScrollEvent', 'uiGridConstants', '$log', function(gridUtil, ScrollEvent, uiGridConstants, $log) { return { replace: true, scope: {}, controllerAs: 'Viewport', templateUrl: 'ui-grid/uiGridViewport', require: ['^uiGrid', '^uiGridRenderContainer'], link: function($scope, $elm, $attrs, controllers) { // gridUtil.logDebug('viewport post-link'); var uiGridCtrl = controllers[0]; var containerCtrl = controllers[1]; $scope.containerCtrl = containerCtrl; var rowContainer = containerCtrl.rowContainer; var colContainer = containerCtrl.colContainer; var grid = uiGridCtrl.grid; $scope.grid = uiGridCtrl.grid; // Put the containers in scope so we can get rows and columns from them $scope.rowContainer = containerCtrl.rowContainer; $scope.colContainer = containerCtrl.colContainer; // Register this viewport with its container containerCtrl.viewport = $elm; $elm.on('scroll', scrollHandler); var ignoreScroll = false; function scrollHandler(evt) { //Leaving in this commented code in case it can someday be used //It does improve performance, but because the horizontal scroll is normalized, // using this code will lead to the column header getting slightly out of line with columns // //if (ignoreScroll && (grid.isScrollingHorizontally || grid.isScrollingHorizontally)) { // //don't ask for scrollTop if we just set it // ignoreScroll = false; // return; //} //ignoreScroll = true; var newScrollTop = $elm[0].scrollTop; var newScrollLeft = gridUtil.normalizeScrollLeft($elm, grid); var vertScrollPercentage = rowContainer.scrollVertical(newScrollTop); var horizScrollPercentage = colContainer.scrollHorizontal(newScrollLeft); var scrollEvent = new ScrollEvent(grid, rowContainer, colContainer, ScrollEvent.Sources.ViewPortScroll); scrollEvent.newScrollLeft = newScrollLeft; scrollEvent.newScrollTop = newScrollTop; if (horizScrollPercentage > -1) { scrollEvent.x = { percentage: horizScrollPercentage }; } if (vertScrollPercentage > -1) { scrollEvent.y = { percentage: vertScrollPercentage }; } grid.scrollContainers($scope.$parent.containerId, scrollEvent); } if ($scope.$parent.bindScrollVertical) { grid.addVerticalScrollSync($scope.$parent.containerId, syncVerticalScroll); } if ($scope.$parent.bindScrollHorizontal) { grid.addHorizontalScrollSync($scope.$parent.containerId, syncHorizontalScroll); grid.addHorizontalScrollSync($scope.$parent.containerId + 'header', syncHorizontalHeader); grid.addHorizontalScrollSync($scope.$parent.containerId + 'footer', syncHorizontalFooter); } function syncVerticalScroll(scrollEvent) { containerCtrl.prevScrollArgs = scrollEvent; var newScrollTop = scrollEvent.getNewScrollTop(rowContainer, containerCtrl.viewport); $elm[0].scrollTop = newScrollTop; } function syncHorizontalScroll(scrollEvent) { containerCtrl.prevScrollArgs = scrollEvent; var newScrollLeft = scrollEvent.getNewScrollLeft(colContainer, containerCtrl.viewport); $elm[0].scrollLeft = gridUtil.denormalizeScrollLeft(containerCtrl.viewport, newScrollLeft, grid); } function syncHorizontalHeader(scrollEvent) { var newScrollLeft = scrollEvent.getNewScrollLeft(colContainer, containerCtrl.viewport); if (containerCtrl.headerViewport) { containerCtrl.headerViewport.scrollLeft = gridUtil.denormalizeScrollLeft(containerCtrl.viewport, newScrollLeft, grid); } } function syncHorizontalFooter(scrollEvent) { var newScrollLeft = scrollEvent.getNewScrollLeft(colContainer, containerCtrl.viewport); if (containerCtrl.footerViewport) { containerCtrl.footerViewport.scrollLeft = gridUtil.denormalizeScrollLeft(containerCtrl.viewport, newScrollLeft, grid); } } }, controller: ['$scope', function($scope) { this.rowStyle = function(index) { var rowContainer = $scope.rowContainer; var colContainer = $scope.colContainer; var styles = {}; if (index === 0 && rowContainer.currentTopRow !== 0) { // The row offset-top is just the height of the rows above the current top-most row, which are no longer rendered var hiddenRowWidth = (rowContainer.currentTopRow) * rowContainer.grid.options.rowHeight; // return { 'margin-top': hiddenRowWidth + 'px' }; styles['margin-top'] = hiddenRowWidth + 'px'; } if (colContainer.currentFirstColumn !== 0) { if (colContainer.grid.isRTL()) { styles['margin-right'] = colContainer.columnOffset + 'px'; } else { styles['margin-left'] = colContainer.columnOffset + 'px'; } } return styles; }; }] }; } ]); })(); (function() { angular.module('ui.grid') .directive('uiGridVisible', function uiGridVisibleAction() { return function($scope, $elm, $attr) { $scope.$watch($attr.uiGridVisible, function(visible) { // $elm.css('visibility', visible ? 'visible' : 'hidden'); $elm[visible ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass']('ui-grid-invisible'); }); }; }); })(); (function() { 'use strict'; angular.module('ui.grid').controller('uiGridController', ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', 'gridUtil', '$q', 'uiGridConstants', '$templateCache', 'gridClassFactory', '$timeout', '$parse', '$compile', function($scope, $elm, $attrs, gridUtil, $q, uiGridConstants, $templateCache, gridClassFactory, $timeout, $parse, $compile) { // gridUtil.logDebug('ui-grid controller'); var self = this; self.grid = gridClassFactory.createGrid($scope.uiGrid); //assign $scope.$parent if appScope not already assigned self.grid.appScope = self.grid.appScope || $scope.$parent; $elm.addClass('grid' + self.grid.id); self.grid.rtl = gridUtil.getStyles($elm[0])['direction'] === 'rtl'; // angular.extend(self.grid.options, ); //all properties of grid are available on scope $scope.grid = self.grid; if ($attrs.uiGridColumns) { $attrs.$observe('uiGridColumns', function(value) { self.grid.options.columnDefs = value; self.grid.buildColumns() .then(function() { self.grid.preCompileCellTemplates(); self.grid.refreshCanvas(true); }); }); } // if fastWatch is set we watch only the length and the reference, not every individual object var deregFunctions = []; if (self.grid.options.fastWatch) { self.uiGrid = $scope.uiGrid; if (angular.isString($scope.uiGrid.data)) { deregFunctions.push($scope.$parent.$watch($scope.uiGrid.data, dataWatchFunction)); deregFunctions.push($scope.$parent.$watch(function() { if (self.grid.appScope[$scope.uiGrid.data]) { return self.grid.appScope[$scope.uiGrid.data].length; } else { return undefined; } }, dataWatchFunction)); } else { deregFunctions.push($scope.$parent.$watch(function() { return $scope.uiGrid.data; }, dataWatchFunction)); deregFunctions.push($scope.$parent.$watch(function() { return $scope.uiGrid.data.length; }, dataWatchFunction)); } deregFunctions.push($scope.$parent.$watch(function() { return $scope.uiGrid.columnDefs; }, columnDefsWatchFunction)); deregFunctions.push($scope.$parent.$watch(function() { return $scope.uiGrid.columnDefs.length; }, columnDefsWatchFunction)); } else { if (angular.isString($scope.uiGrid.data)) { deregFunctions.push($scope.$parent.$watchCollection($scope.uiGrid.data, dataWatchFunction)); } else { deregFunctions.push($scope.$parent.$watchCollection(function() { return $scope.uiGrid.data; }, dataWatchFunction)); } deregFunctions.push($scope.$parent.