/* * Angular JS Multi Select * Creates a dropdown-like button with checkboxes. * * Project started on: Tue, 14 Jan 2014 - 5:18:02 PM * Current version: 4.0.0 * * Released under the MIT License * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2014 Ignatius Steven (https://github.com/isteven) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 'use strict' angular.module( 'isteven-multi-select', ['ng'] ).directive( 'istevenMultiSelect' , [ '$sce', '$timeout', '$templateCache', function ( $sce, $timeout, $templateCache ) { return { restrict: 'AE', scope: { // models inputModel : '=', outputModel : '=', // settings based on attribute isDisabled : '=', // callbacks onClear : '&', onClose : '&', onSearchChange : '&', onItemClick : '&', onOpen : '&', onReset : '&', onSelectAll : '&', onSelectNone : '&', // i18n translation : '=' }, /* * The rest are attributes. They don't need to be parsed / binded, so we can safely access them by value. * - buttonLabel, directiveId, helperElements, itemLabel, maxLabels, orientation, selectionMode, minSearchLength, * tickProperty, disableProperty, groupProperty, searchProperty, maxHeight, outputProperties */ templateUrl: 'isteven-multi-select.htm', link: function ( $scope, element, attrs ) { $scope.backUp = []; $scope.varButtonLabel = ''; $scope.spacingProperty = ''; $scope.indexProperty = ''; $scope.orientationH = false; $scope.orientationV = true; $scope.filteredModel = []; $scope.inputLabel = { labelFilter: '' }; $scope.tabIndex = 0; $scope.lang = {}; $scope.helperStatus = { all : true, none : true, reset : true, filter : true }; var prevTabIndex = 0, helperItems = [], helperItemsLength = 0, checkBoxLayer = '', scrolled = false, selectedItems = [], formElements = [], vMinSearchLength = 0, clickedItem = null // v3.0.0 // clear button clicked $scope.clearClicked = function( e ) { $scope.inputLabel.labelFilter = ''; $scope.updateFilter(); $scope.select( 'clear', e ); } // A little hack so that AngularJS ng-repeat can loop using start and end index like a normal loop // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16824853/way-to-ng-repeat-defined-number-of-times-instead-of-repeating-over-array $scope.numberToArray = function( num ) { return new Array( num ); } // Call this function when user type on the filter field $scope.searchChanged = function() { if ( $scope.inputLabel.labelFilter.length < vMinSearchLength && $scope.inputLabel.labelFilter.length > 0 ) { return false; } $scope.updateFilter(); } $scope.updateFilter = function() { // we check by looping from end of input-model $scope.filteredModel = []; var i = 0; if ( typeof $scope.inputModel === 'undefined' ) { return false; } for( i = $scope.inputModel.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { // if it's group end, we push it to filteredModel[]; if ( typeof $scope.inputModel[ i ][ attrs.groupProperty ] !== 'undefined' && $scope.inputModel[ i ][ attrs.groupProperty ] === false ) { $scope.filteredModel.push( $scope.inputModel[ i ] ); } // if it's data var gotData = false; if ( typeof $scope.inputModel[ i ][ attrs.groupProperty ] === 'undefined' ) { // If we set the search-key attribute, we use this loop. if ( typeof attrs.searchProperty !== 'undefined' && attrs.searchProperty !== '' ) { for (var key in $scope.inputModel[ i ] ) { if ( typeof $scope.inputModel[ i ][ key ] !== 'boolean' && String( $scope.inputModel[ i ][ key ] ).toUpperCase().indexOf( $scope.inputLabel.labelFilter.toUpperCase() ) >= 0 && attrs.searchProperty.indexOf( key ) > -1 ) { gotData = true; break; } } } // if there's no search-key attribute, we use this one. Much better on performance. else { for ( var key in $scope.inputModel[ i ] ) { if ( typeof $scope.inputModel[ i ][ key ] !