$watchCollection(function() { return $scope.uiGrid.columnDefs; }, columnDefsWatchFunction)); } function columnDefsWatchFunction(n, o) { if (n && n !== o) { self.grid.options.columnDefs = n; self.grid.buildColumns({ orderByColumnDefs: true }) .then(function() { self.grid.preCompileCellTemplates(); self.grid.callDataChangeCallbacks(uiGridConstants.dataChange.COLUMN); }); } } function dataWatchFunction(newData) { // gridUtil.logDebug('dataWatch fired'); var promises = []; if (self.grid.options.fastWatch) { if (angular.isString($scope.uiGrid.data)) { newData = self.grid.appScope[$scope.uiGrid.data]; } else { newData = $scope.uiGrid.data; } } if (newData) { if ( // If we have no columns (i.e. columns length is either 0 or equal to the number of row header columns, which don't count because they're created automatically) self.grid.columns.length === (self.grid.rowHeaderColumns ? self.grid.rowHeaderColumns.length : 0) && // ... and we don't have a ui-grid-columns attribute, which would define columns for us !$attrs.uiGridColumns && // ... and we have no pre-defined columns self.grid.options.columnDefs.length === 0 && // ... but we DO have data newData.length > 0 ) { // ... then build the column definitions from the data that we have self.grid.buildColumnDefsFromData(newData); } // If we either have some columns defined, or some data defined if (self.grid.options.columnDefs.length > 0 || newData.length > 0) { // Build the column set, then pre-compile the column cell templates promises.push(self.grid.buildColumns() .then(function() { self.grid.preCompileCellTemplates(); })); } $q.all(promises).then(function() { self.grid.modifyRows(newData) .then(function() { // if (self.viewport) { self.grid.redrawInPlace(true); // } $scope.$evalAsync(function() { self.grid.refreshCanvas(true); self.grid.callDataChangeCallbacks(uiGridConstants.dataChange.ROW); }); }); }); } } var styleWatchDereg = $scope.$watch(function() { return self.grid.styleComputations; }, function() { self.grid.refreshCanvas(true); }); $scope.$on('$destroy', function() { deregFunctions.forEach(function(deregFn) { deregFn(); }); styleWatchDereg(); }); self.fireEvent = function(eventName, args) { // Add the grid to the event arguments if it's not there if (typeof(args) === 'undefined' || args === undefined) { args = {}; } if (typeof(args.grid) === 'undefined' || args.grid === undefined) { args.grid = self.grid; } $scope.$broadcast(eventName, args); }; self.innerCompile = function innerCompile(elm) { $compile(elm)($scope); }; } ]); /** * @ngdoc directive * @name ui.grid.directive:uiGrid * @element div * @restrict EA * @param {Object} uiGrid Options for the grid to use * * @description Create a very basic grid. * * @example var app = angular.module('app', ['ui.grid']); app.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) { $scope.data = [ { name: 'Bob', title: 'CEO' }, { name: 'Frank', title: 'Lowly Developer' } ]; }]);
*/ angular.module('ui.grid').directive('uiGrid', uiGridDirective); uiGridDirective.$inject = ['$compile', '$templateCache', '$timeout', '$window', 'gridUtil', 'uiGridConstants']; function uiGridDirective($compile, $templateCache, $timeout, $window, gridUtil, uiGridConstants) { return { templateUrl: 'ui-grid/ui-grid', scope: { uiGrid: '=' }, replace: true, transclude: true, controller: 'uiGridController', compile: function() { return { post: function($scope, $elm, $attrs, uiGridCtrl) { var grid = uiGridCtrl.grid; // Initialize scrollbars (TODO: move to controller??) uiGridCtrl.scrollbars = []; grid.element = $elm; // See if the grid has a rendered width, if not, wait a bit and try again var sizeCheckInterval = 100; // ms var maxSizeChecks = 20; // 2 seconds total var sizeChecks = 0; // Setup (event listeners) the grid setup(); // And initialize it init(); // Mark rendering complete so API events can happen grid.renderingComplete(); // If the grid doesn't have size currently, wait for a bit to see if it gets size checkSize(); /*-- Methods --*/ function checkSize() { // If the grid has no width and we haven't checked more than times, check again in milliseconds if ($elm[0].offsetWidth <= 0 && sizeChecks < maxSizeChecks) { setTimeout(checkSize, sizeCheckInterval); sizeChecks++; } else { $timeout(init); } } // Setup event listeners and watchers function setup() { // Bind to window resize events angular.element($window).on('resize', gridResize); // Unbind from window resize events when the grid is destroyed $elm.on('$destroy', function() { angular.element($window).off('resize', gridResize); }); // If we add a left container after render, we need to watch and react $scope.$watch(function() { return grid.hasLeftContainer(); }, function(newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue === oldValue) { return; } grid.refreshCanvas(true); }); // If we add a right container after render, we need to watch and react $scope.$watch(function() { return grid.hasRightContainer(); }, function(newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue === oldValue) { return; } grid.refreshCanvas(true); }); } // Initialize the directive function init() { grid.gridWidth = $scope.gridWidth = gridUtil.elementWidth($elm); // Default canvasWidth to the grid width, in case we don't get any column definitions to calculate it from grid.canvasWidth = uiGridCtrl.grid.gridWidth; grid.gridHeight = $scope.gridHeight = gridUtil.elementHeight($elm); // If the grid isn't tall enough to fit a single row, it's kind of useless. Resize it to fit a minimum number of rows if (grid.gridHeight < grid.options.rowHeight && grid.options.enableMinHeightCheck) { autoAdjustHeight(); } // Run initial canvas refresh grid.refreshCanvas(true); } // Set the grid's height ourselves in the case that its height would be unusably small function autoAdjustHeight() { // Figure out the new height var contentHeight = grid.options.minRowsToShow * grid.options.rowHeight + 12; var headerHeight = grid.options.showHeader ? grid.options.headerRowHeight : 0; var footerHeight = grid.calcFooterHeight(); var scrollbarHeight = 0; if (grid.options.enableHorizontalScrollbar === uiGridConstants.scrollbars.ALWAYS) { scrollbarHeight = gridUtil.getScrollbarWidth(); } var maxNumberOfFilters = 0; // Calculates the maximum number of filters in the columns angular.forEach(grid.options.columnDefs, function(col) { if (col.hasOwnProperty('filter')) { if (maxNumberOfFilters < 1) { maxNumberOfFilters = 1; } } else if (col.hasOwnProperty('filters')) { if (maxNumberOfFilters < col.filters.length) { maxNumberOfFilters = col.filters.length; } } }); if (grid.options.enableFiltering) { var allColumnsHaveFilteringTurnedOff = grid.options.columnDefs.every(function(col) { return col.enableFiltering === false; }); if (!allColumnsHaveFilteringTurnedOff) { maxNumberOfFilters++; } } var filterHeight = maxNumberOfFilters * headerHeight; var newHeight = headerHeight + contentHeight + footerHeight + scrollbarHeight + filterHeight; $elm.css('height', newHeight + 'px'); grid.gridHeight = $scope.gridHeight = gridUtil.elementHeight($elm); } // Resize the grid on window resize events function gridResize($event) { grid.gridWidth = $scope.gridWidth = gridUtil.elementWidth($elm); grid.gridHeight = $scope.gridHeight = gridUtil.elementHeight($elm); grid.refreshCanvas(true); } } }; } }; } })(); (function() { 'use strict'; // TODO: rename this file to ui-grid-pinned-container.js angular.module('ui.grid').directive('uiGridPinnedContainer', ['gridUtil', function(gridUtil) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, template: '
', scope: { side: '=uiGridPinnedContainer' }, require: '^uiGrid', compile: function compile() { return { post: function($scope, $elm, $attrs, uiGridCtrl) { // gridUtil.logDebug('ui-grid-pinned-container ' + $scope.side + ' link'); var grid = uiGridCtrl.grid; var myWidth = 0; $elm.addClass('ui-grid-pinned-container-' + $scope.side); // Monkey-patch the viewport width function if ($scope.side === 'left' || $scope.side === 'right') { grid.renderContainers[$scope.side].getViewportWidth = monkeyPatchedGetViewportWidth; } function monkeyPatchedGetViewportWidth() { /*jshint validthis: true */ var self = this; var viewportWidth = 0; self.visibleColumnCache.forEach(function(column) { viewportWidth += column.drawnWidth; }); var adjustment = self.getViewportAdjustment(); viewportWidth = viewportWidth + adjustment.width; return viewportWidth; } function updateContainerWidth() { if ($scope.side === 'left' || $scope.side === 'right') { var cols = grid.renderContainers[$scope.side].visibleColumnCache; var width = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) { var col = cols[i]; width += col.drawnWidth || col.width || 0; } return width; } } function updateContainerDimensions() { var ret = ''; // Column containers if ($scope.side === 'left' || $scope.side === 'right') { myWidth = updateContainerWidth(); // gridUtil.logDebug('myWidth', myWidth); // TODO(c0bra): Subtract sum of col widths from grid viewport width and update it $elm.attr('style', null); // var myHeight = grid.renderContainers.body.getViewportHeight(); // + grid.horizontalScrollbarHeight; ret += '.grid' + grid.id + ' .ui-grid-pinned-container-' + $scope.side + ', .grid' + grid.id + ' .ui-grid-pinned-container-' + $scope.side + ' .ui-grid-render-container-' + $scope.side + ' .ui-grid-viewport { width: ' + myWidth + 'px; } '; } return ret; } grid.renderContainers.body.registerViewportAdjuster(function(adjustment) { myWidth = updateContainerWidth(); // Subtract our own width adjustment.width -= myWidth; adjustment.side = $scope.side; return adjustment; }); // Register style computation to adjust for columns in `side`'s render container grid.registerStyleComputation({ priority: 15, func: updateContainerDimensions }); } }; } }; }]); })(); (function() { angular.module('ui.grid') .factory('Grid', ['$q', '$compile', '$parse', 'gridUtil', 'uiGridConstants', 'GridOptions', 'GridColumn', 'GridRow', 'GridApi', 'rowSorter', 'rowSearcher', 'GridRenderContainer', '$timeout', 'ScrollEvent', function($q, $compile, $parse, gridUtil, uiGridConstants, GridOptions, GridColumn, GridRow, GridApi, rowSorter, rowSearcher, GridRenderContainer, $timeout, ScrollEvent) { /** * @ngdoc object * @name ui.grid.core.api:PublicApi * @description Public Api for the core grid features * */ /** * @ngdoc function * @name ui.grid.class:Grid * @description Grid is the main viewModel. Any properties or methods needed to maintain state are defined in * this prototype. One instance of Grid is created per Grid directive instance. * @param {object} options Object map of options to pass into the grid. An 'id' property is expected. */ var Grid = function Grid(options) { var self = this; // Get the id out of the options, then remove it if (options !== undefined && typeof(options.id) !== 'undefined' && options.id) { if (!/^[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/.test(options.id)) { throw new Error("Grid id '" + options.id + '" is invalid. It must follow CSS selector syntax rules.'); } } else { throw new Error('No ID provided. An ID must be given when creating a grid.'); } self.id = options.id; delete options.id; // Get default options self.options = GridOptions.initialize(options); /** * @ngdoc object * @name appScope * @propertyOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description reference to the application scope (the parent scope of the ui-grid element). Assigned in ui-grid controller *
* use gridOptions.appScopeProvider to override the default assignment of $scope.$parent with any reference */ self.appScope = self.options.appScopeProvider; self.headerHeight = self.options.headerRowHeight; /** * @ngdoc object * @name footerHeight * @propertyOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description returns the total footer height gridFooter + columnFooter */ self.footerHeight = self.calcFooterHeight(); /** * @ngdoc object * @name columnFooterHeight * @propertyOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description returns the total column footer height */ self.columnFooterHeight = self.calcColumnFooterHeight(); self.rtl = false; self.gridHeight = 0; self.gridWidth = 0; self.columnBuilders = []; self.rowBuilders = []; self.rowsProcessors = []; self.columnsProcessors = []; self.styleComputations = []; self.viewportAdjusters = []; self.rowHeaderColumns = []; self.dataChangeCallbacks = {}; self.verticalScrollSyncCallBackFns = {}; self.horizontalScrollSyncCallBackFns = {}; // self.visibleRowCache = []; // Set of 'render' containers for self grid, which can render sets of rows self.renderContainers = {}; // Create a self.renderContainers.body = new GridRenderContainer('body', self); self.cellValueGetterCache = {}; // Cached function to use with custom row templates self.getRowTemplateFn = null; //representation of the rows on the grid. //these are wrapped references to the actual data rows (options.data) self.rows = []; //represents the columns on the grid self.columns = []; /** * @ngdoc boolean * @name isScrollingVertically * @propertyOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description set to true when Grid is scrolling vertically. Set to false via debounced method */ self.isScrollingVertically = false; /** * @ngdoc boolean * @name isScrollingHorizontally * @propertyOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description set to true when Grid is scrolling horizontally. Set to false via debounced method */ self.isScrollingHorizontally = false; /** * @ngdoc property * @name scrollDirection * @propertyOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description set one of the uiGridConstants.scrollDirection values (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, NONE), which tells * us which direction we are scrolling. Set to NONE via debounced method */ self.scrollDirection = uiGridConstants.scrollDirection.NONE; //if true, grid will not respond to any scroll events self.disableScrolling = false; function vertical(scrollEvent) { self.isScrollingVertically = false; self.api.core.raise.scrollEnd(scrollEvent); self.scrollDirection = uiGridConstants.scrollDirection.NONE; } var debouncedVertical = gridUtil.debounce(vertical, self.options.scrollDebounce); var debouncedVerticalMinDelay = gridUtil.debounce(vertical, 0); function horizontal(scrollEvent) { self.isScrollingHorizontally = false; self.api.core.raise.scrollEnd(scrollEvent); self.scrollDirection = uiGridConstants.scrollDirection.NONE; } var debouncedHorizontal = gridUtil.debounce(horizontal, self.options.scrollDebounce); var debouncedHorizontalMinDelay = gridUtil.debounce(horizontal, 0); /** * @ngdoc function * @name flagScrollingVertically * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description sets isScrollingVertically to true and sets it to false in a debounced function */ self.flagScrollingVertically = function(scrollEvent) { if (!self.isScrollingVertically && !self.isScrollingHorizontally) { self.api.core.raise.scrollBegin(scrollEvent); } self.isScrollingVertically = true; if (self.options.scrollDebounce === 0 || !scrollEvent.withDelay) { debouncedVerticalMinDelay(scrollEvent); } else { debouncedVertical(scrollEvent); } }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name flagScrollingHorizontally * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description sets isScrollingHorizontally to true and sets it to false in a debounced function */ self.flagScrollingHorizontally = function(scrollEvent) { if (!self.isScrollingVertically && !self.isScrollingHorizontally) { self.api.core.raise.scrollBegin(scrollEvent); } self.isScrollingHorizontally = true; if (self.options.scrollDebounce === 0 || !scrollEvent.withDelay) { debouncedHorizontalMinDelay(scrollEvent); } else { debouncedHorizontal(scrollEvent); } }; self.scrollbarHeight = 0; self.scrollbarWidth = 0; if (self.options.enableHorizontalScrollbar === uiGridConstants.scrollbars.ALWAYS) { self.scrollbarHeight = gridUtil.getScrollbarWidth(); } if (self.options.enableVerticalScrollbar === uiGridConstants.scrollbars.ALWAYS) { self.scrollbarWidth = gridUtil.getScrollbarWidth(); } self.api = new GridApi(self); /** * @ngdoc function * @name refresh * @methodOf ui.grid.core.api:PublicApi * @description Refresh the rendered grid on screen. * The refresh method re-runs both the columnProcessors and the * rowProcessors, as well as calling refreshCanvas to update all * the grid sizing. In general you should prefer to use queueGridRefresh * instead, which is basically a debounced version of refresh. * * If you only want to resize the grid, not regenerate all the rows * and columns, you should consider directly calling refreshCanvas instead. * */ self.api.registerMethod('core', 'refresh', this.refresh); /** * @ngdoc function * @name queueGridRefresh * @methodOf ui.grid.core.api:PublicApi * @description Request a refresh of the rendered grid on screen, if multiple * calls to queueGridRefresh are made within a digest cycle only one will execute. * The refresh method re-runs both the columnProcessors and the * rowProcessors, as well as calling refreshCanvas to update all * the grid sizing. In general you should prefer to use queueGridRefresh * instead, which is basically a debounced version of refresh. * */ self.api.registerMethod('core', 'queueGridRefresh', this.queueGridRefresh); /** * @ngdoc function * @name refreshRows * @methodOf ui.grid.core.api:PublicApi * @description Runs only the rowProcessors, columns remain as they were. * It then calls redrawInPlace and refreshCanvas, which adjust the grid sizing. * @returns {promise} promise that is resolved when render completes? * */ self.api.registerMethod('core', 'refreshRows', this.refreshRows); /** * @ngdoc function * @name queueRefresh * @methodOf ui.grid.core.api:PublicApi * @description Requests execution of refreshCanvas, if multiple requests are made * during a digest cycle only one will run. RefreshCanvas updates the grid sizing. * @returns {promise} promise that is resolved when render completes? * */ self.api.registerMethod('core', 'queueRefresh', this.queueRefresh); /** * @ngdoc function * @name handleWindowResize * @methodOf ui.grid.core.api:PublicApi * @description Trigger a grid resize, normally this would be picked * up by a watch on window size, but in some circumstances it is necessary * to call this manually * @returns {promise} promise that is resolved when render completes? * */ self.api.registerMethod('core', 'handleWindowResize', this.handleWindowResize); /** * @ngdoc function * @name addRowHeaderColumn * @methodOf ui.grid.core.api:PublicApi * @description adds a row header column to the grid * @param {object} column def * */ self.api.registerMethod('core', 'addRowHeaderColumn', this.addRowHeaderColumn); /** * @ngdoc function * @name scrollToIfNecessary * @methodOf ui.grid.core.api:PublicApi * @description Scrolls the grid to make a certain row and column combo visible, * in the case that it is not completely visible on the screen already. * @param {GridRow} gridRow row to make visible * @param {GridCol} gridCol column to make visible * @returns {promise} a promise that is resolved when scrolling is complete * */ self.api.registerMethod('core', 'scrollToIfNecessary', function(gridRow, gridCol) { return self.scrollToIfNecessary(gridRow, gridCol); }); /** * @ngdoc function * @name scrollTo * @methodOf ui.grid.core.api:PublicApi * @description Scroll the grid such that the specified * row and column is in view * @param {object} rowEntity gridOptions.data[] array instance to make visible * @param {object} colDef to make visible * @returns {promise} a promise that is resolved after any scrolling is finished */ self.api.registerMethod('core', 'scrollTo', function(rowEntity, colDef) { return self.scrollTo(rowEntity, colDef); }); /** * @ngdoc function * @name registerRowsProcessor * @methodOf ui.grid.core.api:PublicApi * @description * Register a "rows processor" function. When the rows are updated, * the grid calls each registered "rows processor", which has a chance * to alter the set of rows (sorting, etc) as long as the count is not * modified. * * @param {function(renderedRowsToProcess, columns )} processorFunction rows processor function, which * is run in the context of the grid (i.e. this for the function will be the grid), and must * return the updated rows list, which is passed to the next processor in the chain * @param {number} priority the priority of this processor. In general we try to do them in 100s to leave room * for other people to inject rows processors at intermediate priorities. Lower priority rowsProcessors run earlier. * * At present allRowsVisible is running at 50, sort manipulations running at 60-65, filter is running at 100, * sort is at 200, grouping and treeview at 400-410, selectable rows at 500, pagination at 900 (pagination will generally want to be last) */ self.api.registerMethod('core', 'registerRowsProcessor', this.registerRowsProcessor); /** * @ngdoc function * @name registerColumnsProcessor * @methodOf ui.grid.core.api:PublicApi * @description * Register a "columns processor" function. When the columns are updated, * the grid calls each registered "columns processor", which has a chance * to alter the set of columns as long as the count is not * modified. * * @param {function(renderedColumnsToProcess, rows )} processorFunction columns processor function, which * is run in the context of the grid (i.e. this for the function will be the grid), and must * return the updated columns list, which is passed to the next processor in the chain * @param {number} priority the priority of this processor. In general we try to do them in 100s to leave room * for other people to inject columns processors at intermediate priorities. Lower priority columnsProcessors run earlier. * * At present allRowsVisible is running at 50, filter is running at 100, sort is at 200, grouping at 400, selectable rows at 500, pagination at 900 (pagination will generally want to be last) */ self.api.registerMethod('core', 'registerColumnsProcessor', this.registerColumnsProcessor); /** * @ngdoc function * @name sortHandleNulls * @methodOf ui.grid.core.api:PublicApi * @description A null handling method that can be used when building custom sort * functions * @example *