== 'boolean' && String( $scope.inputModel[ i ][ key ] ).toUpperCase().indexOf( $scope.inputLabel.labelFilter.toUpperCase() ) >= 0 ) { gotData = true; break; } } } if ( gotData === true ) { // push $scope.filteredModel.push( $scope.inputModel[ i ] ); } } // if it's group start if ( typeof $scope.inputModel[ i ][ attrs.groupProperty ] !== 'undefined' && $scope.inputModel[ i ][ attrs.groupProperty ] === true ) { if ( typeof $scope.filteredModel[ $scope.filteredModel.length - 1 ][ attrs.groupProperty ] !== 'undefined' && $scope.filteredModel[ $scope.filteredModel.length - 1 ][ attrs.groupProperty ] === false ) { $scope.filteredModel.pop(); } else { $scope.filteredModel.push( $scope.inputModel[ i ] ); } } } $scope.filteredModel.reverse(); $timeout( function() { $scope.getFormElements(); // Callback: on filter change if ( $scope.inputLabel.labelFilter.length > vMinSearchLength ) { var filterObj = []; angular.forEach( $scope.filteredModel, function( value, key ) { if ( typeof value !== 'undefined' ) { if ( typeof value[ attrs.groupProperty ] === 'undefined' ) { var tempObj = angular.copy( value ); var index = filterObj.push( tempObj ); delete filterObj[ index - 1 ][ $scope.indexProperty ]; delete filterObj[ index - 1 ][ $scope.spacingProperty ]; } } }); $scope.onSearchChange({ data: { keyword: $scope.inputLabel.labelFilter, result: filterObj } }); } },0); }; // List all the input elements. We need this for our keyboard navigation. // This function will be called everytime the filter is updated. // Depending on the size of filtered mode, might not good for performance, but oh well.. $scope.getFormElements = function() { formElements = []; var selectButtons = [], inputField = [], checkboxes = [], clearButton = []; // If available, then get select all, select none, and reset buttons if ( $scope.helperStatus.all || $scope.helperStatus.none || $scope.helperStatus.reset ) { selectButtons = element.children().children().next().children().children()[ 0 ].getElementsByTagName( 'button' ); // If available, then get the search box and the clear button if ( $scope.helperStatus.filter ) { // Get helper - search and clear button. inputField = element.children().children().next().children().children().next()[ 0 ].getElementsByTagName( 'input' ); clearButton = element.children().children().next().children().children().next()[ 0 ].getElementsByTagName( 'button' ); } } else { if ( $scope.helperStatus.filter ) { // Get helper - search and clear button. inputField = element.children().children().next().children().children()[ 0 ].getElementsByTagName( 'input' ); clearButton = element.children().children().next().children().children()[ 0 ].getElementsByTagName( 'button' ); } } // Get checkboxes if ( !$scope.helperStatus.all && !$scope.helperStatus.none && !$scope.helperStatus.reset && !$scope.helperStatus.filter ) { checkboxes = element.children().children().next()[ 0 ].getElementsByTagName( 'input' ); } else { checkboxes = element.children().children().next().children().next()[ 0 ].getElementsByTagName( 'input' ); } // Push them into global array formElements[] for ( var i = 0; i < selectButtons.length ; i++ ) { formElements.push( selectButtons[ i ] ); } for ( var i = 0; i < inputField.length ; i++ ) { formElements.push( inputField[ i ] ); } for ( var i = 0; i < clearButton.length ; i++ ) { formElements.push( clearButton[ i ] ); } for ( var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length ; i++ ) { formElements.push( checkboxes[ i ] ); } } // check if an item has attrs.groupProperty (be it true or false) $scope.isGroupMarker = function( item , type ) { if ( typeof item[ attrs.groupProperty ] !== 'undefined' && item[ attrs.groupProperty ] === type ) return true; return false; } $scope.removeGroupEndMarker = function( item ) { if ( typeof item[ attrs.groupProperty ] !