                     *   mySortFn = function(a, b) {
                     *   var nulls = $scope.gridApi.core.sortHandleNulls(a, b);
                     *   if ( nulls !== null ){
                     *     return nulls;
                     *   } else {
                     *     // your code for sorting here
                     *   };
* @param {object} a sort value a * @param {object} b sort value b * @returns {number} null if there were no nulls/undefineds, otherwise returns * a sort value that should be passed back from the sort function * */ self.api.registerMethod('core', 'sortHandleNulls', rowSorter.handleNulls); /** * @ngdoc function * @name sortChanged * @methodOf ui.grid.core.api:PublicApi * @description The sort criteria on one or more columns has * changed. Provides as parameters the grid and the output of * getColumnSorting, which is an array of gridColumns * that have sorting on them, sorted in priority order. * * @param {$scope} scope The scope of the controller. This is used to deregister this event when the scope is destroyed. * @param {Function} callBack Will be called when the event is emited. The function passes back an array of columns with * sorts on them, in priority order. * * @example *
                     *      gridApi.core.on.sortChanged( $scope, function(sortColumns){
                     *        // do something
                     *      });
*/ self.api.registerEvent('core', 'sortChanged'); /** * @ngdoc function * @name columnVisibilityChanged * @methodOf ui.grid.core.api:PublicApi * @description The visibility of a column has changed, * the column itself is passed out as a parameter of the event. * * @param {$scope} scope The scope of the controller. This is used to deregister this event when the scope is destroyed. * @param {Function} callBack Will be called when the event is emited. The function passes back the GridCol that has changed. * * @example *
                     *      gridApi.core.on.columnVisibilityChanged( $scope, function (column) {
                     *        // do something
                     *      } );
*/ self.api.registerEvent('core', 'columnVisibilityChanged'); /** * @ngdoc method * @name notifyDataChange * @methodOf ui.grid.core.api:PublicApi * @description Notify the grid that a data or config change has occurred, * where that change isn't something the grid was otherwise noticing. This * might be particularly relevant where you've changed values within the data * and you'd like cell classes to be re-evaluated, or changed config within * the columnDef and you'd like headerCellClasses to be re-evaluated. * @param {string} type one of the * uiGridConstants.dataChange values (ALL, ROW, EDIT, COLUMN), which tells * us which refreshes to fire. * */ self.api.registerMethod('core', 'notifyDataChange', this.notifyDataChange); /** * @ngdoc method * @name clearAllFilters * @methodOf ui.grid.core.api:PublicApi * @description Clears all filters and optionally refreshes the visible rows. * @param {object} refreshRows Defaults to true. * @param {object} clearConditions Defaults to false. * @param {object} clearFlags Defaults to false. * @returns {promise} If `refreshRows` is true, returns a promise of the rows refreshing. */ self.api.registerMethod('core', 'clearAllFilters', this.clearAllFilters); self.registerDataChangeCallback(self.columnRefreshCallback, [uiGridConstants.dataChange.COLUMN]); self.registerDataChangeCallback(self.processRowsCallback, [uiGridConstants.dataChange.EDIT]); self.registerDataChangeCallback(self.updateFooterHeightCallback, [uiGridConstants.dataChange.OPTIONS]); self.registerStyleComputation({ priority: 10, func: self.getFooterStyles }); }; Grid.prototype.calcFooterHeight = function() { if (!this.hasFooter()) { return 0; } var height = 0; // if (this.options.showGridFooter) { // height += this.options.gridFooterHeight; // } height += this.calcColumnFooterHeight(); return height; }; Grid.prototype.calcColumnFooterHeight = function() { var height = 0; if (this.options.showColumnFooter) { height += this.options.columnFooterHeight; } return height; }; Grid.prototype.getFooterStyles = function() { var style = '.grid' + this.id + ' .ui-grid-footer-aggregates-row { height: ' + this.options.columnFooterHeight + 'px; }'; style += ' .grid' + this.id + ' .ui-grid-footer-info { height: ' + this.options.gridFooterHeight + 'px; }'; return style; }; Grid.prototype.hasFooter = function() { return this.options.showGridFooter || this.options.showColumnFooter; }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name isRTL * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description Returns true if grid is RightToLeft */ Grid.prototype.isRTL = function() { return this.rtl; }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name registerColumnBuilder * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description When the build creates columns from column definitions, the columnbuilders will be called to add * additional properties to the column. * @param {function(colDef, col, gridOptions)} columnBuilder function to be called */ Grid.prototype.registerColumnBuilder = function registerColumnBuilder(columnBuilder) { this.columnBuilders.push(columnBuilder); }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name buildColumnDefsFromData * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description Populates columnDefs from the provided data * @param {function(colDef, col, gridOptions)} rowBuilder function to be called */ Grid.prototype.buildColumnDefsFromData = function(dataRows) { this.options.columnDefs = gridUtil.getColumnsFromData(dataRows, this.options.excludeProperties); }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name registerRowBuilder * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description When the build creates rows from gridOptions.data, the rowBuilders will be called to add * additional properties to the row. * @param {function(row, gridOptions)} rowBuilder function to be called */ Grid.prototype.registerRowBuilder = function registerRowBuilder(rowBuilder) { this.rowBuilders.push(rowBuilder); }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name registerDataChangeCallback * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description When a data change occurs, the data change callbacks of the specified type * will be called. The rules are: * * - when the data watch fires, that is considered a ROW change (the data watch only notices * added or removed rows) * - when the api is called to inform us of a change, the declared type of that change is used * - when a cell edit completes, the EDIT callbacks are triggered * - when the columnDef watch fires, the COLUMN callbacks are triggered * - when the options watch fires, the OPTIONS callbacks are triggered * * For a given event: * - ALL calls ROW, EDIT, COLUMN, OPTIONS and ALL callbacks * - ROW calls ROW and ALL callbacks * - EDIT calls EDIT and ALL callbacks * - COLUMN calls COLUMN and ALL callbacks * - OPTIONS calls OPTIONS and ALL callbacks * * @param {function(grid)} callback function to be called * @param {array} types the types of data change you want to be informed of. Values from * the uiGridConstants.dataChange values ( ALL, EDIT, ROW, COLUMN, OPTIONS ). Optional and defaults to * ALL * @returns {function} deregister function - a function that can be called to deregister this callback */ Grid.prototype.registerDataChangeCallback = function registerDataChangeCallback(callback, types, _this) { var uid = gridUtil.nextUid(); if (!types) { types = [uiGridConstants.dataChange.ALL]; } if (!Array.isArray(types)) { gridUtil.logError("Expected types to be an array or null in registerDataChangeCallback, value passed was: " + types); } this.dataChangeCallbacks[uid] = { callback: callback, types: types, _this: _this }; var self = this; var deregisterFunction = function() { delete self.dataChangeCallbacks[uid]; }; return deregisterFunction; }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name callDataChangeCallbacks * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description Calls the callbacks based on the type of data change that * has occurred. Always calls the ALL callbacks, calls the ROW, EDIT, COLUMN and OPTIONS callbacks if the * event type is matching, or if the type is ALL. * @param {number} type the type of event that occurred - one of the * uiGridConstants.dataChange values (ALL, ROW, EDIT, COLUMN, OPTIONS) */ Grid.prototype.callDataChangeCallbacks = function callDataChangeCallbacks(type, options) { angular.forEach(this.dataChangeCallbacks, function(callback, uid) { if (callback.types.indexOf(uiGridConstants.dataChange.ALL) !== -1 || callback.types.indexOf(type) !== -1 || type === uiGridConstants.dataChange.ALL) { if (callback._this) { callback.callback.apply(callback._this, this); } else { callback.callback(this); } } }, this); }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name notifyDataChange * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description Notifies us that a data change has occurred, used in the public * api for users to tell us when they've changed data or some other event that * our watches cannot pick up * @param {string} type the type of event that occurred - one of the * uiGridConstants.dataChange values (ALL, ROW, EDIT, COLUMN) */ Grid.prototype.notifyDataChange = function notifyDataChange(type) { var constants = uiGridConstants.dataChange; if (type === constants.ALL || type === constants.COLUMN || type === constants.EDIT || type === constants.ROW || type === constants.OPTIONS) { this.callDataChangeCallbacks(type); } else { gridUtil.logError("Notified of a data change, but the type was not recognised, so no action taken, type was: " + type); } }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name columnRefreshCallback * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description refreshes the grid when a column refresh * is notified, which triggers handling of the visible flag. * This is called on uiGridConstants.dataChange.COLUMN, and is * registered as a dataChangeCallback in grid.js * @param {string} name column name */ Grid.prototype.columnRefreshCallback = function columnRefreshCallback(grid) { grid.buildColumns(); grid.queueGridRefresh(); }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name processRowsCallback * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description calls the row processors, specifically * intended to reset the sorting when an edit is called, * registered as a dataChangeCallback on uiGridConstants.dataChange.EDIT * @param {string} name column name */ Grid.prototype.processRowsCallback = function processRowsCallback(grid) { grid.queueGridRefresh(); }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name updateFooterHeightCallback * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description recalculates the footer height, * registered as a dataChangeCallback on uiGridConstants.dataChange.OPTIONS * @param {string} name column name */ Grid.prototype.updateFooterHeightCallback = function updateFooterHeightCallback(grid) { grid.footerHeight = grid.calcFooterHeight(); grid.columnFooterHeight = grid.calcColumnFooterHeight(); }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name getColumn * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description returns a grid column for the column name * @param {string} name column name */ Grid.prototype.getColumn = function getColumn(name) { var columns = this.columns.filter(function(column) { return column.colDef.name === name; }); return columns.length > 0 ? columns[0] : null; }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name getColDef * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description returns a grid colDef for the column name * @param {string} name column.field */ Grid.prototype.getColDef = function getColDef(name) { var colDefs = this.options.columnDefs.filter(function(colDef) { return colDef.name === name; }); return colDefs.length > 0 ? colDefs[0] : null; }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name assignTypes * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description uses the first row of data to assign colDef.type for any types not defined. */ /** * @ngdoc property * @name type * @propertyOf ui.grid.class:GridOptions.columnDef * @description the type of the column, used in sorting. If not provided then the * grid will guess the type. Add this only if the grid guessing is not to your * satisfaction. One of: * - 'string' * - 'boolean' * - 'number' * - 'date' * - 'object' * - 'numberStr' * Note that if you choose date, your dates should be in a javascript date type * */ Grid.prototype.assignTypes = function() { var self = this; self.options.columnDefs.forEach(function(colDef, index) { //Assign colDef type if not specified if (!colDef.type) { var col = new GridColumn(colDef, index, self); var firstRow = self.rows.length > 0 ? self.rows[0] : null; if (firstRow) { colDef.type = gridUtil.guessType(self.getCellValue(firstRow, col)); } else { colDef.type = 'string'; } } }); }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name isRowHeaderColumn * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description returns true if the column is a row Header * @param {object} column column */ Grid.prototype.isRowHeaderColumn = function isRowHeaderColumn(column) { return this.rowHeaderColumns.indexOf(column) !== -1; }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name addRowHeaderColumn * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description adds a row header column to the grid * @param {object} column def */ Grid.prototype.addRowHeaderColumn = function addRowHeaderColumn(colDef) { var self = this; var rowHeaderCol = new GridColumn(colDef, gridUtil.nextUid(), self); rowHeaderCol.isRowHeader = true; if (self.isRTL()) { self.createRightContainer(); rowHeaderCol.renderContainer = 'right'; } else { self.createLeftContainer(); rowHeaderCol.renderContainer = 'left'; } // relies on the default column builder being first in array, as it is instantiated // as part of grid creation self.columnBuilders[0](colDef, rowHeaderCol, self.options) .then(function() { rowHeaderCol.enableFiltering = false; rowHeaderCol.enableSorting = false; rowHeaderCol.enableHiding = false; self.rowHeaderColumns.push(rowHeaderCol); self.buildColumns() .then(function() { self.preCompileCellTemplates(); self.queueGridRefresh(); }); }); }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name getOnlyDataColumns * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description returns all columns except for rowHeader columns */ Grid.prototype.getOnlyDataColumns = function getOnlyDataColumns() { var self = this; var cols = []; self.columns.forEach(function(col) { if (self.rowHeaderColumns.indexOf(col) === -1) { cols.push(col); } }); return cols; }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name buildColumns * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description creates GridColumn objects from the columnDefinition. Calls each registered * columnBuilder to further process the column * @param {object} options An object contains options to use when building columns * * * **orderByColumnDefs**: defaults to **false**. When true, `buildColumns` will reorder existing columns according to the order within the column definitions. * * @returns {Promise} a promise to load any needed column resources */ Grid.prototype.buildColumns = function buildColumns(opts) { var options = { orderByColumnDefs: false }; angular.extend(options, opts); // gridUtil.logDebug('buildColumns'); var self = this; var builderPromises = []; var headerOffset = self.rowHeaderColumns.length; var i; // Remove any columns for which a columnDef cannot be found // Deliberately don't use forEach, as it doesn't like splice being called in the middle // Also don't cache columns.length, as it will change during this operation for (i = 0; i < self.columns.length; i++) { if (!self.getColDef(self.columns[i].name)) { self.columns.splice(i, 1); i--; } } //add row header columns to the grid columns array _after_ columns without columnDefs have been removed self.rowHeaderColumns.forEach(function(rowHeaderColumn) { self.columns.unshift(rowHeaderColumn); }); // look at each column def, and update column properties to match. If the column def // doesn't have a column, then splice in a new gridCol self.options.columnDefs.forEach(function(colDef, index) { self.preprocessColDef(colDef); var col = self.getColumn(colDef.name); if (!col) { col = new GridColumn(colDef, gridUtil.nextUid(), self); self.columns.splice(index + headerOffset, 0, col); } else { // tell updateColumnDef that the column was pre-existing col.updateColumnDef(colDef, false); } self.columnBuilders.forEach(function(builder) { builderPromises.push(builder.call(self, colDef, col, self.options)); }); }); /*** Reorder columns if necessary ***/ if (!!options.orderByColumnDefs) { // Create a shallow copy of the columns as a cache var columnCache = self.columns.slice(0); // We need to allow for the "row headers" when mapping from the column defs array to the columns array // If we have a row header in columns[0] and don't account for it we'll overwrite it with the column in columnDefs[0] // Go through all the column defs, use the shorter of columns length and colDefs.length because if a user has given two columns the same name then // columns will be shorter than columnDefs. In this situation we'll avoid an error, but the user will still get an unexpected result var len = Math.min(self.options.columnDefs.length, self.columns.length); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { // If the column at this index has a different name than the column at the same index in the column defs... if (self.columns[i + headerOffset].name !== self.options.columnDefs[i].name) { // Replace the one in the cache with the appropriate column columnCache[i + headerOffset] = self.getColumn(self.options.columnDefs[i].name); } else { // Otherwise just copy over the one from the initial columns columnCache[i + headerOffset] = self.columns[i + headerOffset]; } } // Empty out the columns array, non-destructively self.columns.length = 0; // And splice in the updated, ordered columns from the cache Array.prototype.splice.apply(self.columns, [0, 0].concat(columnCache)); } return $q.all(builderPromises).then(function() { if (self.rows.length > 0) { self.assignTypes(); } }); }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name preCompileCellTemplates * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description precompiles all cell templates */ Grid.prototype.preCompileCellTemplates = function() { var self = this; var preCompileTemplate = function(col) { var html = col.cellTemplate.replace(uiGridConstants.MODEL_COL_FIELD, self.getQualifiedColField(col)); html = html.replace(uiGridConstants.COL_FIELD, 'grid.getCellValue(row, col)'); var compiledElementFn = $compile(html); col.compiledElementFn = compiledElementFn; if (col.compiledElementFnDefer) { col.compiledElementFnDefer.resolve(col.compiledElementFn); } }; this.columns.forEach(function(col) { if (col.cellTemplate) { preCompileTemplate(col); } else if (col.cellTemplatePromise) { col.cellTemplatePromise.then(function() { preCompileTemplate(col); }); } }); }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name getGridQualifiedColField * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description Returns the $parse-able accessor for a column within its $scope * @param {GridColumn} col col object */ Grid.prototype.getQualifiedColField = function(col) { return 'row.entity.' + gridUtil.preEval(col.field); }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name createLeftContainer * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description creates the left render container if it doesn't already exist */ Grid.prototype.createLeftContainer = function() { if (!this.hasLeftContainer()) { this.renderContainers.left = new GridRenderContainer('left', this, { disableColumnOffset: true }); } }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name createRightContainer * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description creates the right render container if it doesn't already exist */ Grid.prototype.createRightContainer = function() { if (!this.hasRightContainer()) { this.renderContainers.right = new GridRenderContainer('right', this, { disableColumnOffset: true }); } }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name hasLeftContainer * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description returns true if leftContainer exists */ Grid.prototype.hasLeftContainer = function() { return this.renderContainers.left !