== 'undefined' && item[ attrs.groupProperty ] === false ) return false; return true; } // call this function when an item is clicked $scope.syncItems = function( item, e, ng_repeat_index ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); // if the directive is globaly disabled, do nothing if ( typeof attrs.disableProperty !== 'undefined' && item[ attrs.disableProperty ] === true ) { return false; } // if item is disabled, do nothing if ( typeof attrs.isDisabled !== 'undefined' && $scope.isDisabled === true ) { return false; } // if end group marker is clicked, do nothing if ( typeof item[ attrs.groupProperty ] !== 'undefined' && item[ attrs.groupProperty ] === false ) { return false; } var index = $scope.filteredModel.indexOf( item ); // if the start of group marker is clicked ( only for multiple selection! ) // how it works: // - if, in a group, there are items which are not selected, then they all will be selected // - if, in a group, all items are selected, then they all will be de-selected if ( typeof item[ attrs.groupProperty ] !== 'undefined' && item[ attrs.groupProperty ] === true ) { // this is only for multiple selection, so if selection mode is single, do nothing if ( typeof attrs.selectionMode !== 'undefined' && attrs.selectionMode.toUpperCase() === 'SINGLE' ) { return false; } var i,j,k; var startIndex = 0; var endIndex = $scope.filteredModel.length - 1; var tempArr = []; // nest level is to mark the depth of the group. // when you get into a group (start group marker), nestLevel++ // when you exit a group (end group marker), nextLevel-- var nestLevel = 0; // we loop throughout the filtered model (not whole model) for( i = index ; i < $scope.filteredModel.length ; i++) { // this break will be executed when we're done processing each group if ( nestLevel === 0 && i > index ) { break; } if ( typeof $scope.filteredModel[ i ][ attrs.groupProperty ] !== 'undefined' && $scope.filteredModel[ i ][ attrs.groupProperty ] === true ) { // To cater multi level grouping if ( tempArr.length === 0 ) { startIndex = i + 1; } nestLevel = nestLevel + 1; } // if group end else if ( typeof $scope.filteredModel[ i ][ attrs.groupProperty ] !== 'undefined' && $scope.filteredModel[ i ][ attrs.groupProperty ] === false ) { nestLevel = nestLevel - 1; // cek if all are ticked or not if ( tempArr.length > 0 && nestLevel === 0 ) { var allTicked = true; endIndex = i; for ( j = 0; j < tempArr.length ; j++ ) { if ( typeof tempArr[ j ][ $scope.tickProperty ] !== 'undefined' && tempArr[ j ][ $scope.tickProperty ] === false ) { allTicked = false; break; } } if ( allTicked === true ) { for ( j = startIndex; j <= endIndex ; j++ ) { if ( typeof $scope.filteredModel[ j ][ attrs.groupProperty ] === 'undefined' ) { if ( typeof attrs.disableProperty === 'undefined' ) { $scope.filteredModel[ j ][ $scope.tickProperty ] = false; // we refresh input model as well inputModelIndex = $scope.filteredModel[ j ][ $scope.indexProperty ]; $scope.inputModel[ inputModelIndex ][ $scope.tickProperty ] = false; } else if ( $scope.filteredModel[ j ][ attrs.disableProperty ] !== true ) { $scope.filteredModel[ j ][ $scope.tickProperty ] = false; // we refresh input model as well inputModelIndex = $scope.filteredModel[ j ][ $scope.indexProperty ]; $scope.inputModel[ inputModelIndex ][ $scope.tickProperty ] = false; } } } } else { for ( j = startIndex; j <= endIndex ; j++ ) { if ( typeof $scope.filteredModel[ j ][ attrs.groupProperty ] === 'undefined' ) { if ( typeof attrs.disableProperty === 'undefined' ) { $scope.filteredModel[ j ][ $scope.tickProperty ] = true; // we refresh input model as well inputModelIndex = $scope.filteredModel[ j ][ $scope.indexProperty ]; $scope.inputModel[ inputModelIndex ][ $scope.tickProperty ] = true; } else if ( $scope.filteredModel[ j ][ attrs.disableProperty ] !