== undefined; }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name hasRightContainer * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description returns true if rightContainer exists */ Grid.prototype.hasRightContainer = function() { return this.renderContainers.right !== undefined; }; /** * undocumented function * @name preprocessColDef * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description defaults the name property from field to maintain backwards compatibility with 2.x * validates that name or field is present */ Grid.prototype.preprocessColDef = function preprocessColDef(colDef) { var self = this; if (!colDef.field && !colDef.name) { throw new Error('colDef.name or colDef.field property is required'); } //maintain backwards compatibility with 2.x //field was required in 2.x. now name is required if (colDef.name === undefined && colDef.field !== undefined) { // See if the column name already exists: var newName = colDef.field, counter = 2; while (self.getColumn(newName)) { newName = colDef.field + counter.toString(); counter++; } colDef.name = newName; } }; // Return a list of items that exist in the `n` array but not the `o` array. Uses optional property accessors passed as third & fourth parameters Grid.prototype.newInN = function newInN(o, n, oAccessor, nAccessor) { var self = this; var t = []; for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) { var nV = nAccessor ? n[i][nAccessor] : n[i]; var found = false; for (var j = 0; j < o.length; j++) { var oV = oAccessor ? o[j][oAccessor] : o[j]; if (self.options.rowEquality(nV, oV)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { t.push(nV); } } return t; }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name getRow * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description returns the GridRow that contains the rowEntity * @param {object} rowEntity the gridOptions.data array element instance * @param {array} rows [optional] the rows to look in - if not provided then * looks in grid.rows */ Grid.prototype.getRow = function getRow(rowEntity, lookInRows) { var self = this; lookInRows = typeof(lookInRows) === 'undefined' ? self.rows : lookInRows; var rows = lookInRows.filter(function(row) { return self.options.rowEquality(row.entity, rowEntity); }); return rows.length > 0 ? rows[0] : null; }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name modifyRows * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description creates or removes GridRow objects from the newRawData array. Calls each registered * rowBuilder to further process the row * * This method aims to achieve three things: * 1. the resulting rows array is in the same order as the newRawData, we'll call * rowsProcessors immediately after to sort the data anyway * 2. if we have row hashing available, we try to use the rowHash to find the row * 3. no memory leaks - rows that are no longer in newRawData need to be garbage collected * * The basic logic flow makes use of the newRawData, oldRows and oldHash, and creates * the newRows and newHash * * ``` * newRawData.forEach newEntity * if (hashing enabled) * check oldHash for newEntity * else * look for old row directly in oldRows * if !oldRowFound // must be a new row * create newRow * append to the newRows and add to newHash * run the processors * * Rows are identified using the hashKey if configured. If not configured, then rows * are identified using the gridOptions.rowEquality function */ Grid.prototype.modifyRows = function modifyRows(newRawData) { var self = this; var oldRows = self.rows.slice(0); var oldRowHash = self.rowHashMap || self.createRowHashMap(); self.rowHashMap = self.createRowHashMap(); self.rows.length = 0; newRawData.forEach(function(newEntity, i) { var newRow; if (self.options.enableRowHashing) { // if hashing is enabled, then this row will be in the hash if we already know about it newRow = oldRowHash.get(newEntity); } else { // otherwise, manually search the oldRows to see if we can find this row newRow = self.getRow(newEntity, oldRows); } // if we didn't find the row, it must be new, so create it if (!newRow) { newRow = self.processRowBuilders(new GridRow(newEntity, i, self)); } self.rows.push(newRow); self.rowHashMap.put(newEntity, newRow); }); self.assignTypes(); var p1 = $q.when(self.processRowsProcessors(self.rows)) .then(function(renderableRows) { return self.setVisibleRows(renderableRows); }); var p2 = $q.when(self.processColumnsProcessors(self.columns)) .then(function(renderableColumns) { return self.setVisibleColumns(renderableColumns); }); return $q.all([p1, p2]); }; /** * Private Undocumented Method * @name addRows * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description adds the newRawData array of rows to the grid and calls all registered * rowBuilders. this keyword will reference the grid */ Grid.prototype.addRows = function addRows(newRawData) { var self = this; var existingRowCount = self.rows.length; for (var i = 0; i < newRawData.length; i++) { var newRow = self.processRowBuilders(new GridRow(newRawData[i], i + existingRowCount, self)); if (self.options.enableRowHashing) { var found = self.rowHashMap.get(newRow.entity); if (found) { found.row = newRow; } } self.rows.push(newRow); } }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name processRowBuilders * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description processes all RowBuilders for the gridRow * @param {GridRow} gridRow reference to gridRow * @returns {GridRow} the gridRow with all additional behavior added */ Grid.prototype.processRowBuilders = function processRowBuilders(gridRow) { var self = this; self.rowBuilders.forEach(function(builder) { builder.call(self, gridRow, self.options); }); return gridRow; }; /** * @ngdoc function * @name registerStyleComputation * @methodOf ui.grid.class:Grid * @description registered a styleComputation function * * If the function returns a value it will be appended into the grid's `
" ); $templateCache.put('ui-grid/uiGridCell', "
" ); $templateCache.put('ui-grid/uiGridColumnMenu', "
" ); $templateCache.put('ui-grid/uiGridFooterCell', "
{{ col.getAggregationText() + ( col.getAggregationValue() CUSTOM_FILTERS ) }}
" ); $templateCache.put('ui-grid/uiGridHeaderCell', "
{{value}}{{ col.displayName CUSTOM_FILTERS }}
" ); $templateCache.put('ui-grid/uiGridMenu', "
" ); $templateCache.put('ui-grid/uiGridMenuItem', "" ); $templateCache.put('ui-grid/uiGridRenderContainer', "
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