== true ) { $scope.filteredModel[ j ][ $scope.tickProperty ] = true; // we refresh input model as well inputModelIndex = $scope.filteredModel[ j ][ $scope.indexProperty ]; $scope.inputModel[ inputModelIndex ][ $scope.tickProperty ] = true; } } } } } } // if data else { tempArr.push( $scope.filteredModel[ i ] ); } } } // if an item (not group marker) is clicked else { // If it's single selection mode if ( typeof attrs.selectionMode !== 'undefined' && attrs.selectionMode.toUpperCase() === 'SINGLE' ) { // first, set everything to false for( i=0 ; i < $scope.filteredModel.length ; i++) { $scope.filteredModel[ i ][ $scope.tickProperty ] = false; } for( i=0 ; i < $scope.inputModel.length ; i++) { $scope.inputModel[ i ][ $scope.tickProperty ] = false; } // then set the clicked item to true $scope.filteredModel[ index ][ $scope.tickProperty ] = true; } // Multiple else { $scope.filteredModel[ index ][ $scope.tickProperty ] = !$scope.filteredModel[ index ][ $scope.tickProperty ]; } // we refresh input model as well var inputModelIndex = $scope.filteredModel[ index ][ $scope.indexProperty ]; $scope.inputModel[ inputModelIndex ][ $scope.tickProperty ] = $scope.filteredModel[ index ][ $scope.tickProperty ]; } // we execute the callback function here clickedItem = angular.copy( item ); if ( clickedItem !== null ) { $timeout( function() { delete clickedItem[ $scope.indexProperty ]; delete clickedItem[ $scope.spacingProperty ]; $scope.onItemClick( { data: clickedItem } ); clickedItem = null; }, 0 ); } $scope.refreshOutputModel(); $scope.refreshButton(); // We update the index here prevTabIndex = $scope.tabIndex; $scope.tabIndex = ng_repeat_index + helperItemsLength; // Set focus on the hidden checkbox e.target.focus(); // set & remove CSS style $scope.removeFocusStyle( prevTabIndex ); $scope.setFocusStyle( $scope.tabIndex ); if ( typeof attrs.selectionMode !== 'undefined' && attrs.selectionMode.toUpperCase() === 'SINGLE' ) { // on single selection mode, we then hide the checkbox layer $scope.toggleCheckboxes( e ); } } // update $scope.outputModel $scope.refreshOutputModel = function() { $scope.outputModel = []; var outputProps = [], tempObj = {}; // v4.0.0 if ( typeof attrs.outputProperties !== 'undefined' ) { outputProps = attrs.outputProperties.split(' '); angular.forEach( $scope.inputModel, function( value, key ) { if ( typeof value !== 'undefined' && typeof value[ attrs.groupProperty ] === 'undefined' && value[ $scope.tickProperty ] === true ) { tempObj = {}; angular.forEach( value, function( value1, key1 ) { if ( outputProps.indexOf( key1 ) > -1 ) { tempObj[ key1 ] = value1; } }); var index = $scope.outputModel.push( tempObj ); delete $scope.outputModel[ index - 1 ][ $scope.indexProperty ]; delete $scope.outputModel[ index - 1 ][ $scope.spacingProperty ]; } }); } else { angular.forEach( $scope.inputModel, function( value, key ) { if ( typeof value !== 'undefined' && typeof value[ attrs.groupProperty ] === 'undefined' && value[ $scope.tickProperty ] === true ) { var temp = angular.copy( value ); var index = $scope.outputModel.push( temp ); delete $scope.outputModel[ index - 1 ][ $scope.indexProperty ]; delete $scope.outputModel[ index - 1 ][ $scope.spacingProperty ]; } }); } } // refresh button label $scope.refreshButton = function() { $scope.varButtonLabel = ''; var ctr = 0; // refresh button label... if ( $scope.outputModel.length === 0 ) { // https://github.com/isteven/angular-multi-select/pull/19 $scope.varButtonLabel = $scope.lang.nothingSelected; } else { var tempMaxLabels = $scope.outputModel.length; if ( typeof attrs.maxLabels !== 'undefined' && attrs.maxLabels !== '' ) { tempMaxLabels = attrs.maxLabels; } // if max amount of labels displayed.. if ( $scope.outputModel.length > tempMaxLabels ) { $scope.more = true; } else { $scope.more = false; } angular.forEach( $scope.inputModel, function( value, key ) { if ( typeof value !== 'undefined' && value[ attrs.tickProperty ] === true ) { if ( ctr < tempMaxLabels ) { $scope.varButtonLabel += ( $scope.varButtonLabel.length > 0 ? ',
' : '
') + $scope.writeLabel( value, 'buttonLabel' ); } ctr++; } }); if ( $scope.more === true ) { // https://github.com/isteven/angular-multi-select/pull/16 if (tempMaxLabels > 0) { $scope.varButtonLabel += ', ... '; } $scope.varButtonLabel += '(' + $scope.outputModel.length + ')'; } } $scope.varButtonLabel = $sce.trustAsHtml( $scope.varButtonLabel + '' ); } // Check if a checkbox is disabled or enabled. It will check the granular control (disableProperty) and global control (isDisabled) // Take note that the granular control has higher priority. $scope.itemIsDisabled = function( item ) { if ( typeof attrs.disableProperty !== 'undefined' && item[ attrs.disableProperty ] === true ) { return true; } else { if ( $scope.isDisabled === true ) { return true; } else { return false; } } } // A simple function to parse the item label settings. Used on the buttons and checkbox labels. $scope.writeLabel = function( item, type ) { // type is either 'itemLabel' or 'buttonLabel' var temp = attrs[ type ].split( ' ' ); var label = ''; angular.forEach( temp, function( value, key ) { item[ value ] && ( label += ' ' + value.split( '.' ).reduce( function( prev, current ) { return prev[ current ]; }, item )); }); if ( type.toUpperCase() === 'BUTTONLABEL' ) { return label; } return $sce.trustAsHtml( label ); } // UI operations to show/hide checkboxes based on click event.. $scope.toggleCheckboxes = function( e ) { // We grab the button var clickedEl = element.children()[0]; // Just to make sure.. had a bug where key events were recorded twice angular.element( document ).off( 'click', $scope.externalClickListener ); angular.element( document ).off( 'keydown', $scope.keyboardListener ); // The idea below was taken from another multi-select directive - https://github.com/amitava82/angular-multiselect // His version is awesome if you need a more simple multi-select approach. // close if ( angular.element( checkBoxLayer ).hasClass( 'show' )) { angular.element( checkBoxLayer ).removeClass( 'show' ); angular.element( clickedEl ).removeClass( 'buttonClicked' ); angular.element( document ).off( 'click', $scope.externalClickListener ); angular.element( document ).off( 'keydown', $scope.keyboardListener ); // clear the focused element; $scope.removeFocusStyle( $scope.tabIndex ); if ( typeof formElements[ $scope.tabIndex ] !== 'undefined' ) { formElements[ $scope.tabIndex ].blur(); } // close callback $timeout( function() { $scope.onClose(); }, 0 ); // set focus on button again element.children().children()[ 0 ].focus(); } // open else { // clear filter $scope.inputLabel.labelFilter = ''; $scope.updateFilter(); helperItems = []; helperItemsLength = 0; angular.element( checkBoxLayer ).addClass( 'show' ); angular.element( clickedEl ).addClass( 'buttonClicked' ); // Attach change event listener on the input filter. // We need this because ng-change is apparently not an event listener. angular.element( document ).on( 'click', $scope.externalClickListener ); angular.element( document ).on( 'keydown', $scope.keyboardListener ); // to get the initial tab index, depending on how many helper elements we have. // priority is to always focus it on the input filter $scope.getFormElements(); $scope.tabIndex = 0; var helperContainer = angular.element( element[ 0 ].querySelector( '.helperContainer' ) )[0]; if ( typeof helperContainer !== 'undefined' ) { for ( var i = 0; i < helperContainer.getElementsByTagName( 'BUTTON' ).length ; i++ ) { helperItems[ i ] = helperContainer.getElementsByTagName( 'BUTTON' )[ i ]; } helperItemsLength = helperItems.length + helperContainer.getElementsByTagName( 'INPUT' ).length; } // focus on the filter element on open. if ( element[ 0 ].querySelector( '.inputFilter' ) ) { element[ 0 ].querySelector( '.inputFilter' ).focus(); $scope.tabIndex = $scope.tabIndex + helperItemsLength - 2; // blur button in vain angular.element( element ).children()[ 0 ].blur(); } // if there's no filter then just focus on the first checkbox item else { if ( !$scope.isDisabled ) { $scope.tabIndex = $scope.tabIndex + helperItemsLength; if ( $scope.inputModel.length > 0 ) { formElements[ $scope.tabIndex ].focus(); $scope.setFocusStyle( $scope.tabIndex ); // blur button in vain angular.element( element ).children()[ 0 ].blur(); } } } // open callback $scope.onOpen(); } } // handle clicks outside the button / multi select layer $scope.externalClickListener = function( e ) { var targetsArr = element.find( e.target.tagName ); for (var i = 0; i < targetsArr.length; i++) { if ( e.target == targetsArr[i] ) { return; } } angular.element( checkBoxLayer.previousSibling ).removeClass( 'buttonClicked' ); angular.element( checkBoxLayer ).removeClass( 'show' ); angular.element( document ).off( 'click', $scope.externalClickListener ); angular.element( document ).off( 'keydown', $scope.keyboardListener ); // close callback $timeout( function() { $scope.onClose(); }, 0 ); // set focus on button again element.children().children()[ 0 ].focus(); } // select All / select None / reset buttons $scope.select = function( type, e ) { var helperIndex = helperItems.indexOf( e.target ); $scope.tabIndex = helperIndex; switch( type.toUpperCase() ) { case 'ALL': angular.forEach( $scope.filteredModel, function( value, key ) { if ( typeof value !== 'undefined' && value[ attrs.disableProperty ] !== true ) { if ( typeof value[ attrs.groupProperty ] === 'undefined' ) { value[ $scope.tickProperty ] = true; } } }); $scope.refreshOutputModel(); $scope.refreshButton(); $scope.onSelectAll(); break; case 'NONE': angular.forEach( $scope.filteredModel, function( value, key ) { if ( typeof value !== 'undefined' && value[ attrs.disableProperty ] !== true ) { if ( typeof value[ attrs.groupProperty ] === 'undefined' ) { value[ $scope.tickProperty ] = false; } } }); $scope.refreshOutputModel(); $scope.refreshButton(); $scope.onSelectNone(); break; case 'RESET': angular.forEach( $scope.filteredModel, function( value, key ) { if ( typeof value[ attrs.groupProperty ] === 'undefined' && typeof value !== 'undefined' && value[ attrs.disableProperty ] !== true ) { var temp = value[ $scope.indexProperty ]; value[ $scope.tickProperty ] = $scope.backUp[ temp ][ $scope.tickProperty ]; } }); $scope.refreshOutputModel(); $scope.refreshButton(); $scope.onReset(); break; case 'CLEAR': $scope.tabIndex = $scope.tabIndex + 1; $scope.onClear(); break; case 'FILTER': $scope.tabIndex = helperItems.length - 1; break; default: } } // just to create a random variable name function genRandomString( length ) { var possible = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; var temp = ''; for( var i=0; i < length; i++ ) { temp += possible.charAt( Math.floor( Math.random() * possible.length )); } return temp; } // count leading spaces $scope.prepareGrouping = function() { var spacing = 0; angular.forEach( $scope.filteredModel, function( value, key ) { value[ $scope.spacingProperty ] = spacing; if ( value[ attrs.groupProperty ] === true ) { spacing+=2; } else if ( value[ attrs.groupProperty ] === false ) { spacing-=2; } }); } // prepare original index $scope.prepareIndex = function() { var ctr = 0; angular.forEach( $scope.filteredModel, function( value, key ) { value[ $scope.indexProperty ] = ctr; ctr++; }); } // navigate using up and down arrow $scope.keyboardListener = function( e ) { var key = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which; var isNavigationKey = false; // ESC key (close) if ( key === 27 ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $scope.toggleCheckboxes( e ); } // next element ( tab, down & right key ) else if ( key === 40 || key === 39 || ( !e.shiftKey && key == 9 ) ) { isNavigationKey = true; prevTabIndex = $scope.tabIndex; $scope.tabIndex++; if ( $scope.tabIndex > formElements.length - 1 ) { $scope.tabIndex = 0; prevTabIndex = formElements.length - 1; } while ( formElements[ $scope.tabIndex ].disabled === true ) { $scope.tabIndex++; if ( $scope.tabIndex > formElements.length - 1 ) { $scope.tabIndex = 0; } if ( $scope.tabIndex === prevTabIndex ) { break; } } } // prev element ( shift+tab, up & left key ) else if ( key === 38 || key === 37 || ( e.shiftKey && key == 9 ) ) { isNavigationKey = true; prevTabIndex = $scope.tabIndex; $scope.tabIndex--; if ( $scope.tabIndex < 0 ) { $scope.tabIndex = formElements.length - 1; prevTabIndex = 0; } while ( formElements[ $scope.tabIndex ].disabled === true ) { $scope.tabIndex--; if ( $scope.tabIndex === prevTabIndex ) { break; } if ( $scope.tabIndex < 0 ) { $scope.tabIndex = formElements.length - 1; } } } if ( isNavigationKey === true ) { e.preventDefault(); // set focus on the checkbox formElements[ $scope.tabIndex ].focus(); var actEl = document.activeElement; if ( actEl.type.toUpperCase() === 'CHECKBOX' ) { $scope.setFocusStyle( $scope.tabIndex ); $scope.removeFocusStyle( prevTabIndex ); } else { $scope.removeFocusStyle( prevTabIndex ); $scope.removeFocusStyle( helperItemsLength ); $scope.removeFocusStyle( formElements.length - 1 ); } } isNavigationKey = false; } // set (add) CSS style on selected row $scope.setFocusStyle = function( tabIndex ) { angular.element( formElements[ tabIndex ] ).parent().parent().parent().addClass( 'multiSelectFocus' ); } // remove CSS style on selected row $scope.removeFocusStyle = function( tabIndex ) { angular.element( formElements[ tabIndex ] ).parent().parent().parent().removeClass( 'multiSelectFocus' ); } /********************* ********************* * * 1) Initializations * ********************* *********************/ // attrs to $scope - attrs-$scope - attrs - $scope // Copy some properties that will be used on the template. They need to be in the $scope. $scope.groupProperty = attrs.groupProperty; $scope.tickProperty = attrs.tickProperty; $scope.directiveId = attrs.directiveId; // Unfortunately I need to add these grouping properties into the input model var tempStr = genRandomString( 5 ); $scope.indexProperty = 'idx_' + tempStr; $scope.spacingProperty = 'spc_' + tempStr; // set orientation css if ( typeof attrs.orientation !== 'undefined' ) { if ( attrs.orientation.toUpperCase() === 'HORIZONTAL' ) { $scope.orientationH = true; $scope.orientationV = false; } else { $scope.orientationH = false; $scope.orientationV = true; } } // get elements required for DOM operation checkBoxLayer = element.children().children().next()[0]; // set max-height property if provided if ( typeof attrs.maxHeight !== 'undefined' ) { var layer = element.children().children().children()[0]; angular.element( layer ).attr( "style", "height:" + attrs.maxHeight + "; overflow-y:scroll;" ); } // some flags for easier checking for ( var property in $scope.helperStatus ) { if ( $scope.helperStatus.hasOwnProperty( property )) { if ( typeof attrs.helperElements !== 'undefined' && attrs.helperElements.toUpperCase().indexOf( property.toUpperCase() ) === -1 ) { $scope.helperStatus[ property ] = false; } } } if ( typeof attrs.selectionMode !== 'undefined' && attrs.selectionMode.toUpperCase() === 'SINGLE' ) { $scope.helperStatus[ 'all' ] = false; $scope.helperStatus[ 'none' ] = false; } // helper button icons.. I guess you can use html tag here if you want to. $scope.icon = {}; $scope.icon.selectAll = '✓'; // a tick icon $scope.icon.selectNone = '×'; // x icon $scope.icon.reset = '↶'; // undo icon // this one is for the selected items $scope.icon.tickMark = '✓'; // a tick icon // configurable button labels if ( typeof attrs.translation !== 'undefined' ) { $scope.lang.selectAll = $sce.trustAsHtml( $scope.icon.selectAll + '  ' + $scope.translation.selectAll ); $scope.lang.selectNone = $sce.trustAsHtml( $scope.icon.selectNone + '  ' + $scope.translation.selectNone ); $scope.lang.reset = $sce.trustAsHtml( $scope.icon.reset + '  ' + $scope.translation.reset ); $scope.lang.search = $scope.translation.search; $scope.lang.nothingSelected = $sce.trustAsHtml( $scope.translation.nothingSelected ); } else { $scope.lang.selectAll = $sce.trustAsHtml( $scope.icon.selectAll + '  Select All' ); $scope.lang.selectNone = $sce.trustAsHtml( $scope.icon.selectNone + '  Select None' ); $scope.lang.reset = $sce.trustAsHtml( $scope.icon.reset + '  Reset' ); $scope.lang.search = 'Search...'; $scope.lang.nothingSelected = 'None Selected'; } $scope.icon.tickMark = $sce.trustAsHtml( $scope.icon.tickMark ); // min length of keyword to trigger the filter function if ( typeof attrs.MinSearchLength !== 'undefined' && parseInt( attrs.MinSearchLength ) > 0 ) { vMinSearchLength = Math.floor( parseInt( attrs.MinSearchLength ) ); } /******************************************************* ******************************************************* * * 2) Logic starts here, initiated by watch 1 & watch 2 * ******************************************************* *******************************************************/ // watch1, for changes in input model property // updates multi-select when user select/deselect a single checkbox programatically // https://github.com/isteven/angular-multi-select/issues/8 $scope.$watch( 'inputModel' , function( newVal ) { if ( newVal ) { $scope.refreshOutputModel(); $scope.refreshButton(); } }, true ); // watch2 for changes in input model as a whole // this on updates the multi-select when a user load a whole new input-model. We also update the $scope.backUp variable $scope.$watch( 'inputModel' , function( newVal ) { if ( newVal ) { $scope.backUp = angular.copy( $scope.inputModel ); $scope.updateFilter(); $scope.prepareGrouping(); $scope.prepareIndex(); $scope.refreshOutputModel(); $scope.refreshButton(); } }); // watch for changes in directive state (disabled or enabled) $scope.$watch( 'isDisabled' , function( newVal ) { $scope.isDisabled = newVal; }); // this is for touch enabled devices. We don't want to hide checkboxes on scroll. var onTouchStart = function( e ) { $scope.$apply( function() { $scope.scrolled = false; }); }; angular.element( document ).bind( 'touchstart', onTouchStart); var onTouchMove = function( e ) { $scope.$apply( function() { $scope.scrolled = true; }); }; angular.element( document ).bind( 'touchmove', onTouchMove); // unbind document events to prevent memory leaks $scope.$on( '$destroy', function () { angular.element( document ).unbind( 'touchstart', onTouchStart); angular.element( document ).unbind( 'touchmove', onTouchMove); }); } } }]).run( [ '$templateCache' , function( $templateCache ) { var template = '' + // main button '' + // overlay layer '
' + // container of the helper elements '
' + // container of the first 3 buttons, select all, none and reset '
' + // select all ''+ // select none ''+ // reset '' + '
' + // the search box '
'+ // textfield ''+ // clear button ' '+ '
'+ '
'+ // selection items '
'+ '
'+ // this is the spacing for grouped items '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ ''+ '
'+ // the tick/check mark ''+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'; $templateCache.put( 'isteven-multi-select.htm' , template